Encounter on a rainy day

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The wind is blowing. It is raining heavily.

Xia Yanxuan dragged her simple luggage in the heavy rain, hobbling on the road illuminated by dim streetlights.

The cold rain drenched her clothes. It slid down her hair, down her forehead, and her vision gradually blurred as the rain slid down the stream. The injury on her forehead and face was more painful under the rain.

She walked step by step, her head was getting dizzy, feeling her body gradually weak, and her eyes were slowly becoming blurred.

In the distance, a black Mercedes Benz saloon car, from a distance and near the cloak of rain and comes.

Brush! Driving through a puddle of water on the road, the caravan splashed a splash, cutting a less than perfect arc.

The man’s face expressionless looking out the window rain, the ice sculpture-like face, extraordinary indifferent appearance, and calm and steady temperament emitting an invisible sense of compulsion, people look and fear.

“Squeak–” an emergency brake, the car came to a violent stop.

Mo Chen frowned unhappily and asked icily, “What is it?”

“Old…boss, there’s a man lying on the ground in front.” Driver Xiao Li felt the low air pressure from the rear and had long been scared to the point of cold sweat and limb weakness.

“Go around.” Cold and ruthless.

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“Yes! Boss.” Xiao Li swallowed hard and started the car again.

Xia Yanxuan felt an intense light shining on her, she lifted her head feebly, saw the headlights not far away, and her eyes squinted slightly because of discomfort.

She braced herself and staggered to her feet. She knew that the car in front of her was her only hope. If she gets rained on again, maybe she will have to say goodbye to the world once again.

The car braked once again.

The original condensed atmosphere added a few more chills.

Little Li warily said, “Old… boss, she is blocking our car.” I hope the boss will not fire himself; he also has no choice, can not drive to hit people.

Mo Chen raised his eyes to look, only to see a woman whose face could not see, hair messy, hands spread out in front of his car. The messy hair blocked her face, but her eyes contained an unwavering light, like star-like glitter.

In Xiao Li’s dismay, Mo Chen pushed open the car door, a leisurely and powerfully oppressive force.

Like a hawk falcon, the cold and sharp eyes emit a ghostly light like a snowy mountain.

“Get out of the way!” Icy tone, even colder than his eyes.

Xia Yanxuan’s face was without any expression, she just looked at him, and his eyes confronted her until the darkness hit her again.

Early in the morning, outside the Qi family villa was surrounded by reporters. They held microphones, followed by the staff carrying cameras. Their eyes tightly Qi family carved iron door, as long as the front of a movement, they will be the first time to rush up.

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Some well-intentioned people revealed that Qi’s president Qi Yan Lei had signed a divorce agreement with his wife Xia Yan Xuan yesterday. This news came out, the whole press world stirred, whether it is entertainment, finance, society wants to get the most accurate first-hand information at the first time.

The carved gate of the Qi family villa slowly opened, and a bright silver-gray Mercedes-Benz drove out from inside at a steady speed.

The reporters rushed up like a tidal wave, trapping the car firmly in the center.

“President Qi, I heard that you and your wife, Ms. Xia Yanxuan have divorced. Is this news true?”

“President Qi, will you spare a little time to accept our interview?”

“President Qi…”

The reporters were picking at the car windows, and the car was almost inching away.

“Boss!” The driver softly asked Qi Yan Lei’s opinion in the back.

Qi Yan Lei glanced at Fang Qin beside him, seeing her swollen and bruised cheeks, a hint of fire shot out from the eyes behind the lenses.

Last night, when his mother angrily pulled Fang Qin, who had a miserable face, into his study, he finally saw Xia Yanxuan entirely and utterly. The woman used to pretend to be a victim, but she finally revealed her true form this time.

Initially, he didn’t want to embarrass her too much because of his grandfather’s face. However, he now felt that that kind of woman did not deserve any sympathy at all.

“Stop the car!”

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The car stopped, Qi Yan Lei pushed open the car door and walked down, extending his hand to take out Fang Qin, who was sitting inside.

Seeing them come down, the microphones in the hands of the reporters were quickly handed up. Some of the quick reactions pressed the camera shutter click click click click! The lights were flashing, the two kissings it shots to the record.

“President Qi, I am the reporter of Business Weekly. May I ask if you and Ms. Xia divorce is true? Can you give us a definite answer?”

“President Qi…” all kinds of questions came one after another.

Qi Yan Lei waved his hand to indicate silence, and the scene instantly quieted down.

The reporters’ eyes were shining, and the eyes of all the media reporters were focused on the two.

The corners of Qi Yan Lei’s mouth rose slightly, his expression calm, “Yes, I signed a divorce agreement with Ms. Xia Yan Xuan yesterday, and I have left the specific matters to my lawyer.”

The scene was in an uproar.

“President Qi, then you divorce her because of Ms. Fang’s relationship? Did Ms. Xia inflict the injury on Ms. Fang’s face?” A sharp-eyed reporter found the bruises on the face of Fang Qin, who had been keeping her head down.

This statement from the crowd has to focus their eyes on Fang Qin’s face.

“I’ll answer this question.” Fang Qin lifted his head and looked at the reporter with a frank face.

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Fang Qin took off the sunglasses she wore on her face, and her whole face looked even more bruised and appalling.

She smiled faintly, showing that kind of pitiful face, “Thank you for your concern, journalists, and friends. If I say that the injury on my face is a fall, you will not believe it, right? Moreover, it’s also disrespectful for me to say that.” She had lived in a luxurious family since she was a child, and she was handy at answering the reporters’ tricky questions.

She glanced at the reporters’ reactions and continued, “Everyone guessed correctly, Ms. Xia Yanxuan indeed inflicted my injury, but I don’t blame her.”

“I didn’t expect this, Ms. Fang, to be quite kind.” Someone said.

“Kind, my ass! She deserved it, who told her to hook up with someone else’s husband. The marriage is not yet officially divorced, and she can’t wait to go out with him.”

“Well! That’s true. If my husband hooks up with a mistress, I’ll scratch her face and let the whole world know how shameless she is.”

A glint of fire slipped through Fang Qin’s eyes, her hand slightly squeezed tight, but the smile on her face didn’t change as she said, “Maybe some people will say that you are a mistress and you deserve to get beaten. But things are not like that. In fact, Yan Lei and I were classmates in college, and we fell in love a long time ago. You are all elites in the journalistic world. I think whether I say panic, everyone already knows it by heart.” This apparent praise took the reporter’s body and mind comfortable.

“At that time, Yan Lei and I had already decided to get engaged, and both parents had met. However, just when I was waiting to be a bride, Yan Lei called to tell me that his grandfather had decided on a fiancée for him, and we had tried, but…” Here her tears slowly slipped from the corners of her eyes.

“I once thought that as long as Yan Lei could live a happy life, I would be satisfied…”

She took the napkin that was handed to her and wiped her tears, and continued, “One day, I received a call from Ms. Xia Yanxuan, and she asked me if I blamed her. She said she was guilty and wanted to make it up to me. Under her thousand pleas, I walked into Qi’s house once again, but I didn’t expect her to ……” seemingly thinking of the scene then, she caressed her face and cried out in pain.

“Miss Fang is convenient to reveal what it is?”

“Miss Fang, what exactly did Ms. Xia do to you?”

“Excuse me, everyone.” Qi Yan Lei blocked the reporters’ questions, helped the emotionally disturbed Fang Qin into the car, closed the door, and whispered to the driver to drive.

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