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Some time before….

A girl, was looking out through the window and wondering how she ended up in her situation.

1st suddenly my parents died when I was 9, leaving me alone, and the only one there to support me was a maid I had grew up with named Bachina, she was very pretty woman although her nose was slightly long but she was pretty neverthless, ohhh and there was also this sheep looking guy called merry, it's because his hairstyle resembles that of a sheep.

One day, when I was missing my parents dearly when I noticed the other kids my age playing around with their parents so I left that area to be alone, suddenly a tall and slim man with glasses and slicked black hair approached me with a soft toy.

Getting slightly creeped out, I backed away.. since Bachina has always warned me to never get close to any man, specially suspicious looking ones, and the one in-front of me looked very suspicious and specially his smile it sent shivers down my spine.

W…Whhhoo ar..rre you?? I said nervously

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Oh, I'm sorry to have frighten you, I am actually a friend of your parents, before they passed away they passed me this toy to hand it to you said the mysterious man.

Hearing that I cautiously approached the man who kept smiling like no tomorrow, to look at the toy, then when my hand reached the toy I hurriedly snatched it and back away and to look at it.

Suddenly Bachina called me.

Bachina: Young miss!!, where are you?!?!

Kaya: I'm here!!, Bachina.

Then Bachina came running, but when she saw the mysterious man she hurriedly came to me and took me into her arms as if to protect me incase of something happen.

Just then a boy my age, came running yelling "Mom" behind her

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It was none other than her son 'Ussop', To be honest I don't like him much, he is a big fat liar and a bully, and to be honest he's quite ugly too, he doesn't look one bit like her mom, well I guess their nose is quite similar but Bachina's nose it very cute whereas Ussop's is straight ugly.

Just then Bachina questioned the man

Bachina: Who are you mister??

???: How rude of me, i haven't introduced myself, I'm called khaladore, I was a friend of the mayor, before he passed away he asked me take care of his daughter.

-----------Bachina POV-----------

Today, me, my kid and the young miss came to the village picnic to get some fresh air and cheer up the young miss who seems very sad after the disapearence of her parents, but by the time I was done setting up the tables with the help my son, the young miss had suddenly disappeared.

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Seeing her not here, scared me shitless, I ran and searched all around the places and kept calling her, but no vain.

Suddenly, I heard the miss voice, feeling relieved I hurriedly went to her, but then I noticed a suspicious looking man, so I fasten my speed and took the young miss in my arms to protect incase of any danger.

Then, the man introduced himself as Khaladore, and said that he was a friend of the Mayor, which I find really hard to believe, since I have never heard of the name Khaladore before but when I saw the letter which had the Mayor handwriting saying

My dear Kaya,

We love your dearly, we are sorry that we might not be able to be there for you when you grow up, or when you get married, have kids of your own.

We are being attacked my pirates, the Kuro Pirates, we don't think we'll make it, so we sent our friend Khaladore to take care of you.

May god bless you and give your all the happiness.

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Your parents

Seeing that letter, tears started to fall for my eyes, as I started remember, how much the mayor and the Mistress has helped me when my husband left me pregnant.

I woke up from my daze when, the 10 year old kaya, nudged my dress and asked " Why are you crying Bachina??"

Nothing…miss Nothing… I replied.

Saying that we headed back to the mansion, with khaladore.

-------------Bachina POV End------------

Slowly 6 years have past, and today I am, getting married to none other than the killer of my parents.

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