A Vicious Woman

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The sky was gloomy, and drizzle was falling.


   The white luxury villa is visible in the rain. The scents of blooming flowers and grass are everywhere.


   A thin figure is lying on the ground in the spacious living room, holding a rag, carefully and diligently wiping the floor.


   Xia Yanxuan straightened her stiff body, lifted the hair in front of her eyes with her hand and exhaled heavily, cheered up, and continued to work hard to wipe the floor.


  Suddenly, a pair of heels with long white legs appeared before her eyes.


   She lifted her head, looking at a figure leaning on the sofa. The woman’s hair was long, dark, and wavy. A stylish black lace shirt shaped her slender body.


   Xia Yanxuan bit her lips, hesitated for a long time, and said carefully, “Miss Fang, could you please lift your feet?”


   Fang Qin lifted her face. Her long slanted eyebrows and demonic pair of eyes showed annoyance. Only to hear music on her tablet seems to be the end of the game.


   Fang Qin threw away the tablet. She stood up in anger and grabbed Xia’s collar. She looked at her angrily. “How dare you disturb my game? Don’t you want to live?” 


   Snap! –


   The palm of her hand had swung towards Xia Yanxuan without mercy, slapping her tender cheeks severely.


   Xia Yanxuan covered her red and swollen cheek. Her eyes were full of fear, and her body was trembling slightly. “Ms. fang, sorry. I’m sorry.”


   Fang Qin stretched out her hand and fiercely pinched Xia Yanxuan’s cheek. She screamed, “Sorry? Damn you bitch, look at yourself. Why did I let Yan Lei marry you? If it weren’t for you, I would have been Mrs. Qi now. Tell me! Why do you have the right to occupy that position? What do you have? Shameless bitch.” Then she gave Xia Yanxuan another heavy slap in the face.


   She fell in love with Qi Yan Lei three years ago, but Elder Qi had forcedly married Qi Yan Lei to Xia Yanxuan. That makes her very resentful. She is from a well-known family of nobles, while Xia Yanxuan is an orphan with nothing. She is a doctor, while Yanxuan didn’t even finish high school. 


   In terms of appearance, she is beautiful and elegant, while Yanxuan is only plain and simple without anything to compare. 


   She is the cloud in the sky, while Xia Yanxuan is like the mud on the ground that everyone tramples on. 


   Losing to such a woman made her more furious.


   “Miss Fang…please…stop. It hurts so much.” Yanxuan’s cheeks were swollen and marked in red with purple. The blood from the corner of her mouth was continuously flowing downward.


   Fang Qin narrowed her eyes and increased her strength with an angry face. “Still screaming! Then I’ll let you scream more! I’ll let you beg for mercy! You dominate the position of Mrs. Qi.” She slapped her face from left to right without mercy.


   Yanxuan struggled and pushed Fang Qin out of instinct.


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   Fang Qin fell to the ground and got up from the ground. She did not expect that a submissive little sheep would dare push her.


   “How dare you push me? You bitch!!!”



 The anger that had been hiding in her heart for a long time exploded.


   “I… I didn’t mean to…” Yanxuan said. Her face was full of shock, and her originally beautiful face was miserable. The blood flowing from the corner of her mouth stained her entire chin. Also, her hair was stained with tears and stuck to her face.


   Yanxuan’s eyes were full of tears. She stood up trembling and wanted to run. However, Fang Qing grabbed Yanxuan’s hair and pulled it back hard. Fang Qin picked the tablet, and without any doubt, she smashed it into Xia Yanxuan’s head.


   Bright color blood slowly slid down to the corner of Xia Yanxuan’s forehead, staining her eyes and her face.




   The pain slowly became paralyzed. She could not feel the intense pain anymore. Yanxuan’s eyes gradually became blurry. She smiled as if it was the end and slowly fell backward.


   In a room with a white wall, a window was open. The cool breeze of early autumn gently blew towards the face of a lying woman on the big bed.


   The sleeping person is wrapped in white gauze on the forehead slowly opens her eyes.


   Pain! This is the first feeling that Liu Qinxi feels when she wakes up. The intense pain in her cheek and the corner of her forehead made her brow furrow.


   She remembered that their car drove not far from the parking lot, then she felt something strange about the car. This was the first time that she sensed danger. She got out of the vehicle. The car was speeding through a few hundred meters before a loud boom sent her into the darkness.


   She can’t believe that she didn’t die, she should celebrate with three laughs. She can continue to bring disaster to the world. Ha! Ha! Ha!


   She glanced around and did not see the familiar figure, and her heart was vaguely lost.


   What is this place? She braced herself against the pain, leaned back on the pillow, and surveyed her surroundings.


   At this time, the white door was pushed open, and a tall figure man walked in.


   He is wearing gold-rimmed glasses. His appearance seems handsome and elegant. Seeing those sharp eyes under the glasses, you can tell that he cannot play a good role here. Two women, old and young, followed him.


   “Who are you?” Liu Qinxi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes were full of wariness. Where the hell is this place? Who the hell were they? Could it be that she had been kidnapped? Numerous questions appeared in her head.


   “Ahhh.” Sudden violent pain in her head, Liu Qinxi’s face turned pale, and she hugged her head painfully with both hands. A scene of unfamiliar memories rushed into her head like a surging tide.



   In the white hall, a demure woman was holding a bouquet. She looked lovingly at the handsome man in front of her with a happy smile on her face.

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   While the man’s mouth was hooked in a mocking smile. A trace of coldness in the eyes behind the glasses. Slowly walked in front of the woman and whispered into her ear. The woman’s face instantly became pale, and then he walked away. 


   The woman’s trembling hands held the flower tightly and ignored the thorns that had pierced into her palm. She was still looking at the man’s back, who had gone away. Behind him is the constant whispers and jeers of the guests.



    This ring doesn’t belong to you. I will not put it on you because you don’t deserve it. His cold words rang in her ears. Left standing alone, she cries silently. Tears keep coming out of her eyes. 


   The man embraced another gorgeous woman and walked blatantly in front of her. The woman had annoyance in her eyes, as well as smugness, while the middle-aged woman looked prickly and abusive.


   A scene like in a movie quickly flashed in Liu Qinxi’s mind until the two memories slowly fused. Liu Qinxi’s eyes were full of disbelief, but there was no other way than just to believe.


   She slowly raised her hand to her eyes to see. It was a pair of white hands with long fingers. Because of spending a long hour doing housework, the palm was covered with thin calluses.


   But these hands are by no means compared to her hands, although her hands also have thin calluses. She also takes care of herself and uses many moisturizing products to keep her hands tender and smooth.


   For her, studying medicine is a never-ending process in science and practice. Hard to believe that there is such a thing as a borrowed body in this world of civilized technology. Unexplainable and unbelievable, but this thing has happened.


   Qi Yan Lei frowned at Xia Yan Xuan and saw her staring at her hands.


   His handsome face swept a trace of displeasure. Eyes narrowed, common and vicious words spilled out from his mouth, “You hurt Fang Qin today?” 


   The bruises on her face and the swollen eyes that only had a slit left were deliberately ignored.


   She slowly tilted her face up and looked at his handsome face. The corners of her mouth tugged upward slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm.


   How do you see yourself as a victim, and this man questioned himself right and wrong?


   This is the person that you have loved for three years. And these people you cherished betrayed you. Now they abandon you like a piece of trash. You are so dumb and stupid!


   But from now on, I will put an end to it. From now on, I will be a new Xia Yanxuan that will no longer be bullied and obsequious.


   I will take back what belongs to you and trample all the people who have bullied you underfoot. 


  To not be bullied, you should and need to have the strength to bully people. Fate is always in your own hands.


   The sharp black eyes behind the lenses make the man frightening. 




   “This woman dares to look at him like this. This woman’s heart is so weak. You know she must have done something wrong. Look! She has hurt Qin Qin.” Monther Qi said with a sarcastic face, pulling up Fang Qin’s arm to let Qi Yan Lei see its bruises.

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   “Auntie, I’m fine. Yan Xuan didn’t push me on purpose. It was my fault that she got angry when I accidentally rubbed my shoes while she was wiping the floor. And if I hadn’t dodged, she wouldn’t have fallen and gotten hurt also” Fang Qin, faced with guilt, looked at Xia full of tears, showing that kind of pity.


   What do you mean by turning black and white? Could it be that her fall would also make her face swollen up like this? Xia Yanxuan’s lips hooked up a trace of cold. If she is at the party now, she will applaud them. This drama is also too bad.


   “Since you believe in her words, what’s the difference if I answer you back or not? It doesn’t make any sense at all.” The words tugged at the injury on her cheek, causing her to frown slightly.


   Fang Qin was slightly stunned and looked at her suspiciously. Shouldn’t she be crying and defending herself? Thus she’s making Yan Lei hate her even more?


   Qi Yan Lei looked at Xia Yanxuan coldly, and there was a trace of surprise in his slightly narrowed black eyes. Her eyes are still the same, but it is no longer dull and lonely. She seems to have changed.


   This woman has always been scheming, not only jealous but also vicious. In the past three years, servants have complained in front of him, and he has seen some things with his own eyes. 


   Pretending to be so innocent and pitiful in front of him, as if she was the victim. This time, no matter what tricks she plays, he will not believe her. He had had enough of it all these years.


   “Yan Lei, you see, she admitted it. Now, she even beat Fang Qin. Next time we don’t know if she will do it again. “Mother Qi patted her chest with a fearful face.


   Fang Qin gently hugged Mother Qi and patted her back to comfort her. “Don’t be afraid, aunty! If she dares to bully you, I will fight with her.” The charming eyes glanced at Xia Yanxuan, and the bottom of her eyes was full of complacency.


   “Qin Qin, you are so good! If only Yan Lei had married you in the first place, how good it would have been.” Mother Qi looked at Fang Qin, patted her arm, and sighed.


   Fang Qin glanced shyly at Qi Yan Lei and pouted, “Aunty, don’t say that. I am very grateful to you for being so kind to me.”


   The two people continued to sing and act in unison.


   Qi Yan Lei coldly took out the divorce agreement prepared long ago from his pocket. 


   When he received the phone call from his mother. Qi Yan Lei decided that today, he must end this woman. Whatever happens, no one can change his decision now.


   He quickly signed the divorce agreement and a check worth $10 million, then threw it to Xia Yanxuan. 


   “Let’s divorce!” 


   After saying that, he turned away as if it was superfluous to look at her again. He did not want to listen any more of her explanations, and he did not want to see her disgusting face.


   10 million? The first thing you can do is buy a woman’s three years of sacrifices for you, and 10 million can return a human life?


   Once Qi Yan Lei left, Fang Qin reversed her pitiful appearance and revealed a smug smile.


   “Get up and get out of the Qi family. Why are you pretending to be dead!” She stepped forward and tried to pull up Xia Yanxuan, who was lying on the bed. However, before she reached Xia Yanxuan’s arm to pull, Xia Yanxuan grabbed her arm.

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   Fang Qin did not expect Xia Yanxuan to hold her arm and try to break free, but she could do nothing.


   “You! Damn it! You let go! Let go! Do you hear me?” She picked up her other hand that was not restrained and wanted to hit Xia Yanxuan in the face.


   “Slap!” There was a loud slap in the room, and the one who was hit was surprisingly the usually arrogant and indomitable Fang Qin. A purple-red palm mark quickly appeared on her face.


   Fang Qin looked straight at Xia Yanxuan with a dumbfounded face, unable to believe that the poor little girl who was usually bullied by herself and never dared to say a word hit her.


   “You – how dare you to hit me?” Fang Qin caressed her red and swollen face and shouted in a frantic and shrill voice.


   “What? I can’t hit you?” As Xia Yanxuan spoke, another slap was drawn out.


   “Slap, slap, slap!” One slap after another like no mercy.


   Mother Qi was stunned, and so did the servants who were guarding the door, all of them looked at Xia Yanxuan like a ghost.


   It wasn’t until Xia Yanxuan was exhausted that she stopped. At this time, Fang Qin’s beautiful face was blue and purple, and her charming big eyes shrunk into a small slit. Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, blurring his entire chin.


   Xia Yanxuan looked at her work and shook her head in disappointment. If it was the former self, with just a light tap, this woman’s face would not be able to be preserved.


   Or shoot a silver needle to make her incontinent.


   I’ve only slapped her a few times now. I’m so kind.


   Reaching out to hold Fang Qin’s chin, he patted her already miserable face and said coldly, “If you dare to be disrespectful to me in the future, you won’t be able to keep your little face.”


   Fang Qin’s body trembled slightly, her eyes were filled with panic, “I’m sorry! I…I… was wrong.” She is the devil. She must be the devil.


   Xia Yanxuan shook off Fang Qin’s chin and elegantly held up the sheet to wipe off the blood-stained on her hands. As if it’s just a painting that was accidentally smeared on.


  She walked towards them slowly but powerfully.


  Fang Qin and Mother Qi watched Xia Yanxuan walking towards them and retreated in disbelief, their faces full of fear, “You ­­– what are you going to do?”


Xia Yanxuan’s cold eyes didn’t have a trace of expression. She showed a wicked smile, picked up the pen on the table, and quickly signed the divorce agreement. Then she threw it on Fang Qin’s face.


  With a proud smile, under the terrified eyes of everyone, she stepped out of the door like a queen. Taking the suitcase that the servant had already prepared


   She walked out of the cage, where Xia Yanxuan had been trapped for three years.


------End of Chapter 1------

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