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After processing all the new information in his mind, luffy came to a solution.

"Guys, since we've decided to save our friend Usopp's Girlfriend, but to do that we need a plan" said Luffy

Hearing Luffy mentioning kaya as his girlfriend, usopp couldn't help but cough a few times while blushing

"But luffy dear, how are you planing on saving her?? and I must tell you I've heard of this Captain Kuro, he's a vicious man, He kill anyone that comes in his way" said Alvida worriedly

"Alvida, when did you get here??" Questioned Nami

"Just now, beside that long nose over there, was speaking so loud that I couldn't sleep" said Alvida with slight anger

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Usopp felt slight guilty hearing that as he lower his head to avoid eye contact

"Now now enough with the chitchat, lets come up with a plan 1st" said Jasmine to break the awkward moment

"Actually, I already have a plan, but before I have a few question" Said luffy

"Ok 1st, Jasmine tell me how's Bulma's training going on??" questioned luffy

" Well, about time you asked... she's improved a lot, and i'f I'm not mistaken, she should have reach between the power level of around 50-60 " answered Jasmine

"wow thats a vast improvement from that 5 that she had before," said luffy surprised as he measured her power "How about the materialistic technic" questioned luffy

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Hearing that Bulma felt proud as she puffed up her chest, but when she made eye with luffy, she hurriedly looked away and blushed as the previous scene came to her mind.

Seeing that Luffy only smiled and thought ' I guess, she isn't as thick skinned as she shows to be, well at least not like Jasmine, I mean she doesn't show any reaction after what happened, it's as if what she saw was no big deal '

"Well she can use the technic, but she tires out quite easily" replied Jasmine while waking up luffy from his thoughts

"Ok, I see...." Luffy pondered something as he said pointing at Bulma and Jasmine "I've got an assignment for the 2 of you"

" Bulma, I want you to built a big enough Ship to fit 20 people easily, while some fun rooms, exercise room, pool, garden and etc... but keep the outside design to match the ships of this world we don't want to look suspicious, however the interior, I leave it up to you, since you probably know best" said Luffy

"While you Jasmine help Bulma with anything she needs" he said

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" leave it to us" said both of the girls, as they puff up their chest and almost causing their breast to pop out of their dress.

"Ahem*Ahem* " the other 2 girls coughed seeing Luffy looking at Jasmine and bulma with lustfull eyes.

"cough* Now Usopp, let me how is your relationship with your villagers?? luffy asked trying to hide away from the death stares of Nami and Alvida

" Well, it's complicated, me and the villagers.... well we don't get along well" said usopp embarrassingly

"Sigh, let me guess, they are tired of you lying around like a bitch???" Luffy said

"HOW!!" Usopp was shocked with his answers

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Luffy sighed as his lying nature didn't change even with his Mom being alive.

" Well, I have my ways of knowing, anyway since your relation with the villagers is not that well, I guess, I'd have to use this" said luffy as he materialised some papers, causing he smirked evilly while the others were surprised seeing at the papers on his hand

You guys spread this through out the village and inform them of the situation, however try not to alert the pirates and do tell the villagers to not to panic.

"Sure luffy, but what about you??" asked Nami

"Me?? well there are some people here who needs some discipline" saying that He disappeared, and this time shocking everyone for good, well everyone but Jasmine.

However Bulma couldn't help but say aloud

" INSTANT TRANSMISSION" Bulma said with clear shock written on her face.

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