REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 115

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She was shot.

Right in front of everyone, she was shot. Johan was shocked by what Pia just did. She used herself to be the shield for her son. 'Stupid, turning yourself to be a shield for a weak child.'

Pia slowly put her son down; she does not want to take the risk of holding her son up when then chances of her losing her consciousness anytime soon are high.

When Alexandre was on the ground it was the same time Anna and Kyle were beside them. Kyle held Pia who is losing its balance while Anna checked if Alexandre was alright. Her hands were trembling as she does that.

"Anna..." Pia called, indicating that she wants to say something. Anna leaned forward and let Pia whispered her words.

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Tears wear starting to fall down on her cheeks as she listens to Pia's words. After finishing telling Anna her last words Pia's eyes were slowly closing. "No... No... big sis Pia, please keep your eyes open." Anna begs and begs for her to open her eyes but it was no use. She already released her last breath.

It was as if Alexandre knew what's happening to his mother that he started to cry. It was so silent that only Alexandre's cry can only be heard.

"Johan! You bastard!" A familiar voice was heard that's going towards them. It was Alfonso, his eyes were flared up in anger. Seeing Johan killed the mother of his child truly made him angry and regret not being there with her. If he had not accepted the mission that Mary gave to him this might not have happened to Pia, he would have been beside her son and Pia. She only has a little life in her and this happens. The world is too cruel for Pia and Alexandre.

Alfonso plunges an attack towards Johan and it hit Johan in the face. Johan stumbled on his feet but he quickly regains his composure. He stood straight and there was a trace of a smirk in his face. "Ah, seriously you and Andrea have a very special way saying your greetings." In the past, before he faked his death the only time Johan seen Alfonso being so angry is the time when he betrayed the organization. And now he is seeing his angry face once again. This is truly a sight to behold.

Johan was about to strike back at Alfonso to have his fun but some unknown guy stopped him, "Enough Johan. The boss is calling you back, he's angry at your action today." The unknown man said.

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Johan could only tsked at him and turned his head towards Alfonso and the others direction. "Looks like its not the right time to have a one on one fight, Alfonso." He said while grinning evilly. "Please keep an eye to your son, because I'll be coming back. Oh! And tell Mary that this incident today is only a warning, so you guys better prepare for the upcoming war." After saying that Johan faces his back on them and started to walk away.

"I am not gonna let you off that easily Johan!" Alfonso shouted and was about to attack Johan again but the man who is with Johan throws something towards Alfonso and it released quite a smoke.

Because of the smoke, Alfonso and the others can't see clearly. Everything is hazy in their eyes. By the time the smoke cleared out Johan and the unknown man were gone.


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At the hospital inside Alexandre's ward, Anna was kneeling down in front of Alfonso and Alfonso was baffled by her action. Even Kyle doesn't understand why is she kneeling down in front of his uncle.

"Anna what are you doing? We are at the hospital it's not the place for you to kneel down." Alfonso said while trying to make Anna stand up but Anna is stubborn and not letting Alfonso stop her from doing what she is doing.

"I'm sorry." She started. Alfonso's left brow rises, 'What is she saying sorry for?' "I'm sorry... I should have told you my suspicion about Elina. If I just told you then—"

Alfonso did not let her finish her words and hugged her tightly. "It's alright I don't blame you. What happened, happened." He said gently. When those words Anna started to cry. How could her uncle Alfonso not blame her? She had her suspicion on Elina long ago and she did not tell anyone except for her brother and Nathalia. Alfonso should have blamed her, that way she will feel a little bit better. Not blaming her makes her even more guilty.

"Why are you not blaming me... because of me Alexandre's mother is gone." She said in a low voice but it was enough for Alfonso to hear.

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Alfonso knows that what Anna's real intention is only for good. She does not mean any harm to anyone who is close to her. Alfonso has known Anna since she was a baby, he watched her grow up to be the person she is now. He knows her too well, Anna has a good heart and would always put everyone who is close to her first before herself. Anna never asks for something selfish that sometimes Alfonso wishes that Anna would put herself first before anyone else.

"It's alright Anna..." He whispered to her ears.

"No, it's not alright... it's not... because of me..." Even having the chance of reliving her life again, she is still naive as she was in her past life. Always keeping things to herself and never voice them out when it's needed. Keeping her suspicion on Elina all to her self ended Pia's life, Alexandre's mother. How can she face Alexandre from now on? If she faces Alexandre now she will feel very guilty; she will have a hard time telling all of this Alexandre when he grows up.

"Alfonso..." Someone from behind called him. Alfonso turns his head to face that person and he sees Andrea.

"Out already? The doctors should check more on your vitals." Alfonso said. It has not been an hour since they entered this hospital. Andrea, Ion and his son were being examined by the doctors to check if something is wrong. Especially his son, Alfonso wants to double check that the bastard, Johan did not do anything on his son's body.

"I'm not the weak, Alfonso. That traitor only hit me and Ion on our critical points and everything is fine now." She said frowning at Alfonso; he is such a worrywart.

Andrea glances at Anna who is crying in Alfonso's arms. The incident that happened earlier will leave a mark on Anna from now on, this might even be the turning point for Anna. She will change, but the question of what she will turn into is all up to Anna herself.

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