REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 13

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Aaron and Anna are just listening to the three adults conversation about how to torture Rebecca and about Anna inheriting their family's ruthlessness. The twins were treated like they're invisible, the longer they stay and the longer they listen to their conversation the more bored they are.

She looked at her brother in the eye as if telepathically communicating that they should get out of the living room before they die from boredom. Aaron just nodded and they both stood up and went to Anna's room. Once they got there, Aaron slumps his body on Anna's soft bed while Anna just sat on top of her bed.

"Do you think mom is considering to use her old gang against Rebecca?" Anna asked her brother. Both siblings know about their family's doing behind the scenes. It still surprises them when they think about it that their sweet delicate mother is a wicked woman.

Both Anna and Aaron were just relieved that their mother is not like that to the both of them, but it doesn't mean that if they did something wrong that their mother does not like they will not get a taste of their mother's wrath.

"Well... it really just depends on mom's mood though." Aaron is not really sure how their mother's mind works, their mother is just too cunning for the both of them to follow.

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Aaron could still remember the day when her mother beat him with a whip. His mother was so angry that day because of what Aaron did, Aaron used his mother's gang to pick up a fight to another gang. Aaron almost got killed that day and it made his mother so furious and whipped him twenty times for being so reckless, it's supposed to be fifty whips but since Aaron is her son she only gave him twenty whips. Ever since that day Aaron has been careful with his actions just to make sure he won't make his mother go berserk on him. Just thinking about it now is making Aaron frightened and it's a good thing that their mother is also an expert in the medical field that his wounds that day didn't leave any scars on his body.

"If mom wants to do the torturing part, I would want her to use the whip." As Anna said that she looked at her brother's face and seeing his sweating face when mentioning the whip it's making her wanna laugh out loud. Anna is aware of that day and at that time she wants to beg her mother stop beating Aaron with the whip but her mother glared at her and it made her shut up. She felt sorry for her brother that day, but then again when she thinks about it now it was his fault in the beginning for being too reckless.

"Please spare me that word, sister." Aaron said referring to the word 'whip'. Anna just laugh out loud at her brother's presence, she knows that she shouldn't laugh but she can't help it when she sees her brother's face like that. Aaron is now traumatized with his experience with their mother and both twins swore not to make their mother angry.

Aaron glared at his sister who kept on laughing at him and said. "You're so lucky that you didn't experience that hell yet." Aaron is envious with his sister that she didn't get to experience the hell that went through yet, sometimes he's even hoping that his sister should experience it.

"Oh come on~! I went through mom's hellish training you know!"

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"I also went through it! And that training is not the exact same feeling of pain that day!" Aaron pouted and Anna found it cute.

Anna and Aaron were trained how to attack and defend themselves at a young age. Since their mother made a lot of enemies back in her day it wouldn't be a surprise if someone just tried to hurt them both. Their mother made sure that her twins would get harsh training so that they can be strong enough to face their troubles when the time comes.

In Anna's past life, she always hated her training because she was against of violence and she would always try to escape their training, but now she finds it thrilling for some reason. She always hears her brother's story about his ventures that their mother gave him in her past life and now in this second life of hers she wants to be part of her brother's ventures and wants to experience the thrills in this world can offer.

"Well, I guess you are right, brother." She said while smirking and her brother just rolled his eyes on her. "Hmmm.. brother, I've been curious." Aaron raised his left brow wondering what his sister is thinking.

"Curious about what?"

"Well you know dad did run his own underworld, right?" Aaron always hated talking about his missing dad but this topic caught his attention. He wondered why did Anna bring this up.

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"Yeah. What about it?" There was a hint of irritation in Aaron's tone and Anna noticed it but she just let it be, she knows that her brother hate their father for leaving them without saying anything and she can't do anything about it.

"I know very well that mom is handling dad's underworld business, but are you willing to run it in the future? After all, you're the rightful heir of our family." In Anna's past life she never knew who inherited their father's other business and she doesn't really care since the day when Juan came into her life she forced herself to be the innocent girl who's not connected to her father's underworld business. The Anna now loathes her past self for being naive and for falling head over heals to that imbecile.

Aaron was about to say something when someone suddenly came into Anna's room and spoke up.

"The both of you will run it." They both at the door and saw their mother's delicate face. "...Unless one of you don't want it."

"Wait. You're saying that Aaron and I can run it together?" Anna's eyes twinkled as she asked that question while Aaron just frowned at her question. "What's with the face brother? Don't you wanna run it together?" Anna said in a sad tone when she saw the look on Aaron's face. She wonders if her brother doesn't want someone to compete with him to his rights.

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"No, it's not like that. I remember that you don't want to get involved in all this. What changed your mind?"

"Well, I just realize that the way of my life right now is too boring so I just wanna add some spice of thrill in my life you know." She said in a matter of fact tone.

This time it's their mother's turn to frown. "What? You want something like what your brother did a year ago?" Their mother's tone is obviously tainted with irritation and anger which made the twins flinch. 'Good job making mom irritated Anna!' Aaron said in his mind.

"Ha-ha-ha! No! Of course not mom! Not like that!" Anna waved both of her hands as she denies her mom's understanding of what she just said. She's not ready to face her mother's wrath just yet.

"It better be." After their mother said that she left and closed Anna's door, Anna and Aaron both released a sigh.

'Mother is surely is scary as hell!' They both said in their mind and still feeling intimidated by their mother's presence earlier.

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