RFSB Ch8 - Helping him - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 lazyreader [Translator]6-8 minutes

The next day,

Chu Yuan walked into the classroom with deep dark circles. It was already two o’clock in the morning when he got home last night and then he couldn’t fall asleep as he was so excited that Tang Ze Chi agreed to his request. LNldhB

When Tang Ze Chi entered the classroom, he felt someone staring at him. As soon as he glanced back, the person looked like a deer caught in headlights then soon looked away while covering his face with a book.

He looked just like a teenager who was in love for the first time.

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Men were very easily agitated early in the morning and Tang Ze Chi’s stomach tightened because of Chu Yuan’s gaze. Alarm bells started ringing in his mind and he turned his face away indifferently, and stopped looking at the culprit who distracted him effortlessly and made his heart ache.

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The morning study session began, up3DM7

When class starts, the Chinese teacher will test the recitation and interpretation of Chinese literary texts. In addition to the three articles in their textbook, there were another ten additional articles.

Everyone was preparing themselves for it, and Chu Yuan was no exception. In the whole class, only Tang Ze Chi was writing in his physics exercise book calmly.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He felt that the time he gets to study is precious, and starting to learn the literary texts now and not learning are almost the same, since he’s bound to get nearly the same score anyway. So he didn’t want to waste his time on Language.

“Zjgdelr bo Alc, Hlc Db yfrlfufv Itfcu, obg tlr lcrbifcmf ab Alc


jcv yfmjerf tf kjr lcofglbg ab Jte…”

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Rfjg atf fcv bo mijrr, Jte Tejc’r vfrxwjaf We Kljc qbxfv tlw, “Jte Tejc, ifa wf gfmlaf Alcu Bf’r jrrjrrlcjalbc bo Blcu Hlc ab sbe. P’w cba ojwliljg klat atlr qjga. P kjca ab qgjmalmf la…”

Xu Tian is a handsome, quiet and academically inclined student. In his last life, Chu Yuan couldn’t understand him at all since he was very studious, so he automatically distanced himself from him. Now that he thinks about it, he really shouldn’t have done it.

“Okay” Chu Yuan turned to the page where Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin, and turned his back to Xu Tian, “You can start now.” cisO8M

After Xu Tian stumbled and finished reciting the full text, Chu Yuan nodded, “You are not very familiar with this paragraph, it’s the first paragraph of Jing Ke’s letter to Fan Yu Qi. Look through it again, the rest was all very clear.”

“Okay, thank you…”

The Chinese teacher walked into the classroom amid the sound of the students turning the pages of their books, with an ugly expression on his face. When the class president stood up and was about to ask the class to stand up, the teacher stopped him. “We are short on time today as we have so much left to do. It’s gonna be a race against time, so I’ll keep things short. The results of the last monthly exam came out, and most of the students did well, but a few students’ results were really bad! Tang Ze Chi, Wu Xue Yuan, Xia Qi, Zhou Peng Xiang, the four of you, stand up! You four are seriously holding the class back, so I hope you can reflect on why you did so poorly in the exam! Tang Ze Chi, you scored too poorly in the classical literature section, you lost marks mainly in the recitation of the literary texts and classical poems! Wu Xue Yuan, your essay is too bad! You should focus…”

The language teacher was standing and talking on the podium, and Chu Yuan’s mind started wandering. Tang Ze Chi is actually not stupid, but his foundation in Chinese language is too poor. CnH Lr

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If someone can help him learn the basics and give him some lessons on it, his grades will definitely improve quickly.

Ah, he can help Tang Ze Chi with that!

Although his grades are not top-notch, it was more than enough to help Tang Ze Chi with the basics.

Mmm, it is more convenient to sit together and tutor him in the Chinese language. After class, he has to ask the head teacher to change seats. 5ERcBA

The Chinese teacher finished analyzing the bottom four test papers in one go and sat down in the first row, “Okay, let’s start with the recitation again, Tang Ze Chi, you come first. Recite the Hongmen Banquet.”

Oh no. Chu Yuan was more nervous now than when his name would be called. In his last life, Tang Ze Chi was not very interested in the language subject. After the students were shuffled into different classes, he concentrated on science, and didn’t pay much attention to Chinese. The teacher was very angry now. If he couldn’t recite the text, he would definitely be kicked out of the classroom. Chu Yuan’s nervous heart was about to jump out, his palms were sweaty, and he didn’t know how to help Tang Ze Chi. He was still thinking of something to do, as Tang Ze Chi stepped up to the podium.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

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Tang Ze Chi’s luck was good today. Last night before going to bed he casually opened his book and read a text, which was fortunately the “Hongmen Banquet”. But the text was too long, and when he got to the fourth paragraph, he stopped reciting as he couldn’t remember after that.

The Chinese teacher looked at him seriously. The class fell into a dead silence, and the air in the classroom became tense. VdemCN

Chu Yuan was so anxious, he silently mouthed the next words several times to Tang Ze Chi, but since the distance was too far, Tang Ze Chi couldn’t see clearly at all.

Chu Yuan was as anxious as an ant in a hot pot.

When he was at a loss of what to do, he suddenly glanced at the marker on the windowsill.

There it is! umWBq2

T/N: Does anyone else feel like Chu Yuan knows more about Tang Ze Chi for a guy who ‘didn’t love him kept his distance from him’ ?? Or I am the only one who feels that way 

Thank you everyone for your kind words , you guys are the best!!

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