Ch3 - Beautiful

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He sat up straight in surprise, and saw Chu Yuan standing in front of his desk, putting something slowly on his desk.

The teenager’s cheeks were white like clouds and soft like freshly baked bread, and there was an indescribable tenderness and fondness in his big, moist eyes and they carried a watery glow. 

Tang Ze Chi’s heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought to himself that Chu Yuan probably came to him for help with pursuing Zou Kai.

Thinking like this, he deliberately asked indifferently, “What’s wrong?”



Chu Yuan’s gaze fell on his right arm, where there was a long bloody gash.

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He remembered that Tang Ze Chi was injured by a gang of scoundrels with broken glass when he was working at the Internet cafe. 

Tang Ze Chi did not care about this injury at that time, resulting in a fifteen-centimeter-long scar on his right arm. Because of this scar, after graduating from college, Tang Ze Chi repeatedly was rejected in various medical examinations, and even missed the opportunity to work for the No. 1 e-commerce company in China.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tang Ze Chi was depressed for a long time, because it was his dream to work for that company.

Rbk atja tf’r yjmx lc atf qjra, tf wera rabq atlr ogbw tjqqfclcu.

Vfflcu tlw rajglcu ja tlr lcpegfv gluta jgw, Kjcu If Jtl atbeuta atja tf kjr vlruerafv rfflcu atf yibbvs ujrt, rb tf rcffgfv jcv rjlv, “Qtja jgf sbe ibbxlcu ja? Rfnfg rffc rbwfbcf oluta jcv yiffv? Qtja’r atfgf ab rff? Po sbe’nf rffc fcbeut, ub yjmx ab sbeg rfja!”

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While saying this, he pulled down his school uniform to cover his right arm, but Chu Yuan quickly grabbed his hand.

“Tang Ze Chi” Chu Yuan’s voice was soft, yet firm. “Come with me to the infirmary. Your wound is too serious, and if you don’t do something about it, it will leave a scar. Then it will be difficult for you to get a job in the future as this will affect your physical examination.”

Tang Ze Chi was stunned. The soft, warm and slightly sweaty touch caused his brain to shut down on the spot. He had fantasized about Chu Yuan’s touch countless times, but never expected it to be this good.


The place that was touched seemed to be zinging with high-voltage electricity, and everything seemed so sweet and exciting. 

The hand that Chu Yuan held heated up rapidly, and the blood in his brain rushed downwards that even little Tang Ze Chi stood up to greet Chu Yuan.

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Chu Yuan thought he wasn’t willing to go treat the injury, so he put on a straight face and used all his strength to pull him up. He said fiercely, “You need to go to the infirmary to treat this injury! If you don’t go, I will…”

“You, let go of me”

Tang Ze Chi said in a deep voice, as he calmly leaned forward a little, adjusting his excited and hard little guy. 

He was very annoyed. Why was Chu Yuan treating him like this now?

“What the hell do you really want?”

He said coldly, “What do you want me to help you with again? Just say it instead of playing with me like this. Want me to watch Zou Kai for you?  Or do you need help to deliver something to him? Or did Zou Kai mess with someone and you want me to help him solve it? Just say what you want, I’ll help you anyways, but don’t do this again. ”

He couldn’t bear to see Chu Yuan frown, so even if he asked him to die, he would agree without any hesitation. But he just couldn’t stand Chu Yuan’s behavior of getting close to him even though he was clearly not interested in him! 

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“No, Ze Chi, I’m not asking you to help me…”

Chu Yuan lowered his eyes to hide the pain in his eyes.


“I once heard from my uncle that if you have big scars on your body, it will seriously affect you in the future, whether you want to take up the civil service exam, or wanna apply to any big companies or even being a soldier…”

“I don’t want you to give up on your dreams because of this…Also, I’ve given up on Zou Kai, and won’t ask you to help me in the future…So, please come with me to the infirmary, okay?” 


T/N: Our gong seems way too excited~

And it bothers me that he’s ready to die if the one he loves just asks for it

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