REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 130

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[At the Coleman Residence]

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"Mary, where are the kids?" Marcus Coleman asked. It has been an hour since the exact time Anna and Aaron usually come home but no matter how much he waited the kids are still not home.

"Have you forgotten?" Mary said as she sat down next to her father in law. "Aaron has basketball practice today."

After hearing that, Marcus suddenly remembered that Aaron did tell him about his basketball practice and going to be home late. "Ah, I remember. Very understandable but where is Anna? She doesn't have any after-school activities doesn't she?" Marcus wondered why would Anna not be here; for Aaron's case, Aaron has an excuse why he couldn't be home right now, but Anna? What kind of excuse does she have?

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"As far as I know she does not have any after-school activities. Maybe she's waiting for her brother." Mary said. "It's nice to see that the twins are closer now." Ever since the day of Marcus' birthday the twins were closer than ever. There was no line between them like in the past; Mary is happy that her twins are closer now.

In the past whenever she sees her twins together she always noticed that there is an invisible line between them, but now it's different. She's happy about that; Mary would not know what to do if her twins continue that act of theirs until they grow up, it would be really hard for her to get them close.

Marcus did not hear the last sentence Mary uttered, he only heard the first ones before that so he said, "If Anna doesn't have any after-school activities then she's going to have a good scolding from me for not coming home early. She knows that we have a visitor today and I want at least one of the twins to greet our visitor." Marcus said in a disappointed tone. He has been looking forward to this day for a long time now; to make the twins and his visitor to know each other.

Mary shrugged and asked, "Who is our visitor anyway?" Her father in law has been talking about this certain visitor for quite a while now but she has no idea who is this visitor is. Seeing how excited Marcus is, this only made Mary curious who that visitor is.

"A possible fiance for our only princess." Mary was sipping her tea as she listened to Marcus but hearing those words from him Mary was coughing really hard. She looked at him full of shock written on her face.

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"So, why are you waiting for me?" Aaron asked his sister who is wiping his sweat around on his neck and on the forehead. The practice game was only fours hours but he is betting that his sister was really bored waiting for him.

"Because I don't really feel like meeting the person grandpa wants us to meet, so I waited for you," Anna said truthfully. Ever since she woke up this morning she has been feeling anger rising up inside her.

In her past life, this is the same day where her nightmare started; since the moment she met him she taught that her days were the sweetest ones but when that dreadful day came she has come into a realization that it was all just an illusion.

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She could have to face him but she is not ready yet; she is afraid that when she faces him her anger will only show and that would be not good. She has to make sure that her emotion is in check before meeting him, she does not want him to be suspicious of her.

Ever since she started her whole new second life, she has been thinking how did he plan and put actions in all of those incidents in her past life? Some of those plans are something that man cannot even afford, she has been suspicious of him that someone is backing him up.

If her hunch is true then she has to bring that backing of his come to light and put that person where it belongs. Without anyone backing him then none of those that happened in her past life won't ever happen again.

"Why? Do you know who is our visitor? Grandpa has been talking about that visitor for quite a while now, I'm pretty sure that we'll get a good scolding for not being home early." It's okay for Aaron to get scolded by his grandpa since he is always get scolded by his grandpa for doing something he is not supposed to do. But his twin sister never got scolded by their grandpa so it might be tough for her bear their grandpa's harsh words.

Unknown to Aaron, in Anna's past life she always has been scolded by her grandpa for tarnishing their Coleman family reputation. Anna doesn't know why she was scolded for that when she was not the one who is ruining their family reputation; she was only at that place at a wrong time which resulted for her to them blame for their family reputation. Behind those incidents, it was all plotted by Rebecca, and Anna knows that by now that is why she is being careful around Rebecca now.

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"No reason, I just don't feel like meeting that visitor and I think I heard his name from grandpa...I think it was Juan," Anna said smoothly as if she was wondering who is that person. "And also if grandpa is gonna scold then, so be it." She smiles sweetly and Aaron just stared at her with his left brow raised.

"Well, we better go home now I'm hungry," Aaron said as he rubs his stomach.

Hearing her brother say that her eyes sparkled in excitement, "Can I cook for you then?" She asked excitedly.

"No." Aaron immediately declines Anna's offer.

"Why? I've been practicing!"

"Really now? Tell me, during those 'practice' of yours, who's your guinea pig? Hmm?" He said questioning Anna. Aaron still remembers the days Anna was learning how to cook, the one who was eating her cooking during that time was him and always him. His tummy was in so much pain every time she cooks. No matter how much he avoids it, Anna would always find a way for him to eat her cooking; it was hell for Aaron.

"You." Anna smiled awkwardly remembering the pain that she is causing to her brother by her cooking. "But! I can assure you that it's better now!" After saying that Anna pulled her brother to walk out of the school and she did not let her brother say anything back; meaning that no matter what Aaron will say he will surely eat her cooking.

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