REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 102

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"Let you? Give me one good reason to let you come with us." Andrea said as if she's challenging Anna but when in fact she is not really expecting much.

"I don't really have a good reason to tell you..." Anna started and looked at Sheena with seriousness in her eyes. Andrea only squinted her eyes as she waited for Anna to finish her response. "...but I know that you have a doubt in me and not only I want to save Pia and Alexandre, I also want to prove myself to you. I want to prove that my mom's decision is not a bad decision to let me expand my knowledge of the world that you guys are in."

Andrea could only smirk at Anna's response. But because of that response of hers she then suddenly remembers what happened years ago.


[Twenty years ago]

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"Speak. Who sent you?" A stone cold voice was heard that sends shivers in Andrea's spine. Andrea looked at the person in front of her; from her looks and height, she might be in the same age as her.

Andrea only chuckled, "Do you really think that I would reveal my master's identity to you just because you ask me? If you beg and kneel down before me I might consider telling you."

Hearing what Andrea just said the person's face in front of Andrea turns extremely not a good expression. She looks more dangerous than before, Andrea felt scared but she tried her very best not to reveal it. "You dare to make such a statement in front of me? I, Mary Adams, have never and never will kneel down to anyone especially to someone like you." Mary said looking down on the woman who is tied down on a chair, she has a lot of bruises and injuries on her body and face. Mary did those to Andrea but she like it was not enough.

"Then you won't get any answers from me then," Andrea said with a smirk on her face.

The smirk on Andrea's face is making Mary more irritated than she was earlier that she punches Andrea's face without any hesitation. That punch was so strong that Andrea tasted blood. Andrea looked at Mary's face coldly and spit out the blood in her face.

"Oh, darling I have my own ways to make you speak." Mary is pissed off by what she just said that she wanted to punch her face again. But she decided not to, she got more important matters to attend to than to waste it on Andrea. Mary wiped off spit blood on her face and said, "Zack, do whatever means necessary to make this b*tch talk and don't stop until you have the information that I need." After that Mary left and Zack was left alone with Andrea.

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Andrea looked at the person named Zack and she saw how handsome he is. He fits well into her type of guys but unfortunately, this guy is her enemy she can't just mingle with her enemy or her master will do something and it will ruin everything that she sacrificed for.

"You know... you should really talk now because Mary will make you suffer every day just to get what she wants." Ever since Mary brought Andrea inside their headquarters Zack had seen all the torture that Mary did to Andrea and he felt pity for her.

Why would Andrea accept all those tortures when her so-called master is not really a good boss, to begin with.

"Shut up! Just do what she orders you to do or else you might get the same torture." When Andrea said that Zack for some reason did not feel delighted. 'Willingly taking the torture eh?'

"Unfortunately, Mary won't do that to me. She will get mad at me for not doing what she orders me to do but she won't such thing towards me. After all, she always has a bit of a soft side when it comes to the people who work for her."

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Even though Zack felt pity towards the person in front of him that does not mean he will not torture this woman to get the information that Mary wants. Zack started to torture Andrea and her screams echoed around the room.

Few days have past and Andrea is still not giving them the information that they needed. And Zack felt bad on giving Andrea her daily torture and on those times he always tells her to talk.

"She is still not talking? Wow, I'm quite fascinated." Mike said as there was an amused smile on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" Zack asked.

"I mean, every time you torture someone to talk they all always talk right away after experiencing your ways of torturing someone the first time." What Mike just said is true that it made Zack wonder why would that woman willingly accept those pain that he causes. 'Is it because she likes to feel pain?' Zack was surprised by that thought and it would really make sense if that was the case.

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Mary and Leonardo who was only listening to Zack and Mike's conversation saw the shocked expression Zack made. They could already guess what was the cause of that expression. "No Zack. That is not the reason she's willingly accepting your tortures." Anna said. She is quite disappointed at Zack, how can he not notice the reason why she is so willing.

"Then what is her reason?"

"Leo explained it to him. I'm already tired." And just like that Mary left the room leaving the explanation to Leonardo.

Leonardo grunted before speaking, "She's protecting someone that's why she's not willing to tell the information that we want."

The expression Zack's face suddenly changes when he heard that. "She's protecting someone? Is it her master? Goodness! Why is she protecting that jackass guy? He is not nice at all..." Zack started to blabber about the bad things about Andrea's master. At the same time, he is also asking why would she protect someone like her master.

As Leonardo was listening to Zack's every word he felt that his veins in his forehead were popping out. "Zack! Can you shut up and don't make assumptions. I am not done talking about her yet!" Zack indeed stopped talking and unconsciously sat down like an obedient dog. He and Mike were surprised by the sudden volume of Leonardo's voice; Leonardo is the type of a person who talks less and won't raise his voice just like that, this is the first time they heard him like this.

Seeing that Zack has stopped talking Leonardo then continued, "First of all Andrea is not protecting her master, she is protecting her mother from her master."

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