Reality System

Chapter 7

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"What is it miss???" said Ren a little impatient. Ren didn't trust Radish and he thought she might expose him and he remembered clearly in his past life lots of experts were hunted down by other expert players until their levels and items went to nihility.

Sometimes it even went more overboard as he even heard from the news that some of these game fights were even brought to reality and some players were hunted down , assassinated or killed by some of the indignant rich players... as almost the whole world would be playing this game, all kinds of people would be in the game such as the mafia, assassins, rich people, young heirs to famous wealthy families, yakuza, government people, political people, army, police, etc.

So it could be expected that fights would be brought to reality easily, that was one of the reasons Ren always tried not to offend other people in the game as he didn't want to lose experience points, items or even worse ... his life and his family.

That was exactly one of the reasons why he didn't want to be exposed right now as he was too weak in real life and also he was scared for his family. So he wanted to get away from this ticking time bomb as soon as possible.

"Please don't be worried I told you your secret is safe with me I would never tell anyone who could possibly endanger your life , I promise, I never break my promises. I just wanna be friends as you're the most impressive player in the game right now. Also you can call me Radish. " said Radish with shining eyes.

"how can I trust your words?" said Ren with a serious face... he still didn't trust her as it wasn't something you could do when your life and family might be on the line.

"what other choice do you have? I already know your game character name and I could have revealed you already if I wanted to... but I'm not doing it am I?" Said Radish a little downcast about him not trusting such an honest girl.

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"That kinda makes sense..." thought Ren as he thought about what radish said.

"I won't ask for much, just add me to your friends list please so I could contact you when I need something or when you have something you might wanna sell or need help... or anything else, I would try my best." said Radish and immediately afterwards...

[You have received a friend request from player Radish. Do you accept it? Remember if you accept the request that player can contact you anytime she wants unless you put your status on busy, you can contact Radish anytime you want too.]

Ren was still hesitating a little about accepting her as a friend but in the end he throw caution to the wind "whatever... let's just accept her as a friend for now as she doesn't seem like a bad girl and also... I didn't hear anything bad or evil rumours about her in my past life." thought ren and then he accepted the request.

[Player Syd has accepted your friend request. Now you can contact him wherever you are or whenever you want.]

Radish was thrilled by the notification. "AWEESOME... thank you for trusting in me Syd... I won't let your trust down and I would never real you to anyone that might put you in danger."

"well... we will see about that as I don't really trust you right now... ." was the response from Ren.

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"Okay then I have other urgent things to do as I have already wasted some times with you... so bye." said Ren as he turned around and went on his way toward the troll ground.

"I'm sure we're gonna see each other again soon syd... I'm looking forward to it... bye for now." said Radish in a low voice that Ren didn't hear as he was already some distance away from her.


After walking for 10 more minutes he finally arrived at the Troll ground... the trolls here ranged between level 23 to 25. It was a nice place to level up and gain some experience points.

The exact location of the Troll King was unknown as it roamed the area, so Ren had to search everywhere and find the troll king... so he decided he would start killing the troll's and he might end up leveling up in the process.

Ren spotted two trolls beside each other... he dashed towards the two with his sword and attacked the right side troll.


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[As you have hit the weak spot of the troll damage +208%]


[because of the high damage the troll will be in a daze for 2 seconds.]

Like always it was a critical hit as Ren knew exactly where to hit to receive the most damage. But because the troll was at level 24 and his defense was higher than the level 5 boss monster the damage received was far lesser even though the success damage percentage was a lot higher.

But Ren was satisfied as every troll had about 4000 to 5000 health. he would need to hit every troll 3 to 4 times to kill. Which was considered awesome as the troll was 4 levels higher than Ren.

Other players at level 20 would need to make a team of at least 4 people just to kill a monster 2 levels higher than them.

After Ren's attack the troll at the left attack while the other troll was in a daze.

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Ren dodged easily as always like a fish in water. it was truly beautiful to watch... if Radish was here right now she would be so excited she might have asked Ren to let her follow him everywhere and teach her how to do these stuff.

After dodging Ren attacked the dazed troll again. this time he targeted the troll's eyes.


[As you have hit the weak spot of the troll damage +199%]


[because of the high damage the troll will be in a daze for 1 seconds.]

Afterwards the other troll attacked again but as always Ren dodged again, but immediately after that the dazed troll came out of the daze.

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