REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 11

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~Coleman Residence~

"Dear sister of mine, look at this piece of news." Both siblings are in Anna's room, Aaron put his head in Anna's lap while reading an article of a recent scandal on his phone.

"Oh? What is it?" Aaron let Anna take his phone. While reading the article a mischievous smirk was placed on Anna's lips and that didn't escape from Aaron's gaze.

"You know, we could've done so many naughty things if you showed me this side of you much earlier." Anna turned her gaze on Aaron whose head is in her lap, her eyes showed sadness. She should've spent her time with her brother instead, she wasted her nine years of time spending it with her fake friend Rebecca.

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"Well, it's never too late to do that kind of things don't you think brother?" Aaron wasn't expecting that Anna would just agree just like that. He always wanted to spend more time with his sister, but Rebecca would always get in his way that's why he hated Rebecca. What happened last night at the party made him despise Rebecca more, she dared drug his twin sister. Now that Rebecca crossed the line he will make Rebecca regret doing that.

"You're right it's never too late to do those things." He said in a gentle voice, he can't wait to bond with his sister. In his sixteen years of existence, this will be the first time that he and his sister had this kind of moment together.

While the two siblings are talking to each other, their mother was watching the both of them interacting with each other. Her heart softens to see such perfect harmony between the two of them. She was worried that her children will grow up distancing themselves to each other, but now that she saw this her worries faded.

The twins didn't notice their mother watching the both of them tenderly. Just by watching the two of them is already making her cry.


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Aaron and Anna heard that sniffling sound and looked at its direction, they saw their mother crying and it made the two of them frantic. Aaron suddenly rose up and hit Anna's chin with a 'bang'. Both Anna and Aaron are in so much pain. Anna cursed her brother in her head for hitting her chin and Aaron also cursed his sister in his head for letting her chin get in the way.

"Argh. I can't believe that you have a sharp chin, Anna." Aaron groaned in pain and holds his forehead.

"And I can't believe that you have a thick skull in that head of yours." Anna also groaned in pain and holds her chin, then turned her attention to their mother. "Mom, are you okay? Is there something wrong?"

Mary just laughs at the sight of her kids groaning in pain. "I'm fine." She said and went near to her twins then hugged the both of them tightly.

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"Mom something is definitely wrong with you! You're being so affectionate today!" Aaron grunted, he isn't really a big fan of an affectionate hug it's too much for him to handle. Mary didn't listen to her son's complaint and just hugged them tightly.

"Can't breathe mom!" Anna exclaimed.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Aaron just rolled his eyes when his mother let go and let the both of them take a breather. "It's nice to see the both of you having fun. What change?" It's only natural for Mary to be curious about her two precious treasures because Aaron and Anna don't interact with each other that much back then. This sudden interaction that made her cry is something she wants to know and to celebrate.

"Now that Rebecca is out of the list for being my friend, I decided to spend much more time with my twin brother. Ever since I have been friend with Rebecca I'm spending less time with my twin over here." A gleam of anger is showed in Mary's eyes when she heard her daughter's words. She let a b*tch get near to her precious daughter, she blames herself for letting such a person be friends with her daughter. She regrets not listening to her best friend Alfonso about Rebecca, Alfonso had warned her two years ago about Rebecca but she didn't listen and let Rebecca be friends with Anna that resulted for almost drugging Anna.

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Mary never really wanted to use her power in the business world to destroy someone but Rebecca had just pushed her to do it. Now, she hired someone to investigate Rebecca's father who is currently working in her company she wants to know if Rebecca's father is plotting something, she doesn't want another leech crawling near her family, she must destroy them in any means necessary.

"Don't worry sis, even though you don't have one friend other than me right now, I'm sure you can find someone who's a much better friend that will not betray you!" Anna just smiled at her brother's sentence, she really hoped that she can find someone who she can trust, someone that she can freely share her secrets. "School is coming near maybe you can find someone."

Her brother is right, school is coming near, her first year becoming a high schooler maybe she can find someone there one or two person is enough for her as long as they won't betray her trust.

Speaking of, Anna suddenly remembers all the events that had happened to her in her high school days in her past life. She remembers that she and Rebecca are in the same class, even in her high school days Rebecca was the only one she has. There were many bad rumors about her circulating around the whole school and it made it hard for her to make friends with others, they avoided her like she was a plague. Since those bad rumors about her spread she was always left alone in every activity only Rebecca would include her, but the Anna now knows that Rebecca was only faking it and it was Rebecca who spread those bad rumors in her school.

There are so many bad memories of her in high school days in her past life, but she's not gonna let it happen again, this is her second chance to rewrite her high school life again, this is something she cannot go to waste. This time it's going to be Rebecca who's gonna have a bad memory of her own high school life experience.

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