RFSB Ch9 - Into a warm embrace - Chrysanthemum Garden

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 lazyreader [Translator]5-7 minutes

Chu Yuan took the marker, and wrote “So Zhang Liang went to the military gate to meet Fan Kuai”, and raised his notebook from his seat in the back row.

Tang Ze Chi glanced at it calmly, as he remembered the next part, and continued to recite the article. yLN2 q

He recited the whole text fluently after that, and the Chinese teacher asked again, “What does the ‘distance’ in the second paragraph of ‘Away from the pass, without the princes nearby’ mean?”

Tang Ze Chi thought for a while, and then answered correctly, “’Distance’ here means to refuse, to guard.”

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“Very good.”

The Chinese teacher asked a few more questions, and Tang Ze Chi answered them unhurriedly. The teacher was finally satisfied and let him go down. 1ya2zg

The rest of the Chinese class was very tense, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the class finally ended.

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Chu Yuan walked quickly to Tang Ze Chi’s side and whispered, “Tang Ze Chi, I have something to tell you, come out with me.”

Tang Ze Chi followed him outside, to the stairs where there was no one around. Chu Yuan sat on the steps and waved to him, “Come here.”

Tang Ze Chi sat down beside him, like a loyal knight waiting for the prince to give orders, but unexpectedly a soft hand touched him.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Chu Yuan’s hand looked like white jade and his touch was extremely soft and delicate, with a seductive undertone to it.

Llr tjcv ygertfv jujlcra Kjcu If Jtl’r raloo jgw, wjxlcu tlw rtevvfg jr tlr afwqfgjaegf gbrf.

Pc jc lcrajca, Kjcu If Jtl kjr vlragjmafv, jr jii tlr jaafcalbc kjr obmerfv bc atf abemt, jcv atf rfcrjalbcr bc tlr jgw kfgf wjuclolfv.

Coafg j wbwfca, tf gfjmafv jcv lwwfvljafis ugjyyfv Jte Tejc’r rifcvfg kglra jcv gfragjlcfv tlr tjcv, yea rbbc ifa ub jr lo tf tjv yffc fifmagbmeafv. ib0VfB

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His tone was deliberately fierce as he said, “What are you doing?!”

“I’ll help you apply the medicine.”

Chu Yuan was not afraid of his anger. In his last life, he was deceived by this man who was cold outside and particularly warm inside. When Tang Ze Chi wanted to say something, he glanced at him with a blank look, while holding onto his arm tightly, “Don’t move around.”

Chu Yuan was firm with his words. Gxp4NK

He put Tang Ze Chi’s injured hand on his lap, and gently lifted the school uniform up, opened the iodine bottle he had brought, and dipped in a cotton swab and gently applied it to the wound.

From where Tang Ze Chi was sitting, he could see his long eyelashes, his face which was as delicate as a porcelain doll, and his extremely distressed and overly cautious expression.

Tang Ze Chi clenched his other fist unbearably.

Chu Yuan was too close to him, and he couldn’t stand it. ydpBet

“Almost done?” He asked in a deep voice.

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Chu Yuan was afraid of hurting him, so he moved very carefully, was particularly gentle, and even blew on his wound from time to time.

When his gentle breath brushed against Tang Ze Chi’s skin, the veins in his forehead bulged out. As Chu Yuan applied the medicine, a drop of the liquid flowed down Tang Ze Chi’s arm, and was about to stain Tang Ze Chi’s school uniform. mIt4aR

Chu Yuan reached out quickly and gently wiped away the dark liquid with his fingertips.

When the young man’s warm fingertips brushed over his arm, Tang Ze Chi who felt like he had used Chu Yuan without his knowledge, stood up and said, “Enough.”

“Tang Ze Chi, don’t leave, I still have to tell you something…”

Chu Yuan grabbed his hand coquettishly and pulled him back to the steps. ZdH61K

Tang Ze Chi shook his hand off and said coldly, “Then talk”

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Chu Yuan stared at him, as he said softly, “Tang Ze Chi, my parents took me to have my eyesight checked last week, and my myopia has gotten worse. As I’m sitting in the back right now, I can’t see the blackboard very well, so I wanted to sit next to you, can I…”

The more he talked, the less confident he became. Only a pair of big fawn-like eyes looked at Tang Ze Chi silently, as he stared at him pitifully.

No one could refuse Chu Yuan when he looked at them like this, let alone Tang Ze Chi. SG4IeC

“Whatever you want.” Tang Ze Chi said.

Chu Yuan didn’t expect him to agree so easily. He wanted to cheer in joy and hug him in surprise, but the class bell rang right then, so they had to go back to their classroom first.

By the time the students’ morning classes had ended, Chu Yuan had already talked with their head teacher about changing his seat, and was happily bringing his things over to the desk beside Tang Ze Chi.

As Chu Yuan was quite weak, he made a lot of noise when he moved the table. There weren’t many people in the class now, so it was fine. s8WXK1

Halfway through, he stood in the aisle to catch his breath and wiped his sweat.

After resting for a moment, he was about to continue moving his desk when he suddenly bumped into a wide chest behind him and was brought into a warm embrace.

“You’re so noisy. Get out of the way. I’ll do it.”

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