REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 14

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Early morning Anna's uncle suddenly visited them with his family today. Seeing her despicable uncle is making her blood boils and making her want to stab him, but she mustn't do that... not yet.

Ever since she was reborn she wondered why was her mother didn't suspect anything unusual about her uncle James, but then again, her uncle is great at acting nice and concern which makes her much more irritated than she already is.

Aaron saw how Anna twitch her mouth in irritation while staring at their uncle. Why is she angry at their uncle? Did their uncle do some terrible things to her? Those were the questions that's been running to his mind.

"Hey, why are looking so angrily at uncle James?" Aaron whispered in Anna's ears.

"I don't know. I feel like he's scheming something." 'Which is true.' Anna doesn't want to tell Aaron the whole truth, she doesn't have any proof if she wants to chase her uncle out of the family.

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"Well, I kind of agree with you sis, from the look of uncle's eyes is full of greed." Anna's brother always had keen eyes for people like their uncle. With this kind of observation, Aaron can easily avoid those kinds of people easily.

"Oh~?" Anna's eyes shone in amusement in her brother's claim. "Wanna force him to show his true color?" A hint of mischievousness is obvious in her tone.

"Sure." Aaron agreed without any hesitation. Aaron doesn't really like his uncle but that does not mean that he despise him like what Anna feels towards their uncle James. What he doesn't like about his uncle is that James is using their mother's kindness to his advantage, that's why he wouldn't mind participating in Anna's little scheme to their uncle.

At this point it made Anna and Aaron wonder if their mother is blind that she didn't even notice that greedy glint on their uncle's eyes. Mary is also keen like her son but now she has turned into a blind eye just because he is family, he's part of the Coleman family.

While the two siblings are talking on how they execute their plan someone has been watching them from afar and couldn't hear their voices. Sharon Coleman daughter of James Coleman same age as Anna and Aaron. In Aaron's own opinion Sharon is also ambitious and greedy like her father, she has tried to become a model but she doesn't have any luck, the only way for her to become a top model is to use the influence of the Coleman's twin siblings. Ever since the party of her grandfather, Anna and Aaron were in the headlines of each news she passes by, the twins popularity skyrocketed without even trying, even though she's a Coleman herself she is nothing to the public's eye compared to the twins.

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Sharon is very envious with her cousins', their position should have been hers, she should have been the one who's in the headlines, not them! After all, her father is the firstborn son, her father has all the rights to take over the family business but her goddamned grandfather didn't let him take over and gave it to her missing uncle without any thoughts of her own father. She wondered why did her grandfather give the inheritance to the second born son instead of the firstborn?

When her uncle suddenly vanished without any words she was happy because her father is going to be the head of the family, but to her disappointment, her grandfather gave it to her uncle's wife, Mary Coleman who doesn't even have the blood of a Coleman in her veins.

Mary Coleman is only married to the family but why should she take over the family business? And why is it her father is left behind and serving that woman?! This line of thought is making Sharon hates her cousins and her aunt more and more.

Sharon must not let her anger get in the way, hence if she wants to use her cousins' names to become a top model. With grievance, she walks her way to her cousins' position. "Hey! Anna, Aaron!" The twin looked at the person who's calling for them. "How are you guys?"

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"We're fine actually. Thanks." Anna said in a grateful tone.

"How about you?" Aaron asked.

"Same as always." The twins could clearly see Sharon's fake smile. 'Oh~? You want to act fake, huh? Then I'll just play along with you.' Anna and Aaron said in their minds.

"So... I heard that you're trying out modeling career. Is that true?" Anna asked which surprised Sharon. She never told anyone about this except for her father and mother, how did Anna know that? Does this mean she also knows that she doesn't have any luck in that field?

"W-well yes. I've been trying to." Even if Anna knows that she doesn't have any luck in her so-called modeling career she won't say it, it will only hurt her pride.

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Aaron could already guess that Sharon has no luck in that field base on her surprised look earlier. An idea suddenly popped into his mind. "Sharon, have you already signed a modeling agency?"

"I.. I have not." In every agency that Sharon tried to sign in, she can't get in every agency declined her.

Aaron could probably guess why there are no agencies that are not willing to take her in. Sharon is too arrogant for her own good and likes to use other peoples' names just to get what she wants.

"I can let you be part in the agency that I'm in." Suggested Aaron. Aaron had signed to an agency when he was nine. He practically begged his mother to become a model, but as the time goes by he regret it and modeling is just his hobby now.

"Rea-really?" Sharon was overjoyed when she heard that. She always wanted to be part of the agency that Aaron was in but there was no chance for her at all since that agency is top notch and their perspective on a model is high.

"Yeah. After all, we're family." Anna just scoffs inwardly on what she just heard from her brother. 'Yeah right. Family.' She doesn't know what's going on her brother's mind but one thing she knows is that Aaron got it under his control.

"Yes of course! We're family!" 'Hmm... It's a good thing that these two are just like their mother. They are just too nice when it comes to family that they can't even notice that we're already planning on taking over what they have now. They're so naive!'

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