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Luffy: Well, bulma do you have an idea how you plan on tracing the ki in your body??

Bulma: Yes, actually in our world we have, things called scouter that Detects Ki.

Luffy: cool, how about you join us on the journey till you find a way back home.

Bulma: Sure, beside I do not know anyone here, plus being with a Saiyan feel rather safe "hehehehe"

Luffy: ohh btw, how you going build without any materials?? Jasmine could you do something??

Jasmine: Well, honestly I suggest you to learn materialistic ki, and before you say what it is?? It's a technique that turn ki into object/material, however you need to know the in and out of the material, so I suggest have Bulma learn this technique 1st, but she doesn't seem to have much ki control, so I guess I'll have to teach her.

Bulma: Honestly, I was never into ki and stuff before, but now I guess I do not have any choice as I need to go home "sigh"

Luffy: Jasmine you do that with Bulma in the small room while, I train with my beautiful wives.

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The girls couldn't help but blush at that because when he said control, he hand a tent on his pants.

Just as Bulma and jasmine went inside, Coby began to wake up

Coby: Whattt happened?? why am I laying on the floor.

Luffy: I don't know, maybe you fell asleep.

The 2 girls chuckled at that but soon blush when they felt luffy's hand on their butt.

Luffy: So babes shall we go inside.

Luffy: Ohh and coby could you hurry and sail the boat, if I'm not wrong we should be close to the island.

Coby: Yes Sir!! "with a salute"

As The couples when inside, they saw both bulma and Jasmine, stunned with tomato red face and asked what happened, however they didn't say anything just hurriedly ran downstairs' which caused luffy to be a bit perplexed, so he tried asking the 2 next to him, then he noticed nami too was red, while Alvida was giggling.

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Luffy: Alvida, could you tell me what's going on?

Alvida just pointed at the futon which was soaking wet with love juice and semen and full of stench.

Seeing that luffy understood as he though* guess even those 2 have their share of embarrassment*

Then suddenly a thought came to him so he called jasmine telepathically ( AN: I forget to show that they can talk telepathically)

" Luffy: Jasmine, I wish to be able to control pregnancy.

"Jasmine: Really now??? you don't want kids??

"Luffy: No I do, but I can't just have my girls get pregnant everytime I have sex, and beside it'll be hard to raise kid, being in this world and being constantly getting chased by my future enemies

Jasmine didn't say anything after that, and a bit latter a finger snap was heard and his wished was full-filled.

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After getting his wished fulfilled, luffy tried something, he concentrated hard to control his ki and slowly form it into the image he is trying to imagine and slowly a futon appeared out of nowhere, but then luffy panted hard.

Seeing this the girls were stunned, and was about to ask Luffy but then they saw him out of breath, so they both supported him from both sides and slowly lay him on the futon and went to get something to drink for him, but when they returned they noticed his snoring and sleeping like a baby with drool leaking from his mouth.

They both looked at each other, as they weren't expecting this, because even though luffy told them to go inside when he beat up Buggy, they peak through the door and saw how fierce he was and now seeing him like this they were very surprised but then they couldn't help but smile as they looked at each other and nodded, as they slowly lay on either side of luffy on the futon and also fell asleep.

While they were sleeping, beneath them, Jasmine was explaining bulma the basic Ki control, and surprising she understood very quickly, however she wasn't as good as luffy, as she still couldn't bring out the Ki out of her navel.

While everyone was doing their own thing, Coby was sailing the boat, as seconds became minutes and then hours, slowly 8 hours past as they finally reached Shell town.

He went infront of the door to call the gang that they were here, but then the door was kicked open sending him flying to the ocean.


Alvida: What was that sound.

Luffy: I don't know, maybe some idiot fall to his death.

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When coby heard that he cried tears of blood.

Nami: Should we call the 2 from downstairs ?

Luffy: No let them be, beside it shouldn't take long, "ohhhh I nearly forgot here take this".

'Luffy handed them the 2 storage rings with the initials on, seeing the rings, they were about to cry tears of joy and hug him but than they heard a annoying Coby yelling and screaming like a bitch in heat.


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Hope you guys enjoy the read, and be ready, I'm gonna add a twist in the Next few chapters ;)

Read the auxiliary chapter for more info

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