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I know, you guys might not like the slow update and everything but unfortunately I do not have a choice due to pressure in my studies *cough*cough 2nd year pharmacie and all, plus job for money and the little bit of free time I have, I'm very tired and not very much motivated to write.

You guys might have noticed that the quality of chapters have decreased recently because I was trying to bring out chapter ever day or every other day which backfired Heavily!! Causing me to write no so good and under developed H-scene and sometimes even making you loose interest

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BUT do not fret I'm not dropping this, I'm just asking for a break till the end of my semester so that I can be free from exams for a while, so that I can have a clear mind to write, and I know that I broke my promise by talking a break before I finished the 1st volume but there are atleast 15 chapter to finish the 1st volume (btw do tell me if I'm talking my story too slow) and I can assure you that the chapters to come is going to be very exciting.

What to expect from the futur chapter:

There will be character build up for both from our heroes and their enemies to give more depth.

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The story will NOT exactly follow the canon.


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Very important the world Is only limited to dragon ball series and one piece and the reason you'll know why later.

Jasmine's truth will be revealed and a small info of who the mc really is.

And much more!!!!!!

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I know, a sorry isn't enough for what I did to you guys but I do not have a choice and studies and job is much more Important to me, and I ask of you guys to keep this in your libarary for I'll be very thankful.

And do tell me about your opinion as I read each of your comment when I get. The chance and im writing this due to someone named Hamada keep asking me about it so here is your answer ☺️

PS: il so busy that I had to write this on my phone.

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