REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 105

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"What are you chuckling about?" Zack asks not that he mind it but instead he rather wants her to laugh than to cry.

"I just think that they look cute together," Andrea said referring to Mary and Arion outside.

Zack frowned at Andrea's complement between Mary and Arion. "Cute? Geez, I don't think so." He said.

By how Zack said those words it sounded like he did not like Mary being with Arion. This made Andrea thinks that Zack is jealous, "How can you say that? Do you like Mary?"

Andrea's question almost made Zack fall down from his seat. "What?! Me liking Mary?! No way!" He said as he waves his hands indicating that what Andrea just thought is very very wrong. "I mean don't get me wrong, I like Mary but I only like her as my friend. Just thinking about me and Mary being together is like a nightmare!"

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Somehow hearing those words from Zack made Andrea feel a bit of ease inside that she could not help but smile. Zack saw her smile that it made him paused for a moment. He was mesmerized by her smile that he wants to see more but he knows that he can't ask her to do that.

"Nightmare? Do you want me to show you what real nightmare is, Zack?" Mary's cold stone voice was heard behind Zack and Andrea. Zack gulped a couple of times regretting that he said those words out loud. 'Ah, I should really be more careful when I say these things out loud.' Zack said to himself while praying inwardly that Mary would not do anything to him.

Seeing that Zack could not reply because of his fear of Mary, Andrea decided to change the subject. "What's the important matter you want to talk about?"

Mary looked at Andrea before sitting down on her seat, "Since you really wanted to kill 'him' then I will give that chance with our help."

"Your help?" Andrea frowns. "I don't need your goddamned help! Do I look like a helpless woman that can't kill a single bug?" She said angrily. If she truly wants to kill that bastard she wants to do it without anyone's help. She does not need Mary to do this matter of hers. And by how Mary said it was very insulting in Andrea's ears.

Mary squinted her eyes and then sighs, "Fine. We won't help you to kill him but you should know that we will still go with you there."

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Andrea is very confused right now. Is Mary really letting her kill that bastard without them? If so then why are they going to come with her? Are they going to keep an eye on her? They don't trust her that much, 'Very understandable.' Mary must have worried that she will tell that man about the location of their headquarter.

Zack looks at Andrea and could already guess what is she thinking. "You got her wrong Andrea." He said in a serious tone.

"What do you mean by that?" What got her wrong? Is he trying to find an excuse for his beloved boss? So unreasonable! It's obvious that is what Mary thinking. Mary does not trust her even for one bit!

"It's true that we don't trust you that much and we don't really care if you tell 'him' about the location of this headquarter because this is not our main headquarter." Andrea looked at Zack confusedly. If this is not their main headquarter then why...? "The reason why we want to come with you is that that bastard has something that we want."

Zack did not bother telling Andrea what they want from her former master and the reason is simple they don't trust her that much. Trust is a big thing for Mary and to those who work under her betray her, it will definitely not end very well.

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Andrea understand if they won't tell her the reason what they want from the man who killed her mother. And she does not care as long as she got her revenge.

"Fine. Just don't get in my way." Andrea said as she coldly stared at Mary. She does not know why but earlier when Zack defended what Mary means, Andrea felt unhappy about it. Being with Mary and the others truly makes her feels this feeling that she does not want.

"Oh don't worry, darling we won't. We just hope that you won't do anything stupid against us because it will not do you any good in the end." Ah... no matter how much Andrea tries to be tough in front of Mary she will always get scared of her when Mary uses her cold stone voice and her domineering aura.

Before Mary left the room Andrea said, "I know you have doubts in me but not only I want to kill the killer of my mother, I also want to prove myself to you!" The determination in Andrea's voice was heard loud and clear by Zack and Mary.

All Andrea can see is Mary's back she does not know what of expression is she making that Andrea is nervous.

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But Zack, on the other hand, knows very well what kind of expression is Mary is making; he's betting that Mary is smirking in satisfaction. And he was right Mary does have that smirk plastered in her face.



What Anna just said may not be the same exact word she said years ago but the determination to prove oneself to a certain person is kind of the same.

On that day, Mary did gave her a chance to prove herself that she is not someone who will betray someone just because they were once enemies of each other. Bit by bit Mary and the others started to trust her and that's always the time when Andrea herself started to work for Mary. As years have passed she is one of Mary's top assassin.

"Prove yourself? Then I'll give you one chance only. If you're a bit of hindrance on this mission then I want you to tell your mother that you are not fit to be part of the organization." Andrea said challenging Anna.

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