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After pointing at Jasmine, luffy told them that, it's all thank to her.

Nami and Alvida: How?? and would you mind telling us who she is?? What with those bizarre power??? Is it some kind of Devil fruit???

Bulma just payed attention to what they were saying, trying to sink in the information in her brain

Luffy's thoughts " Guess it really is time"

Luffy: "sigh" She's not from this world, she is what you called a genie, who grants people wishes.

All three: Whattt!!! they exist.

Luffy looked at Bulma and said ' well in your world you have the dragon balls don't you??'

Nami and Alvida: Dragon....what now??

Bulma was speechless at that but then an idea came to her.

Bulma: Is she the reason you know about my world??

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Luffy: yes, guess you being a genius scientist wasn't all show " said teasingly"

Bulma hearing that couldn't help but twitch but then she had an idea,

Bulma: could she bring me back to my world.

Jasmine: I'm afraid, I can not, I do not have the required energy.

Bulma: Energy?? You mean like KI??

Jasmine: Yes, well similar.

Bulma: So I'm stuck here away from my family?

Luffy tried to comfort her, but it didn't help, the she asked

Bulma: who are you people?

Luffy: I beg for my rudeness, I'm Monkey D luffy, the girls next to me are my wives, the one with the orange hair is nami, the one with black hair is Alvida and the blue skin genie is Jasmine.

Hearing that everyone was shocked, as jasmine retorted.

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Jasmine: when did I become your wife?

Luffy: ahhh since day 1

But then luffy felt a shiver in his spine as he felt the other 2 girls staring at him with death glare, and slowly approaching him.

As they were arguing and beating luffy for his dis loyalty, bulma started laughing

Everyone looked at her in surprise at it's the 1st time they saw her laughing, and they were stunned to see that when she smile she looked very beautiful.

Luffy hurriedly got on his knees and grabbed her hand and asked for her hand in marriage.

Luffy: ohh beautiful lady, will you from his day become my 4th wife?

Bulma was stunned, but she teasingly said " you sure you want some one like me I'm already married and I already had a child"

Luffy: Rejecting someone like you is no less than a sin.

Bulma smiles and said " I'm sorry luffy but I can not, I don't know how but I plan on going back to my family"

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Luffy: so you love that Saiyan prince that much, even tho he never cared for you

Bulma was stunned once again about all this information and then he noticed luffy's tail and almost had his eyes popped out.

Bulma: Yyyooouuuu aarrreee a saiyan?? WIt you have saiyan in his world too?

Luffy: To be honest, i do not know, just few days ago, my body changed and I needed up with this tail.

Bulma was shocked again.

Bulma: wait you told you your name was MONKEY D LUFFY, does it have anything to do it your name.

Luffy was shocked with Burma's proclaimation as he turn to jasmine and she only just shake her head to show that she doesn't know.

Luffy: I do not know? I think I need to ask my Dad soon.

Afterwards luffy saw bulma pondering, so he decided to ask.

Luffy: what you thinking of beautiful.

Bulma woke up fro her daze as she replied " I think I might have a way to go back to my world"

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Everyone was stunned with what they heard and looked at her.

Alvida: could you please elaborate, because just now the genie said she can't so how can a mere human do it.

Bulma : heheheh, your husband did say I was a genius wasn't I?

Nami: Yes, but how are you planing of going back?

Bulma: well, I noticed in this world there's also Ki and as jasmine said she used her energy to grants wishes, and if I'm not wrong everyone has some kind of ki of their own, and if I can somehow trace the ki of my body, I might find my way home.

Jasmine: but how does tracing your ki helps you do back to your world.

Bulma: well I'm not sure but I think each world's ki has a slight changes in them so....

Before she could finish luffy interrupted her as he seem to got something.

Luffy: so if each world ki has a small deviation in them then you could trace that deviation and open a portal that leads to the same type of ki.

Bulma: Wow, you're not only handsome but also smart, but alas I'm married otherwise, I think I'd have given a try on you " said teasingly with a seductive manner"

Luffy " swallowed a mouthful of saliva", which cause bulma to start giggling.

Seeing the interaction between luffy and bulma, the other 3 girls sigh in defeat as they realised that their man will have many women beside them in future.

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