The next day, Xu He woke up slowly when he heard a few distant and quiet rooster crowing.

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    Zhang Fangyuan's family didn’t raise small animals, and the only thing that reminded people of dawn was the habitual waking up. He went to bed late last night, so he got up a little late this morning, and it was already bright outside.

    Normally, Xu He would have to go to the field in a stick of incense after waking up.

    He moved his body and wanted to get up, but he obviously felt uncomfortable.

    There was a long leg on the waist, hooking him from the waist down, the shoulders were also circled, and there was a furry head on the shoulders, like a cotton doll that could only be hugged by a small child to fall asleep... But... the way the person holding his doll could sink someone to death.

    He wanted to push the person, but instead of pushing, he pulled the painful part of the body. It was as if his body was bruised and sore after carrying a heavy load, and the pain behind his lower back made him blush.

    Xu He thought, this didn't seem to be much different from being beaten, it was just that the person who did it was not angry.

    He really didn't understand why the married woman and ge’er were still blushed and felt that life was very happy. If he had to suffer like this every day, he really couldn't laugh.

    Hadn't they been stabbed with a big stick? Last night he was in so much pain that he yelled out loud. Zhang Fangyuan stopped his movements, but he was still reluctant to let him go.

    He said: Let's go through a cutscene first, get acquainted with it, and then...

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    what? wasn't it enough?

    Now he suspected that the bastard Zhang Fangyuan was really teaching him, but this kind of thing was simply beyond his cognition and tolerance, how could he open his mouth to ask others whether he was right or wrong? He had no friends, no reliable relatives.

    This time was really miserable.

    Fortunately, he was married to Zhang Fangyuan, if it was another man, it would be better to let him die.

    He was troubled in his heart, thinking that he should sleep in a separate room. Seeing that Zhang Fangyuan didn't sleep very comfortably. In the past, he must have slept in a big bed and let him stretch out. Of course, he just complained a little in his heart, but in fact he couldn't decide this matter.

    Couldn't push it, this big man!

    It was time to get up and cook, and he felt restless, so he took out a hand and wrung Zhang Fangyuan's arm hard.

    "Pain, pain, pain!"


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    Xu He's ears turned red, as if he yelled like him last night.

    Zhang Fangyuan opened his eyes and looked at the clear-eyed person: "Why did you wake up so early?"

    "It's not early in the morning, you put your arms and legs back, I should go to cook." Xu He pushed him: "Don't you go to your stall in the city?"

    Zhang Fangyuan rubbed against Xu He's shoulder in a hoarse voice, annoyed by getting up, "I haven't gone to buy pig yet, and I won't go in two days."

    "Why don't you go?"


Zhang Fangyuan couldn't help pinching Xu He's face: "Which man wants to run outside just after getting married?"

Xu He didn't answer him: "Then you sleep again, after a while, I will call you when the meal is ready."

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This kind of treatment was very good, but Zhang Fangyuan didn’t marry someone back to serve him: "I will get up when you get up." After saying that, he got out of bed and quickly got dressed.

    Seeing that Zhang Fangyuan was alive and well, Xu He was glad that he got up with him, but he showed embarrassment. He sat up slowly, endured the discomfort, and put on his clothes slowly.

    The door of the bedroom was opened, and a gust of fresh wind blew in, which made people felt comfortable physically and mentally.

    Zhang Fangyuan looked back at Xu He who got out of bed: "The weather looks very good today."

    Xu He responded, gritted his teeth and walked over. Zhang Fangyuan looked at the man who tried his best to cover up, but still couldn't hide the awkwardness of his walk, and his mood was not very clear.

    He touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, the result of his teaching "illiteracy" last night, resulting in terrible results for both of them.

    Zhang Fangyuan walked over a few steps, and suddenly hugged Xu He up by the waist.

    "What are you doing!?"

    Zhang Fangyuan didn't say a word, and carried him to the middle hall, and put him on a cushioned chair: "There are a lot of dishes left in the banquet, and I can light up the fire and warm it up, which is enough for the two of us to eat."

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    After speaking he went into the room and took out the gift box that of the gift money from yesterday: "I haven't had time to count the money yet, so you count it here."

    Xu He was moved, so he forgave Zhang Fangyuan for the time being, and decided tonight...and in the future... slept in separate rooms first.

    He liked to count money very much, and the heavy feeling of the money made him very stable. The gifts money from the wedding banquet was copper coins, all of which were put in the box. There were dozens of tables yesterday. Although most of the tables might be seated by one family, there were quite a few families.

    Xu He patiently counted the money one by one, strung them up with a hundred coins in a hemp rope, and placed them in the jar. Every household had a jar for saving money, and everyone called the jar "piggy bank".

    The piggy bank of a small family was a pottery pot with a handle, with a big belly and a small neck. If you had more money, you had to use jars. Rich people put copper coins in several jars. He heard that those wealthy households even had special cellars to store money in their homes.

    When he was in Xu's house, he also had a piggy bank the size of a teapot, which could hold up to three hundred copper coins, but even so, he never filled it up.

    Seeing so much money this time, he couldn't help but put his hand into the pile of money and felt the temperature of the copper coins for a while.

    The gift money received this time had a total of 2,600 copper coins.

    "Xiaohe, it's time to eat."

    Zhang Fangyuan put the empty box in the middle hall, and took a large jar of copper coins and put it aside. It was good to fill the money box with copper coins. Seeing that there was a lot of money, it was really inconvenient, so he still had to go to change it into silver and bank notes for safekeeping.

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