Reality System

Chapter 6

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20 more seconds later after everyone other than Radish were wiped out and Radish's health were almost at the bottom... Prince Ren finally stopped watching and intervened "let's start the game of impressing the beauty then... here I come."


Radish was almost despairing as all her teammates had died and she would die too in at most 2 more strikes, but it was at this time he saw somebody dashing towards the boss she was fighting.

She was stunned as he thought 'who's this idiot??! why is he charging towards the boss alone... doesn't he care about dying and losing experience?'.

Ren had reached the boss and soon he was going to start attacking ... when he raised his sword .... "Run away you're no match for this boss it's too powerful , even with a group you woul..." Radish wasn't done talking when Ren's sword came down and struck the boss...


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[As you have hit the weak spot of the boss damage +190%]


"0_0..." was how Radish looked liked... she was speechless as she saw the damage... just one attack and almost 1/2 of boss's health was gone just like that...

she was more speechless as she saw what happened next...

The boss was enraged after he received such a high damage so suddenly from a puny human being... so he attacked with all his might .

"hmph... you're level 5 while I'm 20... still even if you were level 30 you would still be helpless against me." said Ren arrogantly as he wanted to impress the beauty and then he moved his body a little without moving his feet from it's place and dodged the boss's attack easily as if it was nothing... it was a really beautiful scene any girl watching it would fall for the moves... .

After dodging the attack Ren attacked again and hit the boss's weak point.

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[As you have hit the weak spot of the boss damage +193%]


All of the remaining health of the boss was gone just like that... it was too easy for Ren as it wasn't even the slightest of challenge for him.

[Ding... you have killed the level 5 boss monster K'mir... as your level is too high above the monster you won't receive any experience points.]

"So weak..." said Ren without an expression on his face.

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Radish was speechless couple of times ... it was speechlessness over speechlessness... it was a new level of being speechless... she was really startled by how easily he handled the boss as she thought she was one of the strongest players right now in the game but when she compared herself with this player she know she was faaaar from even being close to being the strongest.

She looked at his name and it was Syd... . She kept thinking how could someone be so strong when it hadn't even been a day since the start of the game when she suddenly remembered something... .

"Could it be he's that player... . that famous person who soloed a level 25 boss monster alone..." her heart trembled at the thought as she was really excited about it... everyone was looking for that player and she had possibly found that exact famous person. Anyway she still knew she first had to thank the person who saved her... then think about these things.

"Umm... Tha... thank you for saving my life... I would definitely remember this... "Said Radish as she still couldn't control her emotions that well about finding that person.

Ren thought she was so impressed by him she was trembling because she couldn't control her love at first sight for him so he was really excited too "It's okay... it was my duty as a gentleman to save a beauty in need ... so don't mention it... . also you can get the boss's loot too as it's useless for me."

"thank you... but weren't you there since a long time ago... couldn't you act a little sooner and ... " said Radish as she calmed down a little and was trying to think of the time she was fighting the boss with her teammates... .

"hahahahaha... you must've seen wrong... it must have been another passing player or some monster roaming around... my honor as a gentleman wouldn't allow me to just watch from aside..." Was Ren's answer as beads of sweat was pouring down from his face.

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"Is that so...? then I must have seen wrong..." said Radish without thinking about it any further as she thought it was rude to doubt her savior.

"execuse me for my rudeness... but are you that person that was announced in the world announcement who solo killed a level 25 boss monster?" asked Radish after some hesitation.

"..." Ren's expression turned serious as he thought about how clever this girl was "damn it... how can she be so smart..." thought Ren " but when I think about it... it was my own fault as I killed the boss too easily she would need to be an idiot not to figure it out ... I overpowered the boss tooooo much DAMmNnn it I forgot not to be too showy as I was thinking about the beauty."

As she saw his expression turn serious all of a sudden Radish was a little scared but she calmed down soon and thought his serious expression and his silence confirmed it. So she was sure she had met a legendary figure ... possibly the strongest player in the game right now.

"So you are that player... I'm honored to meet you Syd... and don't you worry... your secret is safe with me... I won't tell anyone you're that famous player as I know how this game world is... as I don't want my saviour to be killed over and over out of jealously" said Radish with a serious expression.

" is th... that so miss? thank you for keeping it a secret then...?" said Ren a little helpless and scared as he was doubting whether she was threatening him or assuring him .

"Okay then I guess I will be going ... as you seem to be fine now... and I still have things to do so... ." said Ren wanting to flee from here as he forgot about attracting her to his future guild and forgetting about love at first sight bullshit and stuff. Right now he just wanted to continue his way to the troll king and kill that bastard relieving all his anger and hatred on him. So he turned around to go away on his own way. but...

"WAIT... ." From behind him came the word he was most scared to hear right now.

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