Chapter 4: Regaining the Treasure

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Walking through the golden trees, a huge cave appeared in from of him. In the cave, there was an old man with withered face, and his grey hair grew till the back of his waist.

The old man was only wearing a rag coat, and his limbs were skinny. He was trapped in a dark red rock with four huge dark red chains locking him in.

Although the old man was a mess, his identity was quite powerful. According to the information Lu Yang collected in his past life, this old man was one of the four devils of hell, the God of Fire, Karldas.

Karldas, who had an immortal body after the defeat of the first World War, was locked here by the Gods. The tree with golden fruits at the entrance of the cave was the incarnation of Karldas. As long as someone picks the fruit and gave it to Karldas to help him recover the energy, he would give the player a treasure that could grow into a God level equipment – The Devil’s Heart.

In his past life, Lu Yang walked up to the old man and asked with pity, “Old man, how can you be trapped here, need help?”

The old man did not speak, but just eagerly watched the hanging fruit on the tree at the entrance.

“You want those fruits? I’ll fetch them for you.”

Lu Yang went to the tree, reached out and picked all the golden fruits and returned to the old man. He said, “Old man, I’ve picked the fruit for you. Eat it quick.”

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Looking at the tempting fruits in front of him, the old man couldn’t keep still. With his mouth, he inhaled all the fruits picked by Lu Yang and chewed them up.

After he had eaten all the fruits in one breath, his face showed a satisfied expression. He looked up at Lu Yang and said, “Young man, who are you, why are you here?”

Lu Yang was embarrassed, he scratched the back of his head and said, “I am an adventurer. I accidently fell off the cliff but fortunately the branches on the cliff help me survive the fall.”

The old man said, “I can’t think of you as a lucky person, since you came here. It showed that this was the will of the Heavens. You helped me regain my energy to save my life. I’ll then give you a gift as my appreciation. Here, take it.”

The old man appeared in front of him with a crimson heart in his hand.

Devil’s hear (level 0)

Endurance: +1

Strength: +1

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Agility: +1

Intelligence: +1

Physique: +1

Spell Critical Chance: +1 %

Spell release rate: +1 %

Spell Hit Chance: +1%

Equipment Level: 0

Looking at the heart in his hand, Lu Yang could not help but grip his fist again. This was the treasure that he used to become famous. This special equipment could grow into a God-level grade – The Devil’s Heart.

There were only a handful of artifacts in <Second World>, and every player who gets them becomes a powerhouse.

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The boss of [League of Emotions] was one of them. His legendary giant axe, “Boundless Hell”, was invincible. In the trade union battle of 100,000 people. The enemy union leader was killed by him with a single Axe Volley. He led his team to kill all of enemy’s main force, and directly destroyed the enemy’s command system. Creating a myth of 30,000 players destroying 70,000 enemies.

There was also the president of [Heavenly Mark Empire]. In the Nine-Gen War, thousands of enemies sneaked into the base of the Empire. On that cold night, one man stood guard with a bow. With the help of the legendary equipment, “Moon God Bow”, those thousands of enemies couldn’t get close to the city by 100 yards. At that cold night, he used the killing technique of the Moon God Bow – The Meteor Breaks the Moon. The arrow shot like a thunderbolt and killed all the surrounding enemies.

Lu Yang was lucky enough to get the Devil’s Heart in his past life. He didn’t know that this treasure could grow into a legendary equipment. Because he couldn’t find the materials to upgrade the Devil’s Heart, he went up to Level 200 with it still being LvL 0. It wasn’t until he reached a bottleneck. One day, he was bored and tried to upgrade the Devil’s Heart.

After finding the materials, Lu Yang upgraded, and found out how powerful the Devil’s Heart was.

Each level, the attributes would double and several additional attributes were added. After the equipment was upgraded to the legendary level. His life completely changed. The legendary Devil’s Heart made Lu Yang incarnate as one of the four Devils of Hell. The cooldowns of any high-level spells weren’t within 30 minutes. He automatically learned three major spells of the fire element, plus an additional 10% chance of a 10% crit, and series of inexhaustible benefits.

Relying on this equipment, Lu Yang had broken through countless difficult methods to kill countless epic bosses. This ability had the power to give his 300 main elites to assemble and build a fortress. Unfortunately, Lu Yang awakened too late.

Now, the first thing to do was upgrade the Devi’s Heart and the first upgrade was also the easiest.

The Devil’s Heart was equipped to his body. Lu Yang’s attributes changed immediately.

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One point of intelligence in the game is equal to 1 point of spell damage and 10 points of mana. The 10 points of intelligence, doubled Lu Yang’s intelligent and spell damage. Adding 100 more points of mana.

“Thank you, old man, for the treasure. I don’t know your name yet. And do you need any more help?” Lu Yang asked respectfully.

The old man looked at Lu Yang’s level and laughed and said, “You’re still too weak to help me. Wait until you’re Level 200. As for my name, you don’t need to know now.”

System Prompt: The old man’s mission (Legendary Rank). Accept?

Lu Yang, didn’t expect this sentence would trigger a top-level mission for himself. He did not receive this mission in his past life. After getting the Devil’s Heart, he did not take it seriously. Under the constant urging of the leader of [Ice Studio] as he was still the staff of the group. Didn’t have time to waste and talk to the old man. So he begged him to send himself back to the surface to make money. He didn’t think after being reborn that he would gain an unexpected harvest.

“Accept.” Whoever does not accept is a fool. The legendary mission reward must be legendary, even if it’s not equipment, it would be of the same rank.

With a single, expressionless wave of his hand. Lu Yang only felt dizzy. Then found himself back at the cliff on the north side of St. Gale.

“Well, I have to run back.” The journey back to the city took Lu Yang, half an hour. The old man did not enthusiastically send him back to the square safe zone.

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