Rear-End Collision

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Tight Knot

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July 2, 2023Merchie

On the stretch between the car and the bed, Li Yangxiao felt that the alcohol in his body was reaching its most tumultuous point. His whole body was enveloped in a kind of dizziness. There was a moment when he even thought he was dreaming.

“Are you going to run away this time too?” Chi Mingyao took off his overcoat and tossed it onto the nightstand.

Li Yangxiao sat on the bed, his head leaning slantwise onto the headboard. He looked at Chi Mingyao and twitched the corners of his mouth, resembling a forced smile.

Chi Mingyao walked up to him, but he did not bend over. He merely lowered his head to look into his eyes, before reaching out and grabbing his chin, “Before you run away, use your brain to weigh the consequences.” He then took off the belt of Li Yangxiao’s overcoat and carried the clothing stand over to the side. He pinned both of Li Yangxiao’s arms behind him and wrapped the belt around his wrists and the clothing stand a few times before tying a tight knot.

This position was like that of an embrace: Li Yangxiao’s chin was touching Chi Mingyao’s shoulder; it was like he was encircled by his arms. But Chi Mingyao’s touch was not gentle. He had tied the knot quite tight, so that Li Yangxiao’s wrists and the clothing stand’s ice-cold iron pole were tightly bound together. It was actually a bit painful.

Li Yangxiao smiled and said: “Are you this scared of me running away?”

After Chi Mingyao was done, he rose and patted his left cheek twice. He then leaned into his ear and whispered: “I’m scared that you’re a reoffender.” Then, he turned and walked into the bathroom.

When Li Yangxiao was sitting on the bed, he really did have the slight urge to run away. He was suddenly a bit afraid that Chi Mingyao was a fan of sadism–otherwise, why would he tie the knot so tightly? Was this some kind of bondage play?

He felt a little nervous. He feared that in the next second,Chi Mingyao would pull out a little leather whip from God knows where. Then a scene came to his mind of Chi Mingyao violently lashing his back. It was too dramatic. He shuddered involuntarily, and a barrage of thoughts surged into his brain: my back hurts so much… will it leave scars… will I still be able to shoot nude scenes in the future…

The moment Li Yangxiao started acting out a scene in his mind, it would go on and on. In order to divert his attention, he began to scan the room. It was a very spacious suite. Near the corner, there were two gray cotton sofas. They looked very soft, as though someone who sat on one would sink straight into it.

Li Yangxiao stared at one of the sofas for a while, and suddenly thought that it looked very familiar–not just the sofa, but the entire scene and atmosphere all felt a bit familiar.

Then, with a shiver, he sobered up.

–He remembered: this was the hotel Chen Rui had taken him to last time!

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He stared at that sofa for a few seconds before very slowly craning his neck toward the bathroom — the clouded glass and the faint, hazy figure inside were all the same, only this time, the figure seemed a little taller.

A thought instantly flashed through Li Yangxiao’s brain: I’m dreaming!

He really was dreaming! How else could there be such a coincidence? What one thinks about during the day is what one dreams about at night; ever since he had been blacklisted, he often thought of the scene of him sitting on the bed that day. He would never have thought that he was actually in a dream and that the main character had changed from Chen Rui to Chi Mingyao.

For a moment, an ecstatic feeling lit up inside Li Yangxiao. He struggled, trying to make himself wake up–OW!

A faint pain was coming from his bound wrists.

It turned out that he was not dreaming… it was just a coincidence.

People in dreams can’t feel pain, Li Yangxiao thought, this is real.

As the greatest ecstasy collapsed into the heart of reality, he suddenly felt a bit sad: in that instant he thought he was dreaming, he had actually been so excited.

He suddenly realized that his mind was still so resistant to this sort of trade. It was just that in the face of beauty, he almost thought that he had been persuaded—he was just going to be fucked for a night. Then, his long-cherished dream of the big screen would be within reach.

It took him almost eight years of running in circles to realize that his path led to a dead end. But Chi Mingyao’s lighthearted words allowed him to see a door. It was such an obvious shortcut; to him, it was a fatal attraction–who would be content to spend the rest of their life working as a bar singer?

He suddenly recalled that night Song Chang had called him. What had he said? He could not remember clearly. It was something about needing to wait, and that he would take care of him… what was Song Chang doing now? Had he married his girlfriend?

He remembered that ring. The bright lights in the store had shone right onto it, radiant beams darting everywhere…

He had a slight urge to run away again. This time, it was real. Only, the belt tying his wrists was so tight; would he have to run away with the clothing stand? Would that alarm Chi Mingyao?

Li Yangxiao’s mind was like boiling water, bubbling and sloshing over these thoughts. He was so anxious that sweat had formed on his forehead.

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Then, he heard the sound of the bathroom door, followed by the wet sound of slippers walking on the floor. He looked up and saw Chi Mingyao getting closer and closer to him.

Chi Mingyao was bare-chested, revealing incredibly beautiful, defined muscles. The only issue was that Li Yangxiao was not at all in the mood to enjoy them–he was in a bit of a panic.

“You didn’t run away?” Chi Mingyao looked at him and smiled, pinching his cheek as though he were a pet, “What a good boy.”

Shit, Li Yangxiao thought in a panic. This time, he really would not be able to escape. He was already evaluating his chances of kicking Chi Mingyao to the floor and fleeing quickly.

But Chi Mingyao quickly pinned him under his body, still holding him in that embrace-like position. He untied the knot behind Li Yangxiao–then, he moved the clothing stand to the side and retied the knot.

“Young Master Chi,” Li Yangxiao steeled his heart and opened his mouth, “I…”

“Are you going back on your word?” Chi Mingyao was still smiling, “Earlier, I gave you a chance, but you didn’t run away. It’s already too late now.”

With those words, Li Yangxiao leaned down and lifted Li Yangxiao bridal-style.

The warm water in the shower sprayed over his head. Li Yangxiao’s body was instantly soaked through. He closed his eyes and thought: Forget it, I can’t escape. Just enjoy it.

Both of Li Yangxiao’s calves were pinned down by one of Chi Mingyao’s legs. His hands were tied above his head, and he could not move at all.

It was as though Chi Mingyao was caressing a vase; he leisurely covered Li Yangxiao’s body in shower gel.

Li Yangxiao’s body was extremely honest: under this sort of slippery, gentle touch, a reaction quickly rose within him. He was dizzy from the heated steam in the bathroom, and he was quickly overcome by intoxication again.

When his entire body had thoroughly relaxed, Chi Mingyao’s hand seamlessly traced all the way down Li Yangxiao’s spine, and without warning, he inserted a finger into Li Yangxiao’s anus.

“Ah–” Li Yangxiao’s mind cleared from the pain as he let out a shout.

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“Does it hurt?” Chi Mingyao asked.

“Yeah…” Li Yangxiao forced a single word out of his throat; just now, that single motion was just too painful.

“Be good. I want you to hurt,” Chi Mingyao quickly stuck a second finger inside, “Otherwise, it wouldn’t be any fun, right?”

“Fuck…” Li Yangxiao cursed from the pain, “You’re a pervert!”

“Why don’t you explain why you blocked me that day?”

Li Yangxiao was gritting his teeth from the pain, but his mind was unusually lucid: he never expected Chi Mingyao to want to argue about this matter. He had thought that Chi Mingyao would never seek him out on his own.

“Li Yangxiao, did you know, that if you hadn’t blocked me,” His hole had not yet fully expanded, but Chi Mingyao inserted a third finger, “You wouldn’t even need to sleep with me. Right now, you could’ve already passed an audition.”

“What… What do you mean?” Li Yangxiao asked through gritted teeth.

Chi Mingyao noticed the back of Li Yangxiao’s clenched hand. It was a very slim hand. Underneath his thin skin, one could even see the light indigo veins. They were very beautiful.

If a clenched hand like this one appeared onscreen, the owner of this hand would definitely be making love, Chi Mingyao thought as he gazed at it.

He pulled out his three fingers, pressing his own lubricated member onto the area between his buttocks.

Li Yangxiao tried to climb back up, a movement that showed he was so scared that he wanted to run away.

Chi Mingyao grabbed his arm with one hand and held his waist with the other, kissing his prominent shoulder blades. Then, he lined his shaft up with Li Yangxiao’s hole. He tilted his head to look at Li Yangxiao: “Do you want to cry?”

“Cry, your sister1!” Li Yangxiao closed his eyes and his brow creased. His expression was one of extreme impatience, “If you’re going to put it in, hurry up!”

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“Cry. You look very pretty when you cry. If you cry, I’ll be gentler.” Chi Mingyao was extremely patient.

“Fuck, will you shut up?!” Li Yangxiao opened his eyes and glared at Chi Mingyao.

Chi Mingyao smiled and placed another kiss on Li Yangxiao’s eyes. Then, with a thrust, he inserted his shaft.

The lubrication had not been properly applied, and the hole had not yet fully expanded. Penetration proved extremely difficult; the tight passage seemed adamant on squeezing the invading member out.

“Relax,” Chi Mingyao patted Li Yangxiao’s waist, “Relax, baby.”

Li Yangxiao was in so much pain that he was about to faint. His lips had already been bitten bloody. He felt as though he was about to die–he was about to be stabbed to death, how glorious.

It felt like a century had passed when the head finally squeezed into his hole. Then, Chi Mingyao hugged Li Yangxiao’s waist, straightened his lower back, and thrust all the way inside.

Li Yangxiao’s body instantly stiffened, squeezing Chi Mingyao so hard that it was a bit painful for him too.

“Stop squeezing so tightly, ” Chi Mingyao pinched his waist and said into his ear, “Don’t be impatient, it’s all yours.”



Did you all know that ‘lunch box’ is also a term for pp…

Thanks for reading~

This has a similar tone to ‘my ass’.

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