"Do you want me to take a shower?" Zhang Fangyuan raised his arm and smelled himself: "I just washed earlier, but there is a smell of wine on the clothes. Do you smell it?"

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Xu He didn't know what was wrong with it, so he didn't have the nerve to go over and smell it, and went back to bed by himself.

    Seeing him taking off his shoes, Zhang Fangyuan was obviously more excited, and regardless of the smell of wine, he directly took off his clothes.

    "You... you why do you take off your clothes when you sleep? It's not summer yet!"

    Xu He was very surprised to see Zhang Fangyuan take off his pants so quickly, he had never slept with a man before, he didn't know if his father took off his clothes when he slept with Liu Xianglan, but in short, he had never seen his father shirtless when he left the bedroom.

    He was obviously shocked by the way the man lived.

    Zhang Fangyuan was also very sincere: "I usually sleep shirtless when it's hot, and I don't take it off when it's cold. But today I'm married, how can I sleep without taking off my clothes?”

    Xu He's face was hot. Although it was not the first time he saw him shirtless, he was still a little embarrassed. He took off his shoes, socks and coat, and lay down on the side of the bed first.

    The weather in March was the best, neither hot nor cold, just right to cover with a quilt at night. The quilt under his body was soft, and the quilt covering him was also very loose. He felt very comfortable when he sank into it.

    Zhang Fangyuan also hurriedly climbed onto the bed. It was originally a spacious bed, but he felt a lot cramped once he got on it.

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    The two were also forced to get very close, and they could clearly hear each other's breathing. Zhang Fangyuan drank a lot of wine, and his body was already a little dry, but now he suddenly became tense, and his whole body became even hotter.

    He couldn't take it anymore, turned over and pressed onto Xu He's body, and met a pair of shocked eyes in an instant.

    Suddenly there was a large mass of weight on his body, like a few thick raw logs suddenly pressed on his body, Xu He was a little out of breath, and was frightened!

    Zhang Fangyuan’s powerful body covered him, and he seemed to have no strength to restrain him. The naked chest was attached to his body, and the skins touched. The strong and elastic muscles made him unable to resist, as if he could feel the pulse beating of the blue veins.

    "I...can I do it now?" Zhang Fangyuan's voice became hoarse. He had been hungry, but looking into Xu He's eyes, he was worried that people wouldn’t be controlled by him, and he would be unhappy when the time came.

    So he still violated his conscience and sent out the application: "Is it possible?"

    Xu He didn't understand why, and the fear gradually appeared in his pupils.

    What happened to Zhang Fangyuan? It was like a different person suddenly! Could it be that Liu Xianglan's words became a prophecy, and his face changed when he had become a relative, and could it be that he wanted to fight him.

    If that was the case...he definitely couldn't beat him.


    Zhang Fangyuan saw that Xu He hadn't spoken for a long time. Although he was irritable, he knew that his wife didn't talk much, so he was always patient when he waited for him to speak.

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    He thought it was because of embarrassment, but when he saw the fear and sorrow in Xu He's eyes, he was at a loss for a while.

    "What's wrong? Don't you want to?"

    He hurriedly got off Xu He, knelt on the bed and watched the man who was lying stiff, scratched the back of his head.

    The look in Xu He's eyes really frightened him.

    But yes, they just held hands and suddenly did these things, which was really hard to accept for a while. But after thinking about it, wouldn't it be more troublesome for those who only obeyed the orders of their parents and arranged by the matchmaker, and only met on the day of their marriage.

    Then did they perform the ceremony of husband and wife on the night of their marriage? Zhang Fangyuan almost scratched his head. He was too embarrassed to ask about this matter, and if he asked, he might not be told.

    Zhang Fangyuan went to pull Xu He's hand flatteringly: "I'm a little anxious, don't be angry."

    Xu He saw that this man seemed to have changed from a hungry wolf to a big dog waiting for his master to eat. He regained his composure , looking at Zhang Fangyuan's eyes, and opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say: "Don't you turn off the light when you sleep?"


 "Ah... yes..." Zhang Fangyuan hurriedly got out of bed to turn off the light, and the room fell into darkness for a moment, and it became extraordinarily quiet.

    Xu He felt that after the person next to him lay down, he carefully slept next to him and didn’t continue to pounce on him, but he still put his hand under the quilt and held his hand.

    Slowly, he calmed down: "Did you...just want to hit me?"

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    Zhang Fangyuan's spine stiffened, and he suddenly sat up from the bed: "Why do you think so? You’re the one I married carefully!"

    Xu He also sat up, and on the moonlit night, the room was still dimly lit. He faced the person in front of him with his head slightly lowered, and his voice was a little soft: "But you are so scary just now." 


Having said that, Zhang Fangyuan fell into self-blame, feeling his heart was clenched: "I was so excited after drinking, I couldn't help it, I'm sorry."

    Xu He didn't know why, why couldn't he help it, If you couldn't control your temper after drinking, would you want to beat someone? He was really puzzled, so he asked out loud.

    Zhang Fangyuan suddenly fell silent.

    He was thinking about how to explain his needs and desires so as not to appear so nasty, but in the end he couldn't resist saying: "Didn't your mother teach you?"

    This sounds a bit like a curse, but Xu He was still not angry. He faintly sensed that Liu Xianglan should have too many things to teach him before he got married, but like his position in the Xu family, it was really difficult for Liu Xianglan to fulfill the duties of a mother.

    What was more, when he got married, the two of them tore their faces apart, so even if his eyes were blackened, he couldn't go back and ask her about it.

    He said honestly, "No."

    Zhang Fangyuan gritted his teeth, and instead of blaming Xu He for his ignorance, he felt sorry for him.

    It was fine if his mother didn't guide him about this kind of thing, at least let him know that there was such a thing. Ordinary families may not send their children to read and write, but pre-marital education was indispensable.

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    "It's okay, I'll just teach you."

    Xu He was full of doubts, Zhang Fangyuan suddenly put his arms around his waist, hugged him and lay down. Leaning in Zhang Fangyuan's arms, he could feel the beating sound in his chest.

    Leaning in his arms, Xu He asked in a low voice, "That's it?"

    "Uh...of course not."

    "Didn't you just say you were going to teach me?" Xu He had always been studious.

    This made Zhang Fangyuan a little embarrassed. The two of them could have completed the task of husband and wife ceremony silently, but he was asked to teach it temporarily. He really... couldn't help but scolded Liu Xianglan.

    "Well...tomorrow, rest early today." Let him do some mental construction and think carefully about how to speak.     


Xu He tilted his head to look at the person: "You're too tired today, so you can’t?"     

"Then tonight... let's try."     

Xu He took a breath, and Zhang Fangyuan turned over, half the night without sleep.

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