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Accompanied by the sound of the stone door rubbing against the ground. Aoba pushed open the stone door in front of him.

At this time, Danzo was already seriously injured. The outside was also flooded with water. No one would enter this secret room. He could be at ease and boldly check the contents inside.

He did not know if there would be such an opportunity in the future. However, he did not want to leave everything behind in the future. Now that he had discovered that there was a secret here.

Moreover, he still had a chance to check this secret. Then he was ready to check it out.

Aoba walked into the secret room.


Just at this time, In Aoba's mind, a piece of information was transmitted back, all of which came from the four advanced paper clones who had transformed into Kirigakure ninjas.

After transforming all the chakra in their bodies into a large water current, they crazily poured out. After all the chakra was used, the shadow clones were released, and the information was sent to his mind.

"Kumogakure really retreated!"

The corners of Aoba's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a satisfied smile. He was very satisfied with this result.

After all, his goal was to let Kumogakure ninjas withdraw from Konohagakure. He did not want to end the Third Ninja World War.

Therefore, as long as the main battlefield was not Konohagakure. Then everything had nothing to do with him.


If they came under his eyes. Then he was naturally unwilling!

Aoba felt that after the water current formed by the water release had directly turned Konohagakure into a water city, it would be best for Kumogakure and Konohagakure to stop fighting temporarily.

But before that, he had to get rid of Hari. That person could not be an aide behind Danzo.

Aoba had read Hari's memories, and it was very clear that that person was full of tricks and had many things in his mind.

Now it seemed that Danzo was using Hari.

But in fact...

It was hard to tell who was using who.

If this person was under Danzo's command, it was equivalent to adding remote control to a ticking time bomb. In an instant, it caused the uncertainty to double. This was not an outcome that Aoba could accept.

Of course, the reason why Aoba used the identity of Kirigakure ninja was that he wanted to pull Kirigakure into the muddy water directly.

This way, not only could Kumogakure and Kirigakure, who were originally in the state of alliance, fall apart and instantly become hostile. But he could also ring a police bell for Konohagakure, who were in a state of fantasy about peace.

The Third Ninja World War was coming.

This was not something that could be reconciled as long as you wanted to reconcile.

As for Konohagakure, there was no way they could live in peace during the World War.

This was one of the reasons why Aoba did not want Hiruzen to die here. If Hiruzen died now, he would instead become the Hokage who died for the village. He would be loved by people, just like the Fourth Hokage in the original plot.

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If he passed the Hokage position to Minato through this method, then Minato would have to bear the pressure of the Third Ninja World War. There was no merit get, but if he lost, he would have to bear a huge responsibility.


It didn't matter if he lost or won. He would have to bear a huge responsibility. This was not what Aoba wanted to see.

As a friend of Minato.

He hoped that Minato could become Konohagakure's Fourth Hokage under the best arrangement.

Now that Kumogakure had retreated, it did not mean that they would not come. Although he had used Kirigakure ninjas to attack, it did not mean that Kirigakure ninjas would not attack again. These were all things that were uncertain. No one dared to make any guarantees. These things could give Konohagakure a reminder to let them know the seriousness of the matter.

Then, Aoba entered the room.

This room was very vast. He could see coffins placed side by side. From their current condition, he couldn't tell if there were corpses inside the coffins.

"Good fellow!"

Aoba couldn't help but sigh. Through the things in front of him, he discovered that Danzo was following his teacher.

He didn't even need to guess to know that the coffins here were probably souvenirs left behind by Danzo after he eradicated his dissidents.

If it had developed according to normal historical curves...

It was impossible for others to know about these things.


Now, Aoba had come here by accident and entered this secret area that belonged to Danzo. Moreover, he also had the Mind Reading System. He could completely read the memories of these people and know what had happened to them when they were alive.

Then, Aoba walked toward the first coffin on the far left. This coffin was different from the other coffins.

The coffins piled up here were all made of solid wood, and only the leftmost one was made of metal. Through the material of the coffin. It was enough to see the uniqueness of this coffin.

"I want to see who can be specially treated by Danzo."

Aoba walked directly to the side of the metal coffin. He raised his right hand and touched the coffin. He immediately used Chokeijugan no Jutsu(Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique) to remove the weight of the coffin lid.

Then, Aoba opened the lid of the metal coffin.

A woman could be seen.

She looked to be in her forties and was lying quietly in the coffin. Her body was obviously been embalmed because all the internal organs of her body had been removed.

"Is this made by Orochimaru?"

Aoba saw that this person's embalming was similar to the one in the corridor behind the secret door in the Hokage Building. However, this body looked a little bit green. It was obviously an early work of Orochimaru.

"Who are you?"

Aoba looked at the ninja's face, but he could not identify this person through her appearance. This was someone he had never seen in the Naruto Anime.

Aoba slowly raised his right hand and touched the woman's head.

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He was very clear. If he wanted to know the identity of this woman and the things she had done in her life, or even why she had died here.

These things could be obtained through the Mind Reading System. Of course, it could only be done through the Mind Reading System. If it were any other person, it would be useless.

Right at this time, Aoba's right hand came into contact with the head of the woman in the coffin. Suddenly, a clear and crisp electronic prompt rang out in his mind.

"Ding Dong! Memory Reading Succesful! Obtained: Genjutsu: Kokuangyo no Jutsu(Illusion Technique: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique)!"

Suddenly, Aoba widened his eyes.

He knew about this ninjutsu.

It had once appeared in Konoha Crash.

Through this illusion, the user could create a dark environment and take away all the light of the other party. Only he and his teammates could see the other party clearly.

Of course, this was also the first genjutsu that Aoba had obtained.

"After obtaining so many ninjutsu, I have finally obtained a genjutsu. Now let me see who this person is!"

Aoba was very satisfied with the system reward he had obtained this time. After all, after he has read the memory more often, the ninjutsu the system rewards him has become more and more repetitive, and similar ninjutsu appears constantly.

This situation continued to appear.

The significance of the Mind Reading System to Aoba has gradually changed from a system that gives abilities to a system that gives intelligence. The overall strategic significance had changed.

At this time, Aoba was still mainly reading memories. He wanted to find out the memories of the person in the coffin through the Mind Reading System.

However, if he could obtain some special benefits during the process of reading memories, it would also be a good thing for him.

Suddenly, Aoba leaned slightly toward the corner of the wall.

He slowly closed his eyes, mainly to allow himself to be immersed in the picture of memory. He then touched the temple with both hands, ready to start checking the memory of this woman.

"Senju Momoka."

"A kunoichi(female ninja) from the Senju clan."

"The trusted aide of the First Hokage."

"She is extremely good at using genjutsu."

"Her reputation in the Senju clan is no less than Senju Tobirama!"

Aoba only saw some of this person's most basic information in the memories, and his heart was shocked. He already realized that he was about to discover a very shocking secret.

For a moment, Aoba wandered around in Senju Momoka's memories.

It was as if he had entered Senju Momoka's perspective, following this famous kunoichi to watch the last part of her life.

Time passed by.

Aoba slowly opened his eyes and removed his hands from his temples. His dark eyes flashed with shock.

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Aoba let out a long sigh of relief. His gaze looked toward the other coffins, and he was already speechless.

"So that's how it is!"

"It's actually like this!"

"This really makes me feel like it's very funny!"

"How could it be like this!"

Aoba could not help but sigh in shock. The memories he had seen just now had greatly subverted his understanding.

At this moment, Aoba once again looked toward the coffins beside him.

The people there, even if he did not open the coffin. He knew who they were.


These coffins were covered by Senju Momoka herself!

Each person's face.

Each person's name.

He saw them all from her memories.

These people...

They were all from the Senju clan!

The true Senju clan!

Apart from the clansmen who had already married off, the entire Senju clan was piled up in this secret room.


"This is the secret of the Senju clan disappearance!"

"It is not something that they had been integrated into the village!"

"It is not something that they no longer carry the surname Senju!"

"The real truth is..."

"The Senju clan took the clan emblem with them! "

The more Aoba thought about it, the more amazed he felt. The more he thought about it, the more terrified he felt. When he thought of Tsunade's memories, he suddenly felt that the whole thing had become clear.

For a moment, Aoba did not know how to describe his feelings. He also did not know where to start.

Aoba had once read Tsunade's memories. He had seen it in Tsunade's memories. From the moment Tsunade was born, she was called Tsunade. She did not have the surname Senju.

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Of course, it was also the same with Nawaki.

In Tsunade's memory, she had seen many people from the Senju clan, including Senju Momoka lying in the coffin.

It was just that these memories were buried too deeply. Sometimes, even she could not remember them.

Aoba returned his attention to Senju Momoka. Through Senju Momoka's memories, he discovered something that Senju Momoka and Senju Tobirama had conspired together.

That was...

[Hashirama's Cell Transplantation!]

Aoba would never have thought that this project was actually proposed by Tobirama, and he told this project to his student Hiruzen and Danzo.

"If you want to suppress the Kyuubi in the village, there are only two ways. One is to possess Wood Release Blood Limit, and the other is to possess Mangekyo Sharingan."

In Momoka's line of sight, Senju Tobirama said this in front of her, Hiruzen and Danzo.

Tobirama did not trust Uchiha. He felt that if Konohagakure did not have a wood-release ninja for a long time, the Kyuubi would sooner or later be controlled by Uchiha.

At that time, Konohagakure would be in danger.

Therefore, Tobirama made a decision and proposed another very bold project at that time.

Extracting the cells of his big brother Senju Hasirama to conduct human experiments and try to cultivate a ninja who can use wood-release ninjutsu.

Because Senju Hashirama was a ninja from the Senju clan. Therefore, in the selection of human experimental subjects, the first choice was to choose the people of the Senju clan to carry out the experiment, and the experimental project was handed over to Senju Momoka.

In this decision, Tobirama had a certain responsibility and also certain selfishness.

The probability of failure in human experiments was far greater than the probability of success, or the probability of success was infinitely close to zero.

Under such circumstances. Let the volunteers of the Senju clan become experimental subjects.

Not only can the mission be carried out secretly and not be discovered by people in other villages, but it can also avoid unnecessary sacrifices from other clans in Konohagakure.

Because of Tobirama's selfishness, he made a decision that the experiment should be related by blood. He hoped that the next wood-release ninja would still appear in the hands of the Senju clan. This way, the Senju clan could continue to suppress the Uchiha clan, which had the Sharingan.

After this project was officially opened. Senju Momoka began to select volunteers from the Senju clan. However, she did not expect the feedback to be surprisingly good!

Many ninjas from the Senju clan regarded Senju Hashirama as their idol, hoping to become a ninja like Senju Hashirama.

When they heard that they would be injected with Hashirama cells, which would help them activate the unawakened wood-release bloodline limit in their bodies, everyone was eager to try. It was not a problem that they could not find people, but the people of the Senju clan were afraid that they would not be selected.

Wealth was sought in danger.

Take a gamble and change the bike into a motorcycle!

These people of the Senju clan were very clear that if they had the chance to have the wood-release bloodline limit, they would be able to have the elegance of the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, which was extremely tempting for them.

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