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<Nami POV>

I was at the dance floor dancing with a gentleman, when suddenly a explosion was heard and everyone started panicking, however no one notice the small smile I had on my face, as I slowly led myself to a corner and changed by beautiful dress into a shirt and trousers with a bandana on my head.

After changing clothes I went to the treasury to do my actual job, which has given me the title " cat burglar", well to be precise I'm a thief and I love money "hehehehehe".

After looting the ship, I noticed the pirates were already in the ship, so I hurriedly slid myself to the pirates ship, however when I reached there, My eyes almost popped out at the scene in front of me, it was mess, there was no organisation, everyone was doing their own thing, some were even murdering their kin for some extra cash.

After seeing that horrible scene, i couldn't help but smile again as this mess will make it easier for me to loot them, and you probably wondering why I'm ok after seeing people murdering each other, it's because they are all fucking pirates they are worst than dog shits!! "Nami, calm yourself"

Ok where was I?? Ahhh Yesss!! lotting this Pirate ship hehehe.

However when I managed to slip myself into the captain's cabin, but yet again I was shocked however this time I do not know if it is good or bad, as in front of me stand 3 people, well mostly 2 since the boy in pink hair seems more like a side character.

There's a Beautiful woman seems to be in her twenties with an hourglass body enough to lit a fire in the hearts of many man, and there's also a man or should a say the perfect man, his body seems to be perfectly sculpture with those toned muscles, but not to big to overly shadow his handsomeness with his sizzled chin defining his oval shape face, but the things that draw you in is his dark black eyes so clear that you could, see you face reflecting on them.

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As I was in daze, a voice woke me up.


Luffy: Hello, beautiful miss, is this what you are looking for??

Nami: uhhh uhhh..

Luffy: heheh, Miss could you please speak up, tho you are beautiful, I can not understand if you don't speak well. " said with sweet smile"

Damn that smile was critical hit to my already fragile heart though nami.

Nami: Who are you guys??

Luffy: ohh pardon me, how rude of me, I'm Luffy, the boy in pink hair is Coby and this beautiful woman next to me is Alvida, surely you've heard of her.

Nami: IMPOSSIBLE!! That can not be Alvida, She's too beautiful to be her.

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Luffy: Heheh miss, I sure you she is alvida, there's a long story behind it, I will tell you about it later, however, I suggest we hurry!

Nami: Anyway it has noting to do with me, I'll leave as long as you give me that pile of treasure.

Luffy: hehe, sure you can have it but, what will you do next? how will you escape from here? the marines will probably surround us in a few minutes and with your identity I don't suppose they'll just let you go and also I don't think there's any boat left for you to escape.

Nami: wait you know me!! " surprised"

Luffy: yes I do, you are the one and only the famous Cat burglar.

Nami: Ahahahah, I guess I was set up here, so what do you want my treasure? or my life for the bounty??

"nami said will eyes full of disdain the ones she shows to pirates"

Luffy: Nonon miss, you got me wrong, i couldn't hurt a beauty even in my dreams, all I'm doing is, asking for a corporation.

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Nami: OkKkkk.. I'm all ears...

Luffy noticed nami, easing up as he let a smile and said

Luffy: We have a small boat, but you must know a ship without a navigator is suicidal in these savage seas, and non of us here knows even the "N" of navigator, and I know from sources that miss "cat burglar" here is quite accomplished in that job as well, so I suggest we travel together to the next island and don't worry it won't be free as we'll share half of our treasure with you.

Alvida: Luffy you can't be serious that's worth at least a few 100000belly!!! and I do not trust this girl her.

when nami heard the money her eyes turn into "$" and luffy though he should hit while the iron is hot!!

Luffy: Alvida dear are you per chance JEALOUS, hehehe don't worry even if I have more women, my love for you will never decrease, on the contrary it will increase seeing you being soo considerate about it.

Luffy said that as he slowly moved his hands and slowly began to rub alvida's ass cheek making her moan a bit

Nami was flustered at that, as he just openly told his Girl that he'd get more girls but the most shocking part was he was touching her butt infront of everyone but then the next scene blow her mind as her face turn red like a tomato.

Alvida: ahhh luffy ahhhh O..oK..kkk

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Luffy: thank you sweetheart, here let me give you a kiss.

Luffy pulls her closer by the hips and kiss her on her luscious lips, while massaging her sexy ass, while looking at nami to see her reaction from the corner of her eyes.

*cough*cough* Coby being the cockblock he was, broke them from kissing as he had enough of it, as every time they are free, they start kissing.

Coby: Guys we have to hurry.

Luffy: ahh yes!! So mis...

Nami: it's Nami " said softly"

Luffy " smiles" Miss nami you in??

Nami: Yes " said blushingly"

Alvida pouted as that but relaxed when luffy held her waist lovingly

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