REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 12

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~7:00 in the evening at the Coleman's Residence~


"I'm right next to you. Do really need to shout, Alfonso?" Mary annoyingly looked at Alfonso who's fuming with anger. Alfonso came to visit to hear what happened at the party but he never expected that Anna was almost drugged by someone and that someone is the little brat Rebecca.

"Yes. She said it right in front of me." The elder of the Coleman family also came. The twins and their mother are confused about why on earth that the elder is here came to visit in the evening, Mary could understand Alfonso because he told Mary that he will come to visit to hear what happened at the party, but the elder came without any notice and no reason at all, the elder just said that there's no need for reasons to visit his grandchildren.

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"That little..! I already warned you about that little brat, Mary! But you didn't listen to me!" Alfonso angrily said to Mary while gripping the teacup on his hand, he's gripping it tight that it might break in any seconds. Mary just sigh at her best friend's criticism, her friend is right, she should've listened to him.

"What's done is done, Alfonso." She just plainly said to Alfonso. She doesn't know what to say, she already knew that as Anna's mother she should have been more cautious on people who are getting closer to her daughter, but even so, she's a mother who wants her daughter to be happy, she wants her daughter to have friends. Ever since that her husband suddenly disappeared, Anna was avoiding interacting with other people even with her own brother she's not talking to him. The only person that broke that wall was Rebecca even though it was all fake Rebecca was the one who broke that wall, that's why she didn't listen to Alfonso's warning.

"So you're just gonna let it be?" The elder spoke, it's clear in his tone that he didn't like that way Mary said it. There should be a punishment to Rebecca's action, Mary should use her influence in the public to make Rebecca suffer or rather she should use their family's dark side. Some elite family like his family has their own dark side, associating with the underground economy, drug dealers and many more. In the case of the Coleman family, they are only associated with the black market and has a group that they use to threaten other people.

The elder knows what kind of background Mary has before marrying to his missing son, Mary was a gang leader back in her younger days. Even though Mary did not come from a wealthy family, she was a perfect match for his son who has a family with a dark side, that's why he did not become an obstacle between Mary and his son. Up until now, Mary didn't let go of her old gang, instead, she became their supporter in times of need.

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"Yeah! I second that motion! Are you just gonna let it be?" Alfonso also knows about the Coleman family's dark side and Mary's venture in the past that's why he is confused why Mary is not doing anything to bring that little brat Rebecca down! In fact, he was one of them! His own gang has a rivalry going on with Mary's own gang in the past they were mortal enemies, whenever they saw each other they were in each other's neck, but when Mary's husband came in their lives things have change between their two gangs and the result is that they came into peace.

"Did I say I'm just gonna let it be?" There was a tad of coldness in Mary's tone that made Alfonso close his mouth instantly. It's been such a long time since he heard that tone, those who are very close to Mary Coleman knows her true nature, cold and heartless. Back in their old days, Mary was also known for being unmerciful almost all gangs in the old days fear her, only him and her husband were not afraid of her.

"Then what are you planning?" The elder was curious and at the same time, he was looking forward to it. He wondered if Mary will use her old gang to scare Rebecca or to torture Rebecca, well, either way, it is something he's looking forward to.

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"Nothing much really. I'm just gonna be Rebecca's secret benefactress to an elite school." She said as she sipped on her cup of tea. Alfonso and the elder were in utter shocked, they couldn't believe that the heartless Mary Coleman that they know is going to be a benefactor on their little foe, isn't that a bit too nice? That's not threatening Rebecca nor torturing her, it's making it into Rebecca's advantage.

"The hell..." Those two words are the only words Alfonso can voice out, he wondered what kind of poison did Mary digested to be someone that she's not. Could it be that she still recognizes that little brat as Anna's friend or something? If she does please someone wakes her up.

Mary chuckled as she saw the elder and Alfonso's expression, she expected that much. "That's not the whole plan, you know?"

The elder frowned at Mary who's keeping him and Alfonso at suspense. "Then, what is the whole plan?"

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"I'm gonna be the secret benefactor to Rebecca so she can go to the same school as my twins, and then guess what?" Mary grinned at them, making the two of them much more curious than they already were.

"Can you please tell us already?! I'm getting impatient here!" Alfonso is getting irritated at his friend's behavior, he never liked this kind of behavior of his best friend it's making him crazy sometimes.

"Anna will do the torture in school. My daughter will make Rebecca get a taste of hell for messing with our family."

Mary told them the whole story on how Anna suggested a better torture to Rebecca 'humiliation' that's the thing that Rebecca wants to avoid the most and that's the most perfect torture she can get. At first, Mary and Aaron were surprised to hear her say that, they never knew that Anna has this kind of side of her at all up until now. Mary never expected her daughter to be like this, she thought that her daughter is just a sweet little lamb that needed to be protected. Who would've thought that Anna Coleman inherited their family's ruthlessness?

"Whoa... First, this old man is ruthless, your 'missing' husband is ruthless, you're ruthless, your son is ruthless, and now Anna is also like that?! The heck! It runs in the family!" The elder frowned when he heard Alfonso called him 'this old man' but he just gonna let it be for now because right now he heard a piece of shocking news about his sweet granddaughter. He never had a thought that Anna would be just like the rest of her family, he always thought that Anna would be the precious odd one in the family but he's wrong, his granddaughter is just like him, like his son, like her mother, and like her brother it really does runs in the family.

"I guess it does runs in the family." Mary said while smiling like a proud mother and so is the elder smiling like a proud grandfather. Alfonso winced at the sight of these two Colemans, they are not even worried that their precious sweet heiress is going to be like them. Alfonso is now worried about Anna's future, it looks like it's up to him to make Anna not become a fulltime ruthless person like her family.

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