REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 131

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"You are right! You've gotten better at your cooking skill, sister." At first, when he saw the food in front of him he was surprised that it was not burned or even looks ugly. The food in front of him was decent looking, but Aaron knows the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' so he is still having second thoughts on eating the food Anna made, but Anna was so persistent that Aaron complied. When he tasted the food it was not bad like it used to be, the food was tasty.

After finishing the food Anna made for him, Aaron knew that there is still a place for some improvements in Anna's cooking. Looks like from now on, he will be willing to be a guinea pig for Anna.

"See, I told you so!" There was a smug on Anna's face; she was feeling so proud of herself.

"Why did you want to learn how to cook in the first place?" For a while now, Aaron has been curious why would his sister willingly wants to learn how to cook. There is a cook at the Coleman Residence there is no need for Anna to cook food, so he wondered why.

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Anna pondered for a while after hearing that question from her brother. "It's because I want my very someone to taste my cooking." She said in a teasing way.

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She was only joking but her brother took it very seriously. "Who is it?" He said in a growling voice. He was irritated by the thought of someone is stealing his sister away. It's not the right time to give his sister to someone else. Aaron is pretty sure that his mother and grandfather are also not ready to give their only princess to someone else yet.

Anna raises an eyebrow at him and said, "Why are you even angry? I was just joking." Anna was only joking when she said those words; she does not understand why would her brother growled like that. It was as if he was angry at the thought that Anna is doing all this just for one very special person.

"Well, don't joke like that again. It's too early for you to have someone special." Aaron was firm at the way he releases his words towards Anna.

As the twins were having their talk in the kitchen, Marcus who has been informed that his grandchildren are now home immediately went to where Anna and Aaron is. When he arrived at the kitchen he saw the twins were happily talking to each other; Marcus does not want to ruin such moment between the siblings but he is still upset because none of the twins arrived earlier when he told them so.

"Looks like your grandchildren are having a great time, I think we should let them be, grandfather. I can meet them tomorrow anyway." Said the man next to Marcus. His tone was gentle and he sounded like he doesn't want to ruin the moment Anna and Aaron are having right now.

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Marcus looked at him and said, "Nonsense child!" In Marcus perspective, the man next to him is very understandable and very patient. He felt guilty that his own grandchildren did not show up at his arrival. Marcus looked at the twins and coughed to get their attention.

The twins heard that and could already tell that it's their grandfather who is calling them. "Grandpa! How was your day today?" Anna exclaimed as if she was very happy to see her grandfather. She was smiling but when her eyes landed at the person she despises the most, her smile froze and slowly anger is rising up in her.

She clenched her hand very tightly that is started to shake. Anna was trying her very best to contain her emotion. Aaron noticed that her hands were shaking and it made him frown; he stared at her and saw her staring at the man next to his grandfather.

Aaron looked at that man up and down; he observed him very carefully and he saw nothing very impressive in him. That man can't even compare to Aaron's handsome face; that man looks handsome but his face is not enough to beat Aaron's godlike face or even Kyle's. Aaron wondered why would his sister be shaking looking at him, he could feel that his sister doesn't feel comfortable being around that man.

"My day would be fine if one of my grandchildren were here earlier to greet our visitor." The twins could clearly feel that their grandfather is really upset that they weren't here earlier. But then again, they did not feel bad not seeing the visitor that their grandfather wants them to meet.

"Grandpa, I already told you about my basketball practice. I have my own excuse not to greet your visitor earlier." Aaron said as he cleans up the dishes.

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Marcus squinted his eyes at Aaron trying to see if Aaron was lying or not. But no matter how much he observes him there was no hint of a lie. Since Aaron is telling the truth, he turned his attention towards Anna, "How about you, young lady? What's your excuse?" He said.

"I was watching my brother practicing, I forgot that we have a visitor today. I'm very sorry, grandpa." Anna lowered her head indicating that she is really sorry for not being home much earlier to greet their visitor. What Anna truly want to say is, 'I didn't come earlier because I don't want to see that bastard, grandpa.' But she held herself back, after all, she does not want to make them suspicious of her.

In this timeline, she and that man next to her grandfather has never met before and this is their first time meeting each other.

Marcus wanted to scold Anna for forgetting something very important; he even reminded the twins every day about their visitor yet how come Anna forgot about it. Somehow, Marcus felt that Anna did not show up earlier on purpose but he can't accuse his own granddaughter because he doesn't have any proof to accuse that to her.

Marcus was about to say something to Anna but he was interrupted by someone, "Come on now, father. Forgive the children, they are young and wants to do things their way. Let this incident slide." Mary's gentle voice was heard from behind. Anna and Aaron were very happy on the inside because their mother is here to save them from their grandfather's blabbering mouth.

The old man sighed deeply and said, "Fine. I'll let this incident slide but only for this day." Marcus looked at the man next to him and remembered the other reason why he came to where the twins are, "Before I forget, children this is Juan. He will be staying with us for a while so I hope that you guys will get along." As Marcus said this he was looking at Anna; the way he looks at her has deep meaning to it and Anna already knows what her grandfather is trying to say.

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After introducing the twins to Juan, Marcus led Juan to the room he will stay at. The ones who are left in the kitchen is the twins and their mother.

"Your grandfather is truly something don't you think so?" Mary snickered, "He even decided that Juan is a possible husband for Anna."

Aaron froze paused from what he is doing and turned his whole body around to face his mother, "Mom, what did you just say? That guy will be Anna's husband?"

"Possibly, we're not sure yet. He's only a candidate, besides, the final decision will be in Anna's hands. But then again, your grandfather is really fixated that Juan will be Anna's future husband." After saying that Mary bid them goodbyes since she has a meeting to go to.

Anna already expected all of this happen so this is not a surprise for her but that does not mean she will not do anything. She will definitely show her grandfather how much of a scum Juan is and then when her grandfather realizes it, the chances for Juan to be Anna's fiance will be no more.

While Anna was composed and all, Aaron on the other hand, was already panicking for his own sister's sake. He already dislikes the idea that his sister's possible fiance is Juan. In Aaron's perspective, Juan is not fit to be his future brother in law.

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