REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 114

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"Are you trying to kill me?!" Anna angrily shouted at Kyle. Anna almost got hit and almost had a heart attack because of what Kyle just did.

"I had no choice he was about to hit you," Kyle said nonchalantly.

Anna's face flared up in anger, "So swinging your leg in front of me will put that man down huh?!" It's a good thing that she ducks down before Kyle could even hit her face.

"It worked, did it not? You avoided it right on time. So everything's fine." It's true that Johan is about to attack Anna and without Kyle, she would have been stabbed back by him. But then again why would Kyle do something like that? Swinging his leg in front of her; it's a good thing that she avoided it right on time.

Anna does not want to argue with Kyle anymore and focused on Johan who is wiping his bleeding nose. Two little brats caught him off guard. Maybe he is having a bag day today. It's been a quite a while since he's been on a fight. And to think that the first opponent that could hit him in the face is two teenagers who do not have enough experience on a mission like rescuing.

"You brats sure are annoying as bugs." He said snickering. "But unfortunately for the two of you, I don't have the time to play." After Johan said this Pia came back with two men dragging her.

"Let me go!" She shouted but the two men did not listen to her and continued dragging her in front of Johan.

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"If you have someone to blame for your misfortune, blame it all to Alfonso. After all, he is one of the reasons why am I doing this." As Johan said this he is making Pia feel the coldness of the pocket knife that Anna stabbed him.

There was still blood on it and it was dripping on Alexandre's face. Pia was horrified at the blood dripping on her son's face. Anna moved forward and Johan noticed it. "Uh-uh, you stay put young brat or else there will be a lot more blood dripping on this little precious angel's face." It was a threat, a threat that he will kill Pia in front of them. In front of Alexandre.

Anna stopped. Gritting her teeth in frustration; she can't do anything with Johan pointing the knife at Pia's throat. She does not trust Johan, either she makes her move or not Johan will still kill Pia or so she thought that Johan's real target is Pia.

In the corner of her eyes, Anna notices an angry flare of eyes coming from behind Johan. Those pair of eyes were from Andrea. She must have been so angry because her son was shot by him.

Johan might not have noticed it so Anna decided to stall Johan. If she could stall him with enough time then Andrea can make her move.

"What will you get by killing Pia?" She asked.

"Pia? This woman?" Johan asked as he pointed at Pia then he laughed. "You got this all wrong little brat. I am not here to kill her. I'm here to kill the most precious treasure Alfonso has now."

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Anna's forehead wrinkled hearing that, 'Precious treasure...?' After some seconds of thinking Anna's eyes widened in shock and horror. "How could you! Alexandre is only a child! An innocent child you bastard! He did nothing wrong towards you!"

Anna does not really know what is going on between this guy and the organization but killing a child in order to get his goal is unacceptable.

"Little brat, do you really think that I would care whether this child is innocent or not?" Johan said coldly and Anna coldly glares at him. "I only care at the fact that this child is carrying the same blood as Alfonso. But you don't have to worry though, cause I will not only target Alfonso's child there will be a lot of surprises in the future."

Hearing those words Pia is scared out of her wits for her son. He does not want to kill her but the only human being that he wants to kill is her son. Pia does now know whether she should get angry at Alfonso or not. She thought that Alfonso is only a famous fashion designer but she would not have fathomed that Alfonso has another identity in the shadows. All of this started because of the hatred this man has on Alfonso.

If she had known that Alfonso has this kind of dangerous life around him she would have never introduce him to her son.

However, right now, she has to struggle her way out of the grip of this man and run to Anna's side. For the better or for the worst she felt that Anna is the only one she could trust.

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She struggles with all her might. Johan got annoyed by the movement that she is causing that he pushed her down. The impact was too much that it made Alexandre cry. The poor baby experiencing all of this because of a man's hatred towards its father.

"I've already wasted so much time chatting with all of you, it is time for the child to die," Johan said as he pointed the gun in Alexandre's head. Before Pia could even react and before Johan could even pull the trigger Andrea kicked Johan in the stomach.

"Pia I'm sorry you're experiencing all of this with your son but please don't blame Alfonso for everything that's been happening. He also did not expect all of this to happen. Besides he's on his way here." Andrea said in a gentle tone but her face was staring at Johan with an angry face.

The two men on Johan's side was about to attack Andrea when Ion put them dead on the ground in an instant. Didn't even break a sweat.

"Hahaha! Didn't see you coming." Johan said in an amused tone towards Andrea.

"You're not the only one who has improved here, Johan. I did not lack on my training."

"I can see that. You may have improved your speed and stealthiness but that doesn't mean you can defeat me just like that. You know unpredictable I can be." Johan is truly an unpredictable fella that is what makes him a dangerous opponent.

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The first one who made the first move is Andrea and Ion. They both attack him at the same time but none of their attacks are hitting him. Looks like the years of playing dead turns out to be his training years. He got stronger and better. Maybe he is in equal par with Mary now.

With all the advances that Andrea and Ion are making is worthless and it is making them tired. Noticing that their attacks are slowing down Johan smirk and attack them in their critical points. Ion kneeled in pain and so did Andrea but she stood up immediately ignoring the pain that Johan gave her. She has to keep Pia and Alexandre out of harms way from that lunatic, Johan.

"I've had enough. I will not waste any more time, so will please hand over your son I can kill him." He said to Pia. Is he really asking such ridiculous question? Who in the right mind will hand over their child to someone who just asks that kind of question?

"No!" Pia firmly said.

Johan's eyes flickered in annoyance, "Fine. I'll just kill him in your arms."

Anna and Kyle run towards Johan to stop from pulling the trigger. But it was all too late, Johan already pulled the trigger and someone was shot.

Her back was facing Johan while in front of her is a cute little angel staring at his mother as if wondering what is happening to her.

At the same time, a man who just got out of the van saw everything that happened and was shocked. He was too late.

She was shot.

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