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After their intense sex, the room started to smell of sex and cum, while the futon was soaking wet with their love juice and sweat.

Suddenly they felt a tremble big enough to collapse "Butch Khalifa", so they hurriedly went outside not caring about being naked, when they went outside, Coby was shocked at the view so luffy hastily arrived next to him and hit his neck to make him lose conscious.

After that blue shadow manifested shocking both girls whereas fluffy knew who it was as he asked "Jasmine what's happening??"

"Knowing their lover know this blue skinned woman dressed in a 2 piece clothe, one White sleeveless tight fitted top enchancing her breast and a super short black Hot pant, where you could see the ass crease at the bottom however they didn't say anything, just watched as the situation seem dire."

Jasmine's face twitched with that as she yelled.


Luffy was confused and felt wronged so he asked " What did I do??"

Jasmine: While you were indulging in sex with your wives your Black ki, got out of control, and it caused a mess.

The girls hearing the word wives blushed, but the next words got them very confused.

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Luffy: O.O!!!!! Whattt!!! but how???

Jasmine sighed seeing him being clueless like that, she couldn't help but give up and said.

Jasmine: 1st of all you can't control your Black ki at all, and when you have sex, because of your constitution with the Black ki, it's not just simple sex anymore, it's also dual cultivation, look at them if you look at them carefully you could feel that their power has increased, it should be around 150 now while yours should be around 350.

Luffy looked at the girls and sensed their energy and was baffled and what he was sensing because what jasmine said was true because they really got stronger, Alvida was at 150 while Nami at 142, even the girls was shocked to see they have gotten stronger.

Luffy: But isn't it a good thing that my wives got stronger??

Jasmine: Yes but you didn't control your Black Ki yourself and it happened by itself, which is very dangerous, as if too much Black ki was sent in their body they could have exploded!!!!

Hearing that all three of them got scared, but they were surprised as nothing happened to them.

Jasmine: well from your surprised look, I can tell what you are thinking, and the answer is, because I controlled this idiot's leaking Black ki from entering in your bodies more than you girls could have handled.

Luffy: But how?? I thought you said my Black Ki is too much for you to handle right now

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Jasmine: I guess it must have been a miracle as when you were fucking them like a beast, you somehow bloomed a flower and I became level 2, so I managed to control enough, help them not explode whereas the rest I sent it toward the void Dimension.

Luffy: Then I suppose, the tremble is because you send the Black Ki to the void dimension, Am I right??

Jasmine: guess you really aren't a idiot!!

Luffy: ohh Come on now, I just didn't knew about it, so please cut me some slack.

Jasmine: okok ok " says in defeat"

However you are very right, because your Black ki was too strong, it cause a tear to the space of this world connecting to the Void.

Luffy: What!!! but I do not see any tear??

Jasmine: just wait a Minuit it'll appear any mome....

'before she could finish her sentence a big tear size of a door appear infront of them.'

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Jasmine: well there you go.

Luffy: ok how do I stop this thing??

Jasmine: The funny thing is, with your current capability you can't.

Luffy: so what do I do??

jasmine: Nothing just wait

'Luffy, listened to her, but then a thought came o him and he hastily asked her.'

Luffy: Wait, if I released that much Black ki, and it was that enough to tear space did those guys notice of my existence??

Jasmine: Well, you should be greatfull to have me, As I managed to send your Black Ki to the Void dimension which is connected to every world, however the worlds can not feel what is inside there, think of it as some sort of vacuum.

Luffy heaved a sigh of relief, while both Nami and Alvida was confused with "Flower" "Bloom""Black ki" "Noticing his existence", seeing their face perplexed, luffy told them, " don't worry my love I'll tell you everything"

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'Jasmin pouted with that, and seeing that luffy teasingly said " ohhh are you jealous now??" but before she could retort, She saw a silhouette inside the void, and hurriedly told luffy.'

Jasmine: LUFFY!!!! I think their is a person inside the void.

Luffy: What!!!!!

jasmine: Yes!!! Just hurry and extend that damn arm of yours and grab that person, because in the void no living being can live or else it's death!! so hurry before it's to late and it seem that the tear is also about to close.

Luffy hearing that hurriedly extend his hand and grabbed the silhouette and brought it to the boat and just then the tear closed but when they saw the person, they were surprise specially in the case of Luffy and jasmine because they know who this unconscious person was.

<AN: Guys I thought before I take a break due to studies, I'd post this last chapter with a small cliffhanger, since I'd be suffering from my studies, I thought you guys should too, it's only fair like that, MUAHHAHAHA.

Well you guys are free to guess who it is ;)

Guess the next time I see you guys will be on Saturday, and if I do manage to finish my studies early I'll double release btw, I'm planing on changing the original crew, thought I should let you guys know

Peace out >

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