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<<<I Back Bitches!!!!!>>>

AN/ I know guys that I've been gone for a long time..... way longer than I said I would.. but here I am back for you guys.

I just finished my exam Friday so I'm in like in a small holidays which is like a Week, as my New semester starts next week, I know it's too early`... but gotta roll with what you get I guess

But the main point is I'm back but, I'm still not sure about the release rates as off yet, since after a long break I've lost my imagination and thought about this novel and I was in a writer block since I couldn't think of how to advance with the story since I didn't want it to follow the Canon much but rest assured I' not dropping this, it's just that I've been reading many new novel and they are actually really good with nice character depth.... SOooo.. I'm thinking of how I should build up their personality and their manner of behaviour and stuff to make it more life like..

Btw you guys have any idea do share.

anyway here is a small chapter to let you know that I'm back and more will be coming but be a bit patients before I start uploading chapter daily


'Now that the girls know what to do, let me go check on those uninvited guest' thought Luffy with a smile.

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On the other side of the island there lays a big pirate ship, enough to to fit few Hundreds of Pirates and looking at the flag you could identify them as the Kuro Pirates.

—-On the ship—-

A Peculiar looking man, wearing a strange long blue coat covered in disk like design with a big hat of matching colour and a hard to miss Pink heart shape Shades lays lazily on the deck of that Ship.

Suddenly a Random pirate approached that peculiar looking man

Pirate 1: Vice Captain Jango, we are ready to commence the mission.

Jango: Uhhh…you said something??

Pirate 1: We are ready to launch attack on the village, Sir!!

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Jango: Attack? What Attack??

Pirate 1: Sir, The crucial plan to the start of dominating the East Bleu from this Village??

Jango : "Ohhhh yesss, I forgot…my bad…"

"What are you looking at my face then!!! You dickhead!! for go and do initiate the plan!!!!" Spited Jango

'Damn this Lazy Mutherfuker always sleeps around and do nothing but make us do the work and the worst thing is, the only thing he can do is nothing but hypnotise which he's not surprisingly awful at, I really don't know why does the Captain put him in charge ' thought the pirate as he helplessly sighed and left to do his job.

Suddenly barrage of bullets rained towards them followed by a huge energy blast, and thus obliterating the Kuro pirates from the face of the world



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Some time before...

2 Figure Rapidly Approching the Island

???: I can't believe they really had the nerve to betray the young master!!!!!

"Calm Down! Do you really think that even if they did something, they'd manage to hurt the young master and beside don't you always fight him" said the other figure lazily.

???: Yes!! but that is one thing and this is another and beside, they having the audacity to even think of going against the young master, needs punishment and the only punishment suitable is Death!!!!




"Hey!! Bulma, You seem to know about this technique that Luffy used, mind sharing your thoughts??" Said Alvida curiously

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"Well in my wold there's Someone I know who uses a similar Technique called Instant Transmission to teleport by sensing ki and right now it seemed Luffy used the same technique" explained Bulma

" So you mean he can teleport to anywhere he wants??" questioned Nami

"Not really, he hasn't reached that stage yet, well to be honest even I was slightly surprised that he gained this new skill, since he's strength at the moment is still quite low, so far if I'm not mistaken he should be able to teleport to any location within this island since that's probably his Ki sensing range limit or he could also teleport to places he's already been too by marking it with his ki" explained Jasmine

"Guys, I don't want to rush but I think we should get going Kaya might be in trouble" said Ussop

"Ara Ara Ara.. i forgot about your sweetheart Kaya, Girls I suggest we follow what Luffy said and do our respective task" said Jasmine as she went to Bulma to talk about the new ship.

As Nami and Alvida went with Usopp to rescue Kaya, Bulma and Jasmine started designing the blueprint for the ship.


The Other Three reached the Mansion and surprising there were dead bodies laying all around the front yard leading to the main door.

Seeing that they started rushing, afraid of something bad happened to Kaya, but when they reached there, they saw something that shocked all three of them enough, to have their jaw drop.

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