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After convincing Nami to travel with them atleast to the next island, they stealthily abroad the boat and evading the nearby marine ship escaped the hazardous situation.

Luffy: Name dear, could you tell us how long will it take us to get to the next island where there's a marines base??

Name couldn't help but blush at the "dear" word and said stammering

Nami: y..yo..uu calling!!

Luffy: who else can navigate here?? "said with a sweet smile", so can I get my answer please.

Nami turned around from embarrassment and slowly said 3 days.

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Luffy: sorry I couldn't hear you "said teasingly"

Nami: 3 day!!

Nami ran off from there after saying that and luffy couldn't help but smile at that.


Luffy spoke loudly to get everyone's attention.

Luffy: Our beautiful navigator, just told me that it'd take us 3 days till we reach to the next island, and seeing as we've bought enough food and medicine it should go well, so I'll be inside as I have something important that I need to look into and I hope no-one disturbs me atleast for the next few hours, and only call for me if it's of utmost emergence.

Everyone: "Nods"

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Seeing fluffy leave Nami was blushing while covering her face with her palm as she kept repeating " beautiful, beautiful", while Alvida was giving of jealous feeling and Coby was very happy as he finally got to escape hell on earth.

After talking and giving each of them their roles, luffy climbed down to the small cellar located underneath the cabin and locked the door above his head

Luffy: Jasmine you there?

Jasmine: Yes, luffy, where would I go silly " giggles"

Luffy: -.-... Anyway, I need your help for.....

Before luffy could finish his sentence a blue smoke began to come out of his body, which slowly took shape into a woman.

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When luffy saw the woman he was speechless, because she looked very similar to Vados with a beauty mark just under her red cherry lips, however the only thing she was wearing was a matching sets jewellery, "one gold neckless with a big red ruby on the middle while still extending between her DD breast's crack/cleavage and slowly hanging loose as 2 extension pierces her ever so slightly erect nipples respectably, while a set of arm band jewellery with a red ruby in the middle on both arm, and one that pierces her navel as it slowly wraps her waist like a belt and extending from the middle to her pussy separating into 3 while 2 clips on both of her pussy lips while the last one cave between her vagina and going about her bubble butt crack and attaching to other end of her waist/back and last but not the least a some kind of Indian style Anklets jewellery called "Payal" on both of her feet" exposing her blue skins and those sexy curves.

( AN: check the author's note for an example)

Seeing that luffy's eyes nearly popped out from the sight but then he began to have a lustful look and as drool was leaking from his mouth from his daydream of "fucking" the woman in front of him, not only that as she seem seems to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, but it didn't last long as he was woken up by some naughty giggles.

Jasmine: "hehehehe" <giggles> I know I'm beautiful you don't have to yes me like that.

Luffy: *ahemm*ahemm* Actually I was just wondering how come you have red lips while you're skin is blue?? "said trying to hide his embarrassment, while joking"

Jasmine: Y...YooooUUU BASTARD!!!!! I dress up for you and this is what you doooo...!!

" you could literally see fumes coming out of her head, as she march toward cracking her knuckles"

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Luffy: "gulp" <swallowed a mouthful of air> Waaaiittt.... waaitt.. I was just joking!!! "said nervously"

After luffy getting the beating of his lifetime, Jasmine claps her hands clean while pouting in the corner.

Luffy barely manages to stand up, while his back still arched as he slowly straight back up with a crack sound, you could see 2 black eyes while one swollen and a few bumps on top on each other on his head making a small tower.

Luffy: you didn't have to go that far, I was just joking and you knew it as well.

Jasmine: "hmph" <still pouting> thats why I went easy on you "hmph"

At that moment luffy knew he should never mess with this Devil of a woman.

From then Jasmin was named "Shedevil"

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