RFSB Ch4 - Caring for him - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 lazyreader [Translator]5-6 minutes

Chu Yuan tried to suppress his feelings, but he couldn’t help himself.

The thoughts of Tang Ze Chi suffering in the future because of this scar swirled in his mind and he felt horrible. OSNjtP

Chu Yuan’s little head drooped aggrievedly, and his slender fingers started playing with his school uniform jacket signaling his unease. He bit his lower lip until it almost started bleeding from the bite, and he looked as if he was about to cry.

“All right.”

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Tang Ze Chi slammed the table and said sternly, “Don’t cry. Don’t bite your lips anymore, I’ll go with you. Don’t act like you’re being bullied.”

“Yes…” 0rDsYl

Hearing that he was willing to go to the infirmary, Chu Yuan immediately broke into a smile and his big cat-like eyes narrowed into crescents.

Tang Ze Chi coldly avoided his eyes, stood up and walked out, “Not going to the infirmary? Hurry up, class is about to begin.”

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“I’m coming, Ze Chi!”

Chu Yuan strode forward with his short legs, and chased after him.


Students passed by them one after another in the corridor, and when they saw Tang Ze Chi’s face, they dodged away as if he was a virus.

In his last life, Chu Yuan always kept his distance from Tang Ze Chi at school.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea atlr alwf, tf cfnfg fnfc kjcafv ab yf j mfcalwfafg jqjga ogbw Kjcu If Jtl jujlc!

Lf tfiv bc ab atf mbgcfg bo Kjcu If Jtl’r eclobgw rtlga, ktlif tewwlcu Ajs Jtbe’r cfk rbcu, jcv kjixfv obgkjgv klat mtffgoei ilaaif rafqr. X6Row5

Lf kjr rb tjqqs, tf vlvc’a fnfc vjgf ab vgfjw atja tf kbeiv yf jyif ab kjix klat Kjcu If Jtl jujlc ilxf gluta cbk.

Tang Ze Chi pursed his thin lips, his face was tense, and his eyes were gloomy.

They’ve arrived at the infirmary.

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Chu Yuan grabbed Tang Ze Chi’s arm through his school uniform, holding on to him tightly, for fear that he would run away, like a furious kitten at the vet. Tkh0tS

Chu Yuan pushed him on the chair opposite the school nurse, and stood behind him.

“Sister, please help treat my brother’s injuries…”

Chu Yuan blinked his big eyes and acted like a cute and obedient student to the school nurse.

With his “Sister”, the school nurse’s face bloomed, while Tang Ze Chi’s face turned even gloomier. PmYznd

“Okay” The school nurse said with a smile on his face, “Place the injured arm here.”

Tang Ze Chi took off the school uniform jacket from his right hand, revealing his bloodied right arm.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The school nurse’s smile visibly tightened and she lowered her head to meticulously treat his wound.

Tang Ze Chi’s wound was not simple, it looked hideous and gnarled like a centipede. wIMXZN

The flesh at the edge of the wound was violently torn apart by broken glass. Fortunately, his arteries weren’t harmed.

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Chu Yuan’s heart throbbed looking at it.

His eyes soon turned red, so he looked away uncomfortably.

Tang Ze Chi turned his head, only to see an indifferent figure holding his phone. dwWfRX

Sure enough.

The wound was almost bandaged, he coughed lightly, pretending to be casual and said, “I saw Zou Kai after school yesterday.”

As expected, Chu Yuan turned around immediately.

“I saw Zou Kai coming out of the movie theater with a girl who was wearing the No. 6 Middle School’s uniform.” WSDg K

Tang Ze Chi continued, but Chu Yuan did not have any reaction. Instead, he went past him and asked the school nurse,

“Sister, is my brother alright?”

His concern showed in his words.

“He’s all right, but remember to take anti-inflammatory meds every day for two weeks, and also to change the dressing on his arm regularly. Eat light food and make sure to keep the injury dry. The oral medicine…” HcT8lS

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“Wait a minute, sister” Chu Yuan suddenly interrupted her, “Do you have any paper and pen here? I want to write it down!”

“I have some here”

The school nurse’s gaze soon turned meaningful and finally with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, she said, “Here, here you go.”

She handed Chu Yuan the paper and pen and asked Chu Yuan to write down the number of times for taking meds and also the precautions for changing and dressing the wound. coIlkA

Chu Yuan wrote down quickly and carefully, and small, italicized words quickly filled the sheet of paper.

Tang Ze Chi’s fist clenched and then loosened, what exactly is Chu Yuan up to now?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chu Yuan didn’t notice Ze Chi’s thoughts, so he asked after writing it down, “Sister, do you have any scar removal ointment here? My brother’s injury is a bit serious, and I’m afraid it will leave a scar, which will affect him in the future.”


T/N: Since tomorrow’s my birthday, I’ll upload a chapter tomorrow too, hope you don’t miss it~

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