Reality System

Chapter 5

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After digesting everything he heard and learned from the reality system Ren went inside his game capsule and went online.

He saw the familiar village in front of him and the first thing he did was to equip [Azmir's Ring] and [Demin's Sword].

In the beginning of the game no one had any skills untill level 20 and after level 20 until level 40 the skills just dropped from some monsters and boss' rarely because the game designers wanted the players to get familiar to the game world first and then start using skills... so everything was dependant on players' control inside the game over their body ... like how they swing their swords ,how they move their bodies to dodge , how much speed and footwork they use to fight, etc.

And this was exactly one of the advantages Ren had over other players as he was 15 years ahead of them, comparing him to other players were like comparing a grandmaster controller to a newborn baby who has no control over his body... and Ren was exactly going to use these advantages while he had them.

'let's get that skill no one's gonna get till at least level 70...' thought Ren inwardly as he started to swing his sword around in a masterful way... anyone watching it would marvel at the beauty of the moves he was pulling... after 2 hours of moving his sword around...

[Ding... congratulations for learning the passive skill [Sword Mastery], as you are the first person to learn this skill , [Sword Mastery] lvl 1 will be upgraded to lvl 4]

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[As you have learned this passive skill by yourself +1 level added to the skill, [Sword Mastery] lvl 4 will be upgraded to lvl 5]

Grinned Ren seeing this notification from the game system and he was little surprised too as he didn't expect to get a bonus reward for being the first person to learn the skill and then he opened the skill to see it's information.

[ [Sword Mastery]

Passive skill - lvl 5

8% increase in attack power and attack speed while wielding a sword.]

'awesome, now with this I'm more prepared to level up and built an OP game character' he thought.


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There was just one other hidden quest in the village... and obviously Ren knew exactly how to activate it as he had uncountable memories of game secrets. He didn't care much about this hidden quest but when he remembered he's broke and his family wasn't in a good financial condition so he decided to do it as it gave something everyone would kill for in the beginning phases of the game.

so he went to the place the person who gave the quest was at... and made a conversation exactly like in his memory and as expected he received the Hidden Quest...

[You have recieved a hidden quest.]

[Difficulty Level: B

Request: Kill The Troll King in 4 hours

Reward: determined by conditions, the number of people in the group and the time of the completion of the quest, basically the completion percentage of the quest.

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Quest failure: -2 decrease in levels in case of failure.]

Unlike other players who would have rushed if they received this quest ... Ren walked casually towards the area the troll king was at... it was true that it was almost impossible for other players to complete this quest even if they were in groups but Ren was confident in himself that he would complete it in at most 2 hours.


On his way to the troll ground while he was walking leisurely he saw a group of players fighing a level 5 boss monster... it seemed they were having difficulty fighting the boss ... they were soon doomed to be wiped out by the boss if nothing special happened... and truthfully Ren didn't care if they were wiped out or not.

What caught his attention was the leader of the group which was a beauty... it wasn't her out of the world beauty which caught his attention ... no actually, her beauty was what interested him but the thing that made him get serious and be truly interested in her was that young beauty's game name, her name was Radish... she obviously had no sense of naming... but that wasn't the point. He remembered the third person on the Mage Ranking List which was exactly this name, Radish. Also he had heard of her a lot in his past life... about her beauty and mostly about her game skill in playing the Mage Class. He thought he probably had her in game memories too but couldn't access it as it hurt his head greatly to think about a specific memory.

She represented lots of famous companies and received lots of money for the advertisement she did for them in his past life as he saw her couple of times on tv.

Right now she was holding a sword fighting the boss while leading the group.

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The famous mage gonna be was not a mage right now as she was too low leveled to choose a class so she was fighting with a sword.

"Well... this could be fate" said Ren grinning. " let's save the damsel in distress then... it's a good opportunity to know a beauty ... also I may be able to invite her to my future guild if she has a good impression of me... also who wouldn't fall for a strong overpowered character like me... hahaha."


Radish was sure they were gonna be wiped out soon but she still held on as she was a determined person who would never give up, she was one of those people who would try till their last breath.

"Rainingclouds you switch places with the tank , Peakawesomeness after Rainingclouds it's your turn to take the damage so be ready. Tank recover your health as fast as you can... everyone else focus on the boss and damage and try not to taunt the.... damn it Peakawesomeness how could you be so careless and be instakilled. " yelled Radish disappointed and a little angry. but she knew this was the inevitable outcome as the boss was too strong for the current them.

She predicted they were gonna last for at most 30 more seconds... unaware of the person who was watching them from beside...

"So it's finally my turn..." said prince Ren without his white horse.

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