REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 103

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"First of all Andrea is not protecting her master, she is protecting her mother from her master."

Realizing what Leonardo means Zack abruptly stood up and interrupted him again, "That bastard!" Mike saw Leonardo's face slowly darkens that he nudge Zack's side. "What?" Zack asked.

"Stop interrupting Leo, you know it's not really good to make him angry," Mike said in a warning tone. With that warning, Zack sat down and slowly looked up to see Leonardo's expression; he gulped. He suddenly got goosebumps all over his body when he saw his cold expression. 'Ahh, here it comes the second Mary.'

Whenever Leonardo is really angry he is like another version of Mary, that is why Mike and Zack don't have the guts to joke around Leonardo. And if they dare it will only end very badly for them both. They still clearly remembers the last time Leonardo got angry; just thinking about it now makes them wanna regret joining Mary.

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Seeing that Zack is now quiet and sitting obediently Leonardo continues, "As I was saying, she was protecting her mother from her master that is why she is not telling you any information. If she leaks even a bit of information her mother will be killed by that master of hers." Leonardo stops and his expression turn very serious. "But sadly her mother was killed by that master of hers on the day she got caught by us."

Hearing Leonardo's last sentence the room turned so quiet that is was very deafening. "When did you and Mary found this information?" Zack asked.

"Last night. If Mary and I have known about her situation then we won't have to put her in the tutored chamber and her mother might have stayed alive. After all, Mary has a soft side when it comes to this kind of situation."

Zack stood up and was about to go out of the room when Leonardo stopped him, "Where do you think you are doing?" Leonardo asked.

"I'm going to tell her what happened to her mother," Zack said firmly but it was not enough to make Leonardo stepped aside to let him do what he wants. "She has the right to know so step aside, Leo."

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"Mary is already there. Telling her every detail, there is no need for you to go there." Leonardo's tone of voice was stern that Zack cannot rebuke.

Leonardo knitted his brows as he observes Zack and then frowns when a realization came into mind. "You should really control your emotion, Zack. It will do you no good in the end if you can't control it." Zack was confused by Leonardo's statement that as if there was a big question mark on Zack's face.

Leonardo sat down and shook his head. It is so obvious yet Zack, himself does not even realize it. Even Mike who was just watching knows what Leonardo means by what he just said. "Lovesick fool," Mike muttered but only himself heard it.

In the torture chamber, Mary was sitting down in front of Andrea who is full of injuries. She was pondering on how would she start saying the bad news towards Andrea. As Mary does that Andrea was scoffing at the thought that Mary would add more the torture that she's having for days. And she is also wondering what is inside the folder Mary has on her hands, she got a bad feeling about that folder.

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Few minutes of silence and then suddenly Mary stood up and untied Andrea. Mary's action confused Andrea, 'What is she planning now?'

When Andrea was no longer tied down on the chair Andrea stretches out her hands and she winces from the pain from all over her body. After that, she cautiously looked at Mary. "You know... there is a chance that I would attack you since you freed my hands. I'm an assassin and you are my enemy. It's natural that I would attack you." Andrea said this but she wouldn't dare to attack Mary when she is in this kind of state. Her body is weak and can't even stand up properly. She also knows that Mary's skill is quite unpredictable and she knows that she is a no match for Mary.

"Yes, I know that..." Mary started then looked at Andrea with pity. The look on her face made Andrea angry; 'Why the hell is this woman and her dog look at me with that kind of look on their faces? Am I that pitiful in their eyes!' One thing that Andrea hate the most is when people look at her pitifully. Making it look like she is weak that she cannot do anything. "...but you need your hands to open this folder and read it," Mary added.

After saying that Mary hands over the folder to Andrea and left the torture chamber.

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Andrea was left all alone and bewildered by Mary's action but she still did what Mary told her to do. She is quite curious why would Mary wants her to read what is inside the folder.

As she was reading it tears were welling up in her eyes. Anger and sadness were visible in her. Andrea was so angry that she wants to kill the person who made her life so miserable. She was so sad that she wants to die; the feeling of losing someone was worse than the torture she had been receiving these days. It was more painful.

She screamed on the top of her lungs as tears fall down on her cheeks. She throws the folder far away from her. Andrea wanted to believe that what's inside that folder is fake but she knows very well how Mary's works. Everything Mary does is the truth, she has no reason to lie about someone's death. Mary is known for one of that reason; she does not joke about death.

Back in the room, Mary and the others were watching Andrea poured out her tears on the screen. They were silent and don't know what to say.

Mary, Leonardo, and Zack don't know whether they should be angry or not at all. But one thing is for sure Zack is really really angry at Andrea's so-called master.

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