Reality System

Chapter 8

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The out of the daze troll attacked toward Ren's right shoulder but Ren swiftly moved just his right shoulder aside without moving his feet. The other troll too came and attacked but while quickly just moving one part of his body to dodge, Ren attacked the weakness of the troll and sent him into daze again.


[As you have hit the weak spot of the troll damage +201%]


[because of the high damage the troll will be in a daze for 2 seconds.]

[You have successfully killed the troll.]

[You will recieve x4 times experience because you have killed a monster which is 4 levels higher than you(maximum is 12 levels x12)]

[+1020 x 4 experience points received.]

Without paying any attention to the notifications he started attacking the other troll but... the pitiful troll never came out of the daze and was killed in a daze. As this one had more health than the last one, it died in four strikes from Ren.

[You have successfully killed the troll.]

[You will recieve x4 times experience because you have killed a monster which is 4 levels higher than you(maximum is 12 levels x12)]

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[+1020 x 4 experience points received.]


After that he continued killing the trolls, some were alone while some were in pairs ... . He had killed for two 2 hours straight but still hadn't found The Troll King... however he wasn't impatient in the least as he had killed monsters for days and months in his past life without doing anything else other than sleeping.

After one more hour of hunting as he landed his last sword attack on the troll...


[As you have hit the weak spot of the troll damage +203%]


[because of the high damage the troll will be in a daze for 2 seconds.]

[You have successfully killed the troll.]

[You will recieve x3 times experience because you have killed a monster which is 3 levels higher than you(maximum is 12 levels x12)]

[+1020 x 3 experience points received.]

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[You have leveled up.]

"Finallly... a level up. that took a lot of time." said Ren a little disatisfied.

Other playes would have cursed him to death if they heared what he just said as he had leveled up 21 times since the start of the game which had not been even a day, he had even logged out of the game for a few hours. it was already super fast to level up from 20 to 21 in three hours as the experience need to level up multiplied in level 20. A regular person would need days to level up once from level 20 onwards. A professional player or players with help and money would take at least a day to level up.

"Well ... whatever... now lets see my stats menu then distribute my AP to agility. " Thought Ren and then said "Stats menu."

[Ren Sydos]

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: [The First Killer]

Level: 21

Strength: 116

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Stamina: 67

Agility: 67
>>> 77

Inteligence: 18

Defense: 15

Ability Points: 0 (10 AP = 1 level up)

Skill Points: 40 (10 SP = 5 level ups)

Attack power from weapon: 33 ~ 56

Attack speed +10%

-Because of [Azmir's Ring] You receives 0.5 percent of the damage done to the enemy as health when your health is not full.

Lifespan: 670 years

Cultivated Realm: Mortality 1st stage

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other stats: N/A

"Nice... ." said Ren as he thought about his level up AP and the stats the items had added to him... while he was looking through his stats he suddenly realized something... why was his Cultivated Realm shown in the game... he was even more shocked to realize his name was also shown as Ren Sydos as the game should've shown only Syd as that was the character name he had chosen himself... . Other than those he was already confused by the lifespan stat before as it didn't exist in his past life ... . He suddenly remembered that the system may be able to answer his questions so he decided to ask.

"Boss... why is my Cultivated Realm shown in the game and why is my name Ren Sydos instead of Syd? We beseech thee, O Mighty Boss." said Ren in his consciousness with great respect as he was really scared of this shitty System erasing him.

[Oh those... I hacked the game ... the game is kinda under my control... so I changed your stats to your in real life stats.] said the Reality System like it was nothing.

"WHAAAAT? YOU CAN EVEN DOOO THAT?" said the shocked Ren yelling.

[Did you just call me you?] said the system and it was obvious from the tone of the voice that he was irritated and anoyed by this puny mortal.

"I... I mean boss... why didn't you tell me such an important thing before?" said Ren confused and a little angry, but he didn't dare to show it outside.

[Host did not ask this question before.] came the short and robotic response from the system like it was nothing but a system with no intelligence.

Ren was speechless as he thought the system was really cunning and useless as it would be intelligent beyond words when unnecessary but when he needs something truly... the system turns into an idiotic dumb robotic system.

"I see... so that's why boss... it makes sense." said the pathetic Ren while forcing a fake smile.

"But how did you even do that boss?... I mean how is it possible to hack the overall operator and manager of the game which is an Artificial Intelligence of the highest grade. it was something truly impossible to hack in my past life... even more as the AI beauty was considered a miracle AI that developed itself further into something truly uncomprehensible. No could possibly think of even controling the game in the slightest in my past life, even the game designers were helpless in the face this AI Beauty... so just how did you... I mean how did boss manage to do this???"

[Hmph... you puny human being truly see me so weak not to even be able to hack a little beauty?] Came the again intelligent voice from the system.

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