Rear-End Collision

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Waking Up

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July 5, 2023Merchie

This endless process continued deep into the night. Li Yangxiao could not remember when he had fallen asleep. Only, when he woke up the next morning, he discovered that he was still slumped over the bed on his stomach, his hands were still tied behind his back and his arms were completely numb.

Li Yangxiao could not care less about the faint pain that was coming from his rear end. In an instant, a terrifying thought sprang into his mind: Oh fuck… I couldn’t have become disabled from this, right?!

“Hey!” he called out to Chi Mingyao, who was still sound asleep beside him.

No reaction.

Li Yangxiao was getting a bit impatient. He did not even think before he raised his leg and kicked Chi Mingyao: “Hey!”

“… Mm?” Chi Mingyao was still drowsy. He turned away with no intention of waking up.

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Li Yangxiao had lost all patience. He could not care less about whether he got his industry resources or not. At this moment in time, his mind was filled with a scene of him having to amputate his limbs, which was really too terrifying. He yelled at Chi Mingyao: “Fuck, Lord Chi Mingyao, I’m about to become disabled from you tying me up like this, hurry up and untie me!

Chi Mingyao finally woke up. He looked at Li Yangxiao with half-open eyes and a slight frown: “What are you yelling for?”

“Untie me! You pervert! Fuck, lack of blood circulation leads to muscle necrosis, do you have any common sense at all, Young Master?!”

To be faced with an expletive-filled diatribe before he had even opened his eyes was a feeling that was a little too new to Chi Mingyao. He was different from most people who woke up cranky: the period of time right after he opened his eyes was when Chi Mingyao was least aggressive– the sharp blades that had been stowed away during his slumber had not yet been fully unsheathed.

Chi Mingyao actually did not shoot back with a retort. He propped himself up into a sitting position on the bed before flopping down beside Li Yangxiao to untie the knot. H even muttered: “Didn’t even tie it tight.” Then, he laid back down.

With difficulty, Li Yangxiao flipped himself over and lowered his head to examine his arms, which were so numb that he could not even move them… Good, the color of his skin was normal and the marks on his wrists were not too conspicuous. He just felt so uncomfortable, so weak, like he was paralyzed.

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He turned his head to look at Chi Mingyao, who had fallen back asleep, and he could not help himself from growing furious: So cold-blooded, is he even human? Does he think of himself as human? He tied me up for an entire night, yet he didn’t think about how it could turn me into a cripple?

In order to obtain those industry resources, all he had to worry about was the risk of having to amputate his limbs. He could only suffer in silence, swallowing back a bellyful of ridicule.

The blood circulation in his arm gradually returned to normal, and the numbness slowly disappeared as well. Li Yangxiao, who had suffered through the entire night, quickly fell back asleep.

When Chi Mingyao woke up again, he had already forgotten this little episode. He sat up, leaned against the headboard, and looked at Li Yangxiao, who was lying face up, fast asleep, and recounted everything that had occurred last night.

From the bar to the car, from the shower to the bed, it was too crazy. Every detail of this process carried a sense of madness.

He recalled how Li Yangxiao was slumped beneath him, and those fragmented sounds, as well as the thought of breaking the man beneath him that crossed his mind at the time. All of this seemed like a demented rhapsody. How could he have had such a thought?

As he showered, Chi Mingyao had woken up completely. He began to think about his next step. This was no ordinary one-night stand. It could not be called a normal barter exchange either — Li Yangxiao’s circumstances were a bit problematic; he could not solve everything by just giving him a role in a TV series. For this reason, he probably had to end the situation with Chen Rui, where they both looked down on each other but lived in peace.

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Chen Rui liked to hang around in the entertainment industry. For the past two years, he had also been in charge of Herui Media’s business relations. Chi Mingyao was not afraid of this kind of direct confrontation — it would probably happen sooner or later — he just did not think it was worth it.

Under the provocation of alcohol and a certain atmosphere, the reciprocity of this exchange had been completely overlooked. He had no clue where he had gotten the idea that he had to sleep with Li Yangxiao no matter what.

To be fair, Li Yangxiao’s body had indeed given him an incredibly wonderful experience, and his reaction seemed rather callow — Chi Mingyao did not know if Li Yangxiao had been acting at the time; otherwise, he would not have been tossing and turning late into the night.

Chi Mingyao wrapped himself in a towel and thought, Forget it, it already happened. I can’t turn back time. Going back on my word would be a little too insufferable. I’ll just deal with it.

While Chi Mingyao was showering, Li Yangxiao also woke up. Only after he could feel his arms again did the pain in his backside intensify.

It was then that he realized that he had actually used his body to complete a trade –yet not even a month before, he had loathed this kind of transaction.

Li Yangxiao sat up and listened to the sound of splashing water that was coming from the bathroom. He buried his face in the quilt: Ai, that was… so not Li Yangxiao.

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Chi Mingyao walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by the scene of Li Yangxiao with his head buried in the blanket. Near the top of his head, there was a small bunch of hair that was sticking up–for the first time in his life, Chi Mingyao witnessed what it meant when even the ends of one’s hair were permeated by regret.

Li Yangxiao made these feelings of regret far too apparent, so his entire body would echo those emotions.

A flash of annoyance crossed Chi Mingyao’s mind. He could not understand why Li Yangxiao was still regretting such an amazing bargain. Could it be that he thought that it was not enough?

“All right, stop acting like a virgin girl,” Chi Mingyao mocked, “Even if you were a virgin girl, you’re not losing anything by sleeping with me.”

Li Yangxiao had not yet pulled himself out of his own stew of emotions. He did not even think before firing back: “You’re not losing anything by sleeping with me either!”


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