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When Luffy entered the cabin, he was shocked at the view in front of him.

There were nami and alvida wearing nothing but their birth clothes and just a ribbon, wrap around their luscious body to cover their private area and coming back to the navel as a knot, In alvida's case the ribbon is red while in nami's case the ribbon is blue.

Seeing the amazing view in front of him blood rush to his lower member, and making it stand proud in his pants which ended up having a mountain peak shape, and the peak kept increasing as he thoroughly examine their luscious body, but then when he noticed Nami's expression he couldn't help but ask.

Luffy: Nami are you ok?? " in a concern manner"

Nami: Luffy.... I..Do not deserve you " she started crying saying that"

Luffy was shocked at that, but then he noticed as she was crying as she was crawling her nail deep in her arm where the arlong pirate tattoo resides.

Luffy: "sigh" Silly girl, do you think I care about that, I knew from the get go about you being in Arlong pirates and you're situation.

Nami confused at that remark, and couldn't help but ask how??

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However in return luffy only said, He has his ways, which he'll say later.

After that Nami threw herself at Luffy.

Luffy: Now Now don't cry... "luffy gently patted her head"

After a while when they parted, and nami cleaned her face of tear, luffy couldn't handle the cuteness and those luscious lips, so he hastily stole a kiss, surprising nami with it, but after a while she relaxed and went with the flaw.

Slowly Luffy inserted his tongue in her mouth in search of her tongue, while having both of his hands resting on her buttocks, as he grab and massage those plump ass cheeks, holding them as he please, sometimes separating her butt crack and letting the ribbon crease inside her ass crack, as she moans when she left the ribbon grinding her ass crack.

After a few minutes, they panted heavily when they parted from the kiss, a thin bridge made of saliva connect both their lips, while luffy not forgetting to still play with her firm ass.

Suddenly they heard someone complaining about being left alone, so they couldn't help but turn to look at her and saw her pouting like little girl, so they couldn't help but laugh "hehhehehihihieheheh"

Luffy left Nami's side and went to next to Alvida, however he didn't kiss her, but just whispered sweet words softly in her ear, making her blush, but then luffy bit her earlobe which made her moan softly.

After that small interaction, luffy brought both Nami and Alvida to the only futon laying on the floor, after laying them on the futon, luffy got back and admired their bodies for a while, then he went next to them however instead of opening both of their ribbon knot, he grabbed the ribbon that passed through their cunt and pulled it hard making in crease it between both of their labia, as they both moan at the top of their lungs.

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luffy couldn't take their sexiness anymore so he roughly tore their ribbons, while at the same time he tore his pants of, showing them his proud manhood standing high and mighty, ready to pierce them and take them of their innocence.

Seeing luffy's cock, the girls was shocked looking at the it's size and thickness but then they both look at each other and smiled and you could even see some arousal from their eyes, as they approached him and both of them took one side of his cock and started licking them.

As the pleasure was increasing with each lick, luffy took the 1st head he could grab and slammed it inside her mouth, Alvida was shocked to see he savageness of luffy, but seeing her man getting aroushed from her he complied as she sucked him dearly and taking care to not let her teeth bit his cock.

"slurpphh slurp slurp squichhh slurpphh"

Not forgetting Nami who's sloppily sucking his balls, something she took 1 sack in her mouth sometime both and she sucked them making her give a blowjob face/silly face.

Luffy reached his limit from the intense pleasure, as he grabbed Alvida's head and came hard in her mouth, she tried to swallow it but the it was too thick and the amount was big and she couldn't keep up with the the release rate so she gagged at it and coughed hard as luffy let her go. Nami seeing the opportunity took luffy's cock still cumming in her mouth as she tried to swallow the rest of it like some precious fruit juice.

After letting go of luffy's cock, nami panted hard, while Alvida came next to nami and planted a deep kiss on her lips, as they exchange the leftover cum with each other, luffy's cock stop hard once again, and seeing it the girls g-could help but giggle after deciding between the girls who to go 1st, Alvida got herself to the futon and lay down spreading her long legs, showing her pink pussy, and slightly darker labia.

Luffy got on top off Alvida and position his cock close to the entrance of her pussy, as he grabbed one of her big breast with one hand while the other he sucked her erect nipples, while sucking he never forgot to twist and pinch her other nipple, Alvida couldn't hep but moan a loud, from the excessive tease and finally she couldn't take it anymore so she grabbed luffy's cock with hand and she point to her entrance and told fluffy to " Fuck me till I collapse!!! ravage my pussy and told it to your cock! make my body beg for your cock!!!"

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Luffy mind exploded with that as he thrust his cock hard in her pussy however their was no moan but a loud scream as a red liquid slowly started to leak from her pussy, fluffy couldn't help but be surprised.

Luffy: You are a virgin?? why didn't you tell me, I'd have gone easier.

Alvida: Becasue I wanted you bad, but I didn't know it'd be that painful at the 1st time.

Luffy what did you expect, I rammed my cock harshly in your tight pussy, you ok now?? " said worriedly"

Alvida: Yes.. I'm ok now, you can move now

Luffy didn't wanted alvida to feel anymore pain so he moved slowly but he noticed alvida creased her eyes of pain so he kissed her to ease her pain, as he slowly fuck her, then as the time passed fluffy couldn't contain her moans with her kiss and slowly he started to increase his speed as he piston her harder and harder making her eyes roll over and giving her silly Ahegao face as she came and slowly lost conscious.

While both of them were indulge in pleasure, nami was masturbating while watching them and repeating luffy's name.

Luffy getting go the new limp body which was hanging on his cock, approached the now masturbating nami, and looked at her feverish eyes which id full of lust and love as she jump on him and making him falling on the floor next to Alvida.

Nami started kissing his body, while luffy grabbed her ass and play with it by jiggling it, making her moan once in a while. Not forgetting that Nami is currently grinding her pussy lips on his cock.

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After further warming her up and finally luffy slowly lift her ass up and positioned it on top of his cock, not forgetting not go easy as she's also a virgin. So he asked Nami, " baby you ready?"

Nami replied with a Nod, then luffy slowly slide his cock inside her slowly as nami scream when she felt something important break, and a small tear leaked from the corner of her eyes.

Luffy got worried so he asked, " babe you ok?? was I too hard?? do you want to stop??" just when fluffy was about to take it out, nami stop him and said " No!! but don't move just stay like this for a while"

After a while, Alvida woke up and noticed them stuck in a position so she approached them and said " you guys ok?" fluffy replied " she's not ready" , Nami hurriedly said " NO no no it's just I need some time" , Alvida understanding the situation didn't say anything just got close to nami and kissed her trying to ease her pain, and after a while she said " hun I think you can move now, but go slowly"

Luffy started to move slowly but surely, and when he noticed nami started to moan, he increased his pace but not as fast as Alvida's, while not forgetting to slide a finger in alvida's pussy and finger her.

After he changed position and let Alvida lay on bottom and nami of top and started fucking them in switching pussy every now and then, as he hugged nami, by grabbing one of her boobs with one hand while with the other grabbing Alvida's Soft boobs.

Finally after many hours luffy reached his limit as he slid his cock in between their pussy and thrust harder and harder as he came all over them, smearing them in his semen, after he rolled over to the side, while nami fell on top of Alvida and lost her consciousness, while alvida herself bearly managed to kept hers, looked at her lover as they both smiled and their finger intertwined.

(AN: guys after your request, I tried my best to do a H-scene, I'm not sure if it's good or not so do share your opinion.

Unfortunately, I'll be taking a break for a few days because I'm behind in my studies and this week in uni is a free week, so it's my time to catch and IF I manage to finish my studies soon expect a double release

So till then, peace out ✌️✌️)

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