REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 104

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Another few days have last, Andrea was transferred to a more comfortable room and her wounds were all treated. The people who work for Mary were treating her nicely but she could that they have doubts in her. They don't trust her at all; they were only doing nice things towards because it was Mary's orders. Well, she can't blame them though, she is after all an assassin to kill Mary but failed to do so.

These few days Andrea was still grieving and had been itching to kill the old bastard. But no matter how many times she tried to escaped Mary has always had her way to stop from doing so; she won't allow her to go and saying that 'Your wounds are still fresh. You need more rest if you want to kill that old man. And your current strength is not enough.'

Andrea could only scoff at her words. Who in the hell did those injuries to her in the first place? It was her dog by Mary's orders that did those injuries on her body. And now she has the guts to tell her that she needed rest and she can go out do anything she wants when everything is fine.

"This is the worst." She said. Even though she is not in the torture chamber anymore and she is kind of in a guest room but she still felt that she is being held as a prisoner trying to serve her years until she got released from prison. 'The worst, worst, worst!' She complained.

"I think not. I think that putting you here is not really that bad or do you prefer that torture chamber?" A voice was heard in the room that she's in.

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Andrea looked at the person who just entered and saw that it was one of Mary's men. "If I choose between the two prisons then I'll choose this one... Also, I don't need your opinion, dog and please knock on the door before coming in. It's really not good." Andrea really hated this guy always coming in her room without knocking. What if one day he just come in and she was bare naked? That would so embarrassing.

The corner of his lips twitches in annoyance when he heard her. "I have a name you know? It's Zack. Z.A.C.K. Please call me that instead of 'dog'. And next time I'll knock, so don't worry." Zack does not know what is Andrea's problem with him. He kept reminding her that she should not call him 'dog' but she does not listen.

Zack does not want to argue with her since she just experiences something very heartbreaking that is why he is careful whenever he makes a conversation with her. Although he wants to make a conversation with her she would always kick him out or say means stuff to him just to get rid of him.

"What do you want? Did Mary sent you?" Andrea asked. If Mary did send Zack here in her room then this might Andrea's another chance to talk to Mary about her getting out of this place.

"Well, sort of... initially it was Leo's task but I volunteered to do it instead and Leo agreed. I hope you don't mind." There was a tint of blush on Zack's cheeks that Andrea thought that is was cute. But she did not tell that to him.

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"I mind as long as you take me to her, I want to talk to her about my matter." Andrea can't take another day staying in Mary's headquarter knowing that the person who killed her mother is still alive and moving freely. She wants to kill that bastard already.

"Okay." Zack leads the way and behind him, Andrea followed. As they were walking towards where Mary is, Andrea was staring at Zack's back. It was such a sight, to be honest, she can already guess that Zack has great body behind those clothes of his and she is already imagining it in her mind. 'Hmm... I wonder how many hard stone packs does this dog has.'

By that kind of thought, Andrea was shocked. Did she really just ask that? Andrea can't believe that she could ask that kind of question. She usually does not have the luxury to think or drool over a guy since she was so busy trying to please the bastard for her mother's sake. But now she doesn't have to please that bastard anymore all she has to do for that bastard is to end his life.

They were still on their way but someone stopped Zack from walking and Andrea looked at who it is. This is the first time she had seen this guy so she had no idea who is this guy is but he is very handsome, much more handsome than Zack but in Andrea's perspective, she prefers Zack more than him. She thinks that this guy is very mysterious that she does not want to interact with him; for her, any mysterious people are best to be avoided at all cost.

"Hey Zacky, who's she? She's pretty." He said with a large grin on his face. But Zack only frowned at him, not very pleased that this guy just complemented Andrea.

"Arion this is Andrea and Andrea this is Arion." Zack briefly introduced them and he was about to leave with Andrea the guy name Arion stopped him again.

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"Your girlfriend?" Arion said as he playfully wiggles his eyebrows.

Andrea looked at Zack and for some reason, she was waiting for his response, as if wanting to hear certain words from his mouth but she could not point out what it is.

"No. She is not. Next time, please don't say such nonsense it will make Andrea feel uncomfortable." Andrea felt a little bit disappointed at Zack's response but Zack is right though they are not in a relationship. Andrea does not even know what kind of relationship they have, acquaintances maybe? "If you do this I'm gonna tell Mary about the foolish things you did just to get her attention."

Arion heard what Zack just said and the grin on his face suddenly faded. Zack saw the change in his face that he had smirk plastered in his face. 'I win. Hahaha!'

"Wha..! Don't you dare tell that to my beloved!"

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"'Beloved'? Please... she does not even see you as a man. What right do you have to call her that?" Zack teased.

"Just wait and see, Mary shall be mine in the future and we both will have kids of our own!" Arion declared very loudly.

"Really now?" A cold tone of voice was heard and the three of them looked at where the voice came from and they saw Mary standing behind the door with her arms cross. "As if that's going to happen."

"Pffftt!" Zack almost laughs out loud seeing Arion's dejected face. 'Good job, Mary good job!'

"Get inside you two. I need to talk about something very important." Mary said to Zack and Andrea. Both of them only nodded and went inside the room while Mary stayed outside listening to Arion's whining.

Andrea was observing Mary and Arion outside and she couldn't help but chuckle. Both of them look cute together but unfortunately, between the two of them, it's only a one-sided love. But who knows what will the future holds.

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