Rear-End Collision

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Intoxicated

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June 21, 2023Merchie

Pretty interesting. Chi Mingyao thought as he gazed at Li Yangxiao from afar. He liked interesting people.

So, after he stared at Li Yangxiao for a few more seconds, he pressed the car horn. The car emitted a short honk.

When Li Yangxiao heard this honk, he glanced back. He thought that it most likely had nothing to do with him, so he turned back around and continued smoking.

Chi Mingyao pressed the horn again. This time, the honk lasted longer than the last time. Then he turned on the car’s high beams. The tranquility of the little path was instantly lost amidst the bright light.

Li Yangxiao was also enveloped by this light, which gave off an air of rudeness. He immediately realized that the two honks from earlier and these high beams were directed at him. He turned around and squinted through the blinding lights to catch a glimpse of the Volkswagen — it was Chi Mingyao’s car; Li Yangxiao recognized it almost immediately.

He took a few steps back. He stepped out of the range of the high beams, before he leaned against the tree trunk, facing the car as he smoked the rest of his cigarette.

The high beams had already been turned off, and the path had recovered its original peacefulness.

The windows of Chi Mingyao’s car were closed. Li Yangxiao could not see inside the car, but he instinctively sensed a pair of eyes watching him.

Li Yangxiao thought as he smoked. This path was in an isolated place, and led to a dead end. No one who had not come to this bar specifically would pass through this area, unless they were lost.

It was very possible that Chi Mingyao had just come out of the bar. It was also very possible that he had watched Li Yangxiao dance earlier.

Li Yangxiao finished his smoke and threw the cigarette butt into the trash can. He walked toward the car–he was “willingly taking the bait”. In that instant, those four words flashed through his mind.

After walking a short distance, Li Yangxiao felt a little dizzy. The effects of the alcohol were probably beginning to surface.

He had not paid attention to the amount of red wine he had drunk. It was a little too much, he thought.

Huang Ying had always made fun of the way he drank his red wine with cola, calling it uncouth, but he always jumped at the opportunity to do so — for someone who was allergic to alcohol, the carbonated soda would accelerate the effect of the wine in the body; it would make him feel tipsy and dizzy very quickly. He liked that feeling.

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Li Yangxiao walked up to Chi Mingyao’s car, bent over and knocked on the window.

The car window slowly rolled down at the sound, and the beautiful contours of Chi Mingyao’s side profile were promptly revealed.

“What time is it?” Li Yangxiao leaned over the window and asked.

“11:27. I waited seven minutes for you.” Chi Mingyao reached out. In a seemingly meaningless gesture, he flicked the messy strands of hair over Li Yangxiao’s forehead, “Are you getting in? It’s on the way, I’ll take you home.”

Li Yangxiao caught a faint whiff of alcohol. He smiled, “It’s not good to drive drunk, is it?”

Chi Mingyao said: “I called a driver. He’ll be here soon.”

Li Yangxiao continued to smile: “I don’t think it’s on the way. I live quite far from here.”

Chi Mingyao did not say anything, and merely looked at Li Yangxiao.

The two gazed at each other for a few seconds, before Li Yangxiao nodded and said: “All right. Thanks, Young Master Chi.” Then, he pulled open the back door and got into the car.

Li Yangxiao had an inkling about what Chi Mingyao meant by this gesture, but there was also a vague sense of disbelief — Chi Mingyao did not like him very much, he was well aware of this. But he did not harbor any special feelings for Chi Mingyao either. A young master-esque figure like him was far beyond his reach. Admiring him from afar was fine with him. But if he could sleep with him, that would not be so bad either.

In truth, if it was just 419*, he would not lose out on anything. But right now, there was a problem that was making Li Yangxiao hesitate a bit– Chi Mingyao was not his type, although he had to admit that Chi Mingyao suited his tastes appearance-wise.

But he liked people who were gentle. It would be best if they were docile — then he would be in control of the rhythm of the relationship. And it was obvious that Chi Mingyao was not that kind of guy.

However, if he could sleep with Chi Mingyao, he would have many benefits that other people could not give him — provided that Chi Mingyao was willing to give them to him. Li Yangxiao was also well aware of this.

“You’re not going to act anymore?” Chi Mingyao sat in front of Li Yangxiao, and spoke up.

“I have to make a living first.” Li Yangxiao leaned his head against the backseat and laughed.

“I used to study design in France.” Chi Mingyao spoke to him as if they were simply chatting idly, “When I was preparing to get my master’s, my uncle got into a car accident. He was in charge of a homeware store. After that, everyone in my family was against me pursuing my degree. They had a vote on it at the annual shareholders’ meeting, and the result was that I was going to stay and replace my uncle.”

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Li Yangxiao did not know why Chi Mingyao had suddenly brought this up, but he was not averse to a conversation, so he asked naturally, “So you stayed and became the vice chairman of Mingtai?”

“That happened later. In the beginning, I was only doing home furnishing.”

“What kind of design did you study?” Li Yangxiao asked.

“Interior design.”

“That sounds fun.”

“It was very fun. The moment inspiration strikes you, it feels better than ejaculation.”

With those words, the atmosphere suddenly grew dubious. Li Yangxiao did not know how to reply to this.

It was too dubious. This feeling was like burning incense: the moment the stick was lit and sparks flashed, they quickly spread throughout the cramped car.

I added too much red wine, Li Yangxiao thought again.

After pausing for a few seconds, Chi Mingyao continued:” But I haven’t done anything design-related for a long time. Now that I’m in this position, I can’t go into such a meticulous line of work.”

“Ai, Young Master.” Li Yangxiao sighed, before he sneered, “You’re not trying to talk with me about dreams, are you?”

Chi Mingyao stared ahead: “What? Being an actor isn’t your dream?”

Li Yangxiao was silent for a few seconds, before he replied, “No.”

Chi Mingyao did not reply–the script he had planned out had been disrupted by Li Yangxiao.

“I do have a dream,” Li Yangxiao’s voice became light-hearted again, “to become the vice chairman of a corporation. To not have to worry about food or drink, to do whatever I wish, and to occasionally feel depressed about those unrealized dreams of the past. How great it would be to be a young master. It’s a pity that I won’t have any luck with this dream once I reincarnate.”

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Chi Mingyao was reduced to silence yet again, but this time, he was not angry. He merely laughed and said:” Li Yangxiao, you’re thinking of something much more interesting than I am.”

“No, no, no, please don’t get the wrong idea,” Li Yangxiao said as he leaned his head slantwise against the seat, “I’m a vulgar person. You’d better stop talking about dreams with me. Listening to this so late at night is sending me into a panic.”

The driver arrived soon after, bowing and apologizing, “Sorry I’m late.”

Chi Mingyao got out of the driver’s seat. He pulled the back door open and sat beside Li Yangxiao.

Li Yangxiao felt that uncomfortably chilly aura again. He unconsciously shifted sideways a little.

The car’s heater was set too high, so a thin layer of fog quickly formed over the glass. Li Yangxiao reached out to wipe it off before leaning against the glass and staring outside.

Chi Mingyao looked over and saw Li Yangxiao’s hand pressed against the window–his fingers were extremely beautiful, and the sight reminded him of those curled toes.

–If it were an orgasm, what would those fingers look like?

–If it were an orgasm, would he cry? Like that day, silently shedding tears.

Chi Mingyao felt that he had drunk too much. Two glasses of whiskey was not too much for him, but he did feel the kind of excitement that only came out while he was drunk.

He felt a reaction rising in his body again.

Drunken impulses were extremely difficult to control. Chi Mingyao was not a lecher, but he did not want to suppress his desires either, so he was going to allow himself to be honest in his reactions in this moment.

“A few days ago, I ran into a director,” The car started, and Chi Mingyao said, “He’s about to shoot a TV series. But the role of the sidekick is still vacant, and he’s been trying to find people to audition.

After Chi Mingyao finished speaking, he stopped. He wanted to see what Li Yangxiao’s reaction would be.

Li Yangxiao retracted the hand that was pressed against the window. He turned and looked at Chi Mingyao.

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–That was a face that was much more good-looking than Xu Yan’s, Chen Rui’s or even Song Chang’s.

Almost immediately, Li Yangxiao understood why Chi Mingyao had said this, as well as why he had paused–Chi Mingyao wanted to sleep with him, it could not have been more obvious.

It could have just been an ordinary one-night stand, but Chi Mingyao had given him a very enticing offer–this was not simply an opportunity for an obscure TV series: it also meant that he could help Li Yangxiao clear the barriers Chen Rui had set up for him. Then, he could open a door that was big enough for him to strut through.

Another trade, Li Yangxiao thought. Ai, since life was just an absurdist play, then he would not mind adding onto it.

Besides, if he could sleep with such a tangible, handsome young man like Chi Mingyao, that would probably be quite a vivid stroke of color on Li Yangxiao’s life.

So, he leaned back against the seat and tilted his head toward Chi Mingyao: “So what do you want me to do, Young Master Chi?”

Then, he heard Chi Mingyao whisper into his ear: “You don’t have to do anything. I’ll do it.”

Li Yangxiao smiled: “It’s a deal.” Then, he extended a hand to Chi Mingyao.

Chi Mingyao reached out and clasped it, but he did not immediately let go. Instead, he pulled his hand closer and gently kissed Li Yangxiao’s wrist. The sound of lips touching skin was tinged with sexual innuendo.

“Uncle Sun, find a hotel up front and stop there.” Chi Mingyao said to the driver.


omg just a forewarning, I’ve never done a sexy chapter before, so if the next chapter is shit, my apologies lmao

ALSO, I think it’s super cool Chi Mingyao studied design, I never expected it haha

I want to read the next chapter too so hopefully I can get it out soon~

Thanks for reading~

419 is “for one night”. You know, because ‘four’ = ‘for’, ‘one’ = ‘one’, and ‘nine’ = ‘night’ (kind of).

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