Chapter 3: Re-entering the Game

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“Cough, no one lack sense of direction as much as you.” Lu Yang swiftly said.

Shen Mengyao instantly blushed. From a young age, this was her biggest kryptonite in her life. She couldn’t handle people making fun of her. Fortunately, she reached the girls’ dormitory.

Shen Mengyao quickly walked to the entrance and turned to look at Lu Yang. Currently, the little girl was in a very bad mood.

“Crying wolf, thank you for sending me back to the dormitory.” Shen Mengyao stood at the entrance of girls’ dormitory and said with her small mouth.

“…” Lu Yang was embarrassed.

“I didn’t cry. There really was sand in my eyes.”

“Sure~ Sure~, I know~ I know~.” Shen Mengyao replied, the small expression on her face was clear that she didn’t believe it.

“Alright, I’m a crybaby. My name is Lu Yang, Lu for mainland and Yang for Sun.”

“My name is Shen Mengyao. I’m very happy to meet you today. I hope we can meet again. My roommate is still waiting for me. Can’t talk anymore, see ya.” Shen Mengyao said apologetically.

“Ok, bye.” Lu Yang said.

Looking at the back of Shen Mengyao as walked into the dormitory, Lu Yang happily thought, “Silly girl, we will meet soon because we are classmates, and soon you will come to me on your own initiative.”

Actually, it only takes 5 minutes to way from the university gate to the girls’ dormitory. Lu Yang took Shen Mengyao around the campus for half a circle. He believed the girl would soon find out.

In his memory, the fate of the two of them in his previous life started from her asking for directions. Unexpectedly, it was the same in the present life. Lu Yang couldn’t help but clench his fist. He cannot have leave any regrets.

However, suddenly Liu Jie’s sneer appeared in Lu Yang’s mind. He thought that after 5 years, Liu Jie would take away everything that belonged to him. his heart was full of urgency. He wanted to become stronger and protect all this. What he could do now is to enter <Second World> as soon as possible.

Looking at his mobile phone, there was only half an hour before the game opens. Lu Yang turned around and went back to the game helmet store near the university gate.

The game helmet was divided into three levels; A, B, and C, which correspond to the picture clarity. The cheapest among them was C-class. Although you could only enjoy 70% of the game screen and it cost 1000 credits. His budget was more than enough to buy it.

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He got back home, locked the door and wore the game helmet on his head while lying on the head. In a flash, bio-electric waves in the game helmet connected with Lu Yang’s brain.

“System detection…”

“First landing, brainwave scanning, binding… Information entry…”

“Binding back card…”

After a series of familiar and unfamiliar voices of the processor ended, Lu Yang entered a golden hall.

A huge screen appeared in front of him and a mechanical sound appeared from the screen.

“Hell, dear player, welcome to <Second World>. The game helmet has bound your basic information. The game will start in three minutes, please create an account.”


The screen flashed, and three distinctive castles appeared in front of Lu Yang.

“Please choose your race.”

There are three main races in <Second World>. The first race was of the Human race which flew blue and white flag, and their main city was St. Gall. The second race was of the Orcs as the flew bloody flags, their main gathering place was the Ruling Fortress. And the last race was of the Elves with their main city, Golden City with golden flags flying over the city.

“The Human race.”

Seven distinctive characters appeared on the screen.

“Please choose your profession; Mage, Warrior, Thief, Hunter, Priest, Warlock or Paladin (exclusive to mankind).” The mechanical voice asked.


Lu Yang used to be a mage and was a fire elemental specialist. For this profession, he had devoted a lot of time to learn and get used to the skill regarding the fire element. He almost had an obsessed passion for fire.

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“Profession choice completed, please name your character…”

“Lu Yang.”

T/N: He really used his real name as his character name. I might change it later on, so as to distinguish his game character and real-life. For now, we’ll stick with it.

“Please adjust your appearance.”

Players can adjust the appearance of the game on their own, but only one chance was give. Lu Yang thought about changing to the appearance of his past life, where he fell. He would climb from there.

“The face has been modified.”

“The character will be automatically generated, please be patient…”

Three seconds later, a human mage wearing an apprentice’s coat and was holding an apprentice’s staff appeared on the big screen.

Next was the Mage’s various attributes.

“The character is automatically generated and countdown will begin.”






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“The game had started. Will you enter the game?” The mechanical voice asked.

Lu Yang firmly said, “Yes”

The surroundings twisted, Lu Yang and his character merged into one, and was transmitted to a huge city. Saint Gale.

Once again, familiar images of his past life were in front of him. The tall blue mage tower, the solemn golden cathedral, the bloody and passionate training ground, the cold and solemn assassin’s base and the majestic King’s Castle.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful.”

“The city is really big.”

Many players appeared in the square and they admired the beauty of the buildings in St. Gale city.

Looking around from the square, the four straight street could be seen. On the streets, there were NPCs, chatting, trading, etc. they acted like ordinary people.

T/N: NPC stands for Non-Player Character

“Their characters are too realistic.” Some players tried to talk to the NPC and found that the NPC conversation mode was almost no different from a real person. They could answer all kinds of information about the holy city they know. If no other players existed, the player would think that this was reality.

Looking at more and more players’ expressions. Lu Yang’s face showed a smile as he was remembering his past memories.

“It’s really nostalgic. St. Gale, I really came back!”

Without much sighing, Lu Yang ran to the north of the city. He knew all about his early novice assignments and the locations of all the good places. But he didn’t intend to these tasks.

As a reborn, it’s not too much to also do the same task as ordinary people.

Now, Lu Yang was going to do the task that he regretted for a decade in his previous life. Only when he’ll get the reward for this task, he would be able to save himself and his family. It could also be regarded as relieving his fate’s curse.

The city of St. Gale was situated on a vast expanse of flowering plains. On the north side of the city lied a vast bottomless canyon at the junction of the north gate and the plains.

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Lu Yang ran all the way to the edge of the cliff. He looked left and right and found nobody. He came to the location of his past memories and decisively jumped down.

If anyone jumped over the bottomless cliffs, they would die. But soon after Lu Yang fell off, the branches growing on the cliffs were breaking his fall.

The branches broke one after another.


Although it was impossible to stop Lu Yang from falling, it could reduce the speed of him falling. He continued to fall and broke many branches.



Every time he hit the branches, Lu Yang would suffer an injury. Just before he was about to die, he finally landed on the ground. A heavy -20 injury left him with just the last drop of blood.

Lu Yang couldn’t help but patted his chest. He thought in his heard that it was fortunate that he still remembered where he fell from his past life. Otherwise, he had to try again for several times until he could survive the fall.

System Hint: You found the Sunset Canyon.

Looking at the surroundings of the valley, it as his past life, surrounded by cliffs. Under the cliff on one side was a huge golden yellow tree with golden color fruits. The fruit’s skin was thin and transparent, and the juice was clearly visible. Even people who weren’t thirsty would be eager to have a taster of the tender fruit juice.

T/N: Future Abbreviation

EXP = experience points

HP = health points

INT = intelligence points

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