REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 132

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"What's wrong with your brother?" Nathalia asked Anna. Ever since morning class started Aaron has been cursing the person named Juan and it's quite unsettling to hear that he is cursing someone who is not here.

"And please tell your brother to shut his mouth. It's quite annoying to hear such vulgar words when I'm eating my food here." Lannie wants to eat her food peacefully but Aaron kept on saying vulgar words towards one person and it is spoiling Lannie's appetite.

When Aaron heard Lannie's complain he immediately went and sit beside her. Lannie was startled by him and she was also crept out by him at the way he stared at her. "What are you looking at?" She asked.

Aaron stared at her and an idea came in his mind. Ever since he met Lannie, Aaron got this feeling that Lannie is planning on something. So, quietly he observed her; whenever they are together Aaron would always hear Lannie talk about her older brother. Not long ago, Aaron finally realized what Lannie has been trying to do. 'She's trying to pair my sister and her brother.'

Lannie is trying to put her brother and his sister together. At first, when Aaron realizes it he despises the idea that someone is trying to pair his sister to some guy. But now, it's different because if he were to help Lannie do what she wants to do then Juan will be out of the picture.

In every aspect, Juan will lose to Kyle. Aaron will make sure that his grandfather will see that Juan is not right for his sister.

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"I need to talk to you." After saying that he pull Lannie out of the cafeteria and took her to where there are fewer students roaming around.

Anna and Nathalia were surprised by what they just saw. If Anna and Nathalia don't know any better they would think that Aaron would be confessing his love towards Lannie, but they think otherwise.

"Something is wrong with your brother," Nathalia really thinks that Anna's brother is not thinking straight. He even involved Lannie to his weirdness.

Anna sighed, she too doesn't understand why is her brother is acting like that today, "Just ignore him. This act of his will probably lasts only for today."


Lannie was dragged all the way to the other hallway far from the cafeteria. She was irritated because Aaron dragged her all of a sudden; she did not even have the chance to finish her food. "What is wrong with you, Aaron?!"

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Lannie manages to break free from Aaron's grip and was about to walk away but Aaron suddenly said something that really confuses Lannie, "Let's join forces!" Lannie turns her body around and looked at Aaron.

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"Huh? Join forces on what?" What Nathalia said is true, Aaron is really acting very weirdly and it's very uncomfortable being around him. 'Join forces? Is he on a war or something?'

"I know that you are trying to partner up your brother and my sister together." As Lannie listen to Aaron's every word, she started to get nervous. She knows how overprotective can Aaron be whenever his sister is included.

Suddenly worries filled her; she worries that Aaron will be in her way and he might even tell his sister to severe the friendship that they have right now. She can't let those two possibilities to happen, "W-what are you saying? I am not doing such a thing!"

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"Stop, don't try to lie to me. I already know about that not long ago." Aaron said. In his opinion, Lannie is very bad at lying, she can't even look him directly in the eye.

If she's afraid that Aaron will get angry then, she got it all wrong. "I don't mind it if you're trying to pair my sister to your brother, but in the end, the final say in all this is your brother and my sister. We can't force them after all."

Aaron's word was like a go sign for Lannie; she felt so delighted that Aaron will not get in her way. She also agrees at his last words, even if she does all this just to get her brother and his sister to be together, the ones who will decide in the end is them.

Lannie was so delighted that Aaron does not mind if she makes a move to have her brother and his sister be together but then, her mood suddenly drops when she realizes that Aaron is the type of a guy who wouldn't sell off his own sister to another guy; this made her very suspicious of Aaron's motives. 'Why is he giving me a go sign?' She asked herself.

"Wait, you're not gonna retaliate? Why?" She asked. There must be a reason why Aaron is not telling her not to make a move. She has to know why would Aaron agree without even getting angry or something.

"Because my grandfather is trying to pair my sister to the man he thinks suited for her. In my opinion on that man? I don't like him, even for a bit." Aaron truthfully said.

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Earlier this morning while they were having their breakfast, Aaron was not in the mood already because of Juan joining them in the same table. Juan was so kind, very kind that it became so unsettling in Aaron's mind. The way Juan talks towards his sister was so gentle and he acts so smoothly; there were no flaws in his actions that it became so suspicious.

Aaron is so sure the Juan is hiding something, and he cannot let him get near his sister without confirming that Juan only has pure motives towards Anna.

"Wait so you mean, your grandfather wants that man to be your sister's future husband? He's trying to pair them up?" Like Aaron who was panicking yesterdays after hearing that same news from his mother, Lannie also panicked.

Her brother has a rival and the chances of that man winning Anna's heart might be high. If this goes on her brother will lose, 'I can't let this happen!'

"We have to do something! How good is that man anyway? How is he able to melt the heart of the one and only Marcus Coleman?" If that man has the favor of Marcus Coleman then the chances of her brother winning are pretty low.

"I'm asking the same thing! I have no idea what my grandfather sees in that guy." Aaron is also curious about how on earth did Juan melt his grandfather's heart? As the public knows Marcus Coleman is a hard man to approach; there are only a few people who are able to approach him confidently and most of those few people are his mother's friends.

"I'm going to your house later." Lannie declared; if she wants her brother to win then she has to know what kind of opponent are they facing.

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