After Aoba saw the memory of Senju Momoka, he finally understood that the operation to transplant the cells of the First Hokage was not started after Hiruzen became the Hokage but began after the First Hokage died.

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The person who really wanted to do this was the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

It was just that...

Senju Tobirama died too early!

Otherwise, he might really be able to research it!

After all, Tobirama was someone who had even researched Edo Tensei. Even if the First Hokage Senju Hashirama died, he could still bring his big brother to the battlefield. It was just that his ability would be weakened to a certain extent.

Aoba immersed his own perspective into Senju Momoka's memory. Not long after this kunoichi received the Hashirama Cell Transplantation Project, the First Ninja World War completely broke out.

She led the clansmen of the Senju clan to the battlefield and fought the enemy head-on. She established outstanding military achievements and was deeply loved by the Senju clan.

With the end of the First Ninja World War.

The Second Hokage Senju Tobirama died in the Country of Lightning's territory.

Konohagakure's Hokage was replaced by Hiruzen.

Senju Momoka did not know if the experiment should continue. At that time, Shimura Danzo, who took over the village's Anbu, found her and told her that he wanted to continue Hashirama's Cell Transplantation Project.

Because of this, Momoka and Danzo began the Hashirama Cell Transplantation Project. Together, they transplanted Hashirama's cell to the people of the Senju clans.

It's just a pity...

Even the people from the Senju clan were unable to withstand Hashirama's cell, and in the end, they all exploded and died.

But, even if the people of the Senju clan died one after another. They did not stop their plan. It was precisely because they had done their best and done so many things that they did not want to put this plan on hold.

Not only did Momoka and Danzo not want to, but even the people of the Senju clan also did not want those seniors to die in vain.

Gradually, the Senju clan lost their rationality during the Hashirama Cell Transplantation Project.

More and more people died.

More and more people participated in the project.

There were even some twisted hearts among them, which were that Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were already dead, so they had nothing to rely on to live. They could either become a powerful ninja like Senju Hasirama and lead the village forward, or they might as well die!

Time passed.

In the next few years after Hiruzen took over as the Hokage. The people of the Senju clan became fewer and fewer, and they were all immersed in the Hashirama Cell Transplantation Project.

Although Senju Momoka did not achieve any success, in her eyes, she had accumulated a lot of experience.

Several years after Hiruzen took over. There were not many Senju clansmen left.

It was unknown whether it was because Senju Hashirama had a premonition of which why Tsunade and Nawaki did not have Senju surnames and did not carry the Senju clan badge. So, they were not affected by the people of the Senju clan and did not fall into madness.

Just when there were only thirty or forty people left in the Senju clan. Senju Momoka really panicked. She felt that if this continued, then the Senju clan would very likely disappear in the long river of history.

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Finally, she decided to stop the project. She would no longer conduct experiments related to the Hashirama Cell Transplantation Project.

The experiences and files will be permanently sealed. In the future, they will not let other people in the village do experiments on this thing. After all, if even the people of the Senju clan can't withstand the First Hokage cells...

Then who can bear it?

Senju Momoka could no longer imagine anyone else who could successfully transplant Hashirama's cells.

Her entire body was filled with despair, as if she was the one who had destroyed the Senju clan. She had become the eternal sinner of the Senju clan.


Aoba took a deep breath and slowly spat it out. His eyes fell on Senju Momoka, who was lying in the coffin.

"If you knew..."

"A few years before you conducted the experiment."

"Madara has successfully transplanted Hashirama's cells."

"I wonder what your mood will be like..."

Aoba could not help but sigh. Perhaps in the entire Ninja World, the first person to successfully transplant Hashirama's cell was Madara.

However, who would have thought of this?

Aoba continued to flip through Senju Momoka's memories. He stood on Senju Momoka's perspective and looked at the history again.

Just as Senju Momoka was about to let it go, Danzo found her again and introduced a powerful helper to her. He hoped that the two of them could study it together and continue this project.

That person.

It was Orochimaru.

At that time, Orochimaru was still very young. He was in the early stages of scientific research. He has talent but lacked experience. Many things were new, and he could only increase his knowledge by accumulating experience.

Senju Momoka originally rejected it. However, after experiencing some twists and turns in the process. In the end, she agreed.

Moreover, before the Second Ninja World War began, she successfully destroyed the Senju clan.

The last experimental subject from the Senju clan to participate in the Hashirama Cell Transplantation Project was the Senju Momoka herself.

She had no interest in Hashirama's cell. However, she wanted to feel what the Senju clansmen experienced who died because of her.

What was the feeling before she died?

The person who had performed the experiment for her.

It was Orochimaru!

This operation failed unexpectedly. Senju Momoka felt that the Hashirama's cells in her body were filled with extremely strong vitality, but they had extremely strong rejection.

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Hashirama's cells were different from normal cells. After entering her body, they began to proliferate and destroy the normal cells in her body quickly. In front of Hashirama's cells, her own cells were completely vulnerable.

Moreover, Senju Momoka discovered. These cells would quickly spread to the other organs of the body and grow rapidly, squeezing the cells in the original organs to other places, finally causing the function of the organs to decline.

After experiencing the cell transplant, Senju Momoka deeply felt the horror of Hashirama's cells. Moreover, in the confrontation with Hashirama's cells, she finally loses her life.

As for how she was hollowed out and put into the coffin, these were things that happened after Senju Momoka died. She herself did not know.

"Hashirama's cells..."

A complicated smile appeared on Aoba's face. Through Senju Momoka's memory, he saw a summary of the research in this area, as well as the relevant experience gained through experiments when she was researching it with Orochimaru.

But through these descriptions...

Aoba doesn't know why his first thought of it was cancer cells. The only difference was that cancer cells were mutated from their own cells, and Hashirama's cells were transplanted.

"Ordinary people really can't handle Hashirama's cells."

Aoba couldn't help but sigh. He had a lot of say in this regard. From the moment he had just come to the Ninja World, he had received Sage Body's big gift.

From that time on, he felt that his entire body was full of cancer cells.


It can't be quite the metaphor.

It's just that the cells in his body will not age because of the division, and they will not be limited by the number of times of division, and they can also undergo an extremely exaggerated division.

Simply put...

When he was in his normal state, he was no different from a normal person. But if he were stabbed, then the cells in the cut part would quickly heal and regenerate, and his body will return to its normal state.

However, if there were any deficiencies in his body, such as if his arm was directly cut off, then the nearby cells would begin to divide rapidly, completing the regrowth part of his arm.


According to the degree of division and regeneration of the cells in the body, the level of energy consumption was also different.

If he wanted to complete it in seconds or in a near-immortal state, he needed a continuous supply of chakra.

This point, whether it was Senju Hashirama or the current Aoba. There was no problem.

At this time, Aoba was still staring at Senju Momoka, and a very strange and special idea came to his mind.


"I simulate the operation."

"Put my cells into the enemy's body."

"Doesn't that mean it's even more powerful than the most powerful poison in this world?"

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Aoba himself was shocked by his own strange brain circuit. He found that he was also a genius and thought of something that made him feel incredible.

After that, Aoba shook his head. He now knew what was going on here and turned to look at the other coffins. He couldn't come here for nothing so he had to read the memories of these people and also get some rewards, in case there were any good rewards.

After that, Aoba began to open the lids of these coffins one by one. From these coffins, he could see the ninjas from the Senju clan in various miserable conditions.

Most people had their internal organs hollowed out.

A very small number of people had their heads chopped off, so there was no way for people like them to read their memories.

Some of them could clearly be seen that they were not hollowed out but exploded from the inside of their bodies after experiencing great pressure.

These were the tragic results that would happen after transplanting Hashirama's cells.

Aoba had seen it in Senju Momoka's memories.

Different situations happened to different people, and they were all recorded accordingly.

"Why do I feel like I can do the Hashirama Cell Transplantation..."

Aoba could clearly see the experimental processes and final results of each experiment recorded in Senju Momoka's memory.

But even so, she also needed to communicate with the experimental subject about the specific feelings of the body.

But Aoba was different; he could directly read the memories of these dead Senju white mice that had been used as experimental subjects. Standing from the perspective of the experimental subject, he felt the changes in the body.

This was just like how he understood the feelings of the latter after checking Senju Momoka's memories.

Now, he could directly sense the changes in the body state of these Senju clansmen through reading their memories.

For a time, Aoba touched the heads of these Senju clansmen. Every time his right hand touched these people's heads, he would feel a chill in his heart.

The crisp electronic prompt rang out in his brain. Every time, he would obtain ninjutsu. However, these Senju clansmen were no different from other ninjas. They were all common ninjutsu, and there was no other special ninjutsu.

It seems...

It was still necessary to read someone with a special identity.

As for the Aburame ninjutsu. Aoba categorized them as this clan was really too special, and even the system has undergone a little change.

After Aoba touched the heads of these Senju clansmen, he understood that there were not all of the Senju.

The people in the early days of the experiment. The corpses had already been disposed of, and they were not here.

This was because after Danzo inherited this place, he followed the example of creating another secret passageway and built a secret room. Only then did he manage to leave some of the Senju clan's corpses behind.

As for the person that Danzo assassinated and dealt with...

There were no clues left behind!

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Just as Aoba finished reading the memories of these Senju clansmen, his head trembled slightly as a stream of information poured into his brain.

"It's time to go back!"

The shadow clone that Aoba had left behind on the Anbu side had already been removed and transmitted back to what had happened during the battle just now.

The moment the enemy attack occurred. Eaton found him and protected him. He did not suffer any injuries throughout the entire process.

It was only until the water was poured into the entire Konohagakure. The battle between Konohagakure and Kumogakure had come to an end, and everyone returned one after another.

Now, everyone was doing the drainage work.

There was water everywhere in Konohagakure.

The lower the terrain, the more accumulated the water, and Konohagakure Intelligence Division has become the hardest hit area.

Aoba's shadow clone used the name of returning to the dormitory to change his clothes. The shadow clone quickly returned to the dormitory and removed himself, preparing to call back Aoba's real body.

Suddenly, Aoba understood the whole process of the battle. He immediately used the fastest speed to cover all the coffins here again, and then his right hand slapped the ground.


Aoba left a Flying Thunder God Formula on the ground, then controlled his chakra and directly used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) to instantly returned to the Anbu dormitory.

Crash crash crash...

After returning to the Anbu dormitory, the pieces of paper on Aoba's body move and release the transformation state revealing his original appearance.

The Anbu dormitory was now filled with water.

Aoba had already thought that the great exploding water colliding wave he spat out would spread to Konohagakure Intelligence Division. This was originally within his expectations, and he was not too surprised.

This was also a signal between him and the shadow clone.

The role of the shadow clone on the Hokage Rock was to observe. When he found that Hiruzen was in a difficult situation, the shadow clone would release himself and pass the information to Aoba, and Aoba's real body would immediately appear.

Aoba's real body turned into Gasshi, and then he shouted out that he had killed Hari and completed the mission. This was not only to paralyze Kumogakure's combat strength but also a message to the advanced paper clones, who had been spread in the village as Kirigakure ninjas.

After the four shadow clones transformed into Kirigakure ninjas and received the secret signal from Aoba, they immediately returned to the top of the Hokage Rock. They did not use Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique), not only to prevent others from discovering their identities but also to confirm the specific location of all Kumogakure ninjas along the way.

After pouring water into Konohagakure, the shadow clone who had stayed behind to assume Aoba's identity received the news and returned to the Anbu dormitory to replace Aoba.

After the entire process was completed.

Aoba could act as if he had never left the entire time.

Moreover, there was a pleasant surprise - after following Eaton, he had completely obtained an alibi, so no one would suspect him.

"Now it's time to help with the flood!"

Aoba quickly changed his clothes into Anbu ninja clothes and put on the cat-faced mask.

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