REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 134

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"Uncle, did you know that Anna's grandfather is planning to wed Anna to some guy?" Lannie asked.

Currently, right now, they are having a family dinner including Alexandre and Alfonso. The whole family is in one dining table and Lannie took this chance to make her brother hear such news.

Alfonso pause for a moment thinks about what Lannie just said. "Ah! That... I heard about it from Anna's mother." This news shocked Alfonso very much. He can't believe that the one and only Marcus Coleman who is very overprotective towards his only granddaughter would let Anna marry some guy. He knows that Anna even barely knows that guy; sometimes Alfonso couldn't figure what Marcus is really thinking.

But what can he do? That is after all their family matter. He doesn't have the right to say anything.

"So you knew? Tell me, uncle, why do you think that Anna's grandfather really likes that guy for Anna?" Lannie really wants to know what did Marcus Coleman saw on that guy. He may be handsome but he is no good for Anna, he is too fake for someone like Anna.

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"I have known that kid since he was young. I witnessed how he saved Marcus and Marcus felt gratitude towards Juan and I think since then those two have become close." Alfonso told Lannie what he remembered about Juan and Marcus.

Lannie frowned after hearing that from her uncle. Juan saved Marcus and then Juan got favor from Marcus? Does that mean her brother has to save Marcus in order to get on Marcus good side? That is ridiculous! Very ridiculous!

That's one the ways to gain favor but Lannie thinks that her brother should not do that. There are always other ways to get on Marcus good side. Then again, so what if Juan saved Marcus, it's obvious to her that Juan is a fake person and he only saved Marcus for a purpose.

Is Marcus so thankful towards Juan that he cannot see clearly through Juan's fakeness? 'That is not cool, old man.' Lannie thought to herself.

While Lannie and Alfonso were talking about the possible future husband of Anna, Kyle, on the other hand, was gripping tightly on the glass he is holding. For some reason, he is very displeased by the idea that someone is making a decision on who's Anna is supposed to wed in the future.

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He can't picture anyone besides him to be Anna's husband. 'Wait, what? Husband? Me?' Kyle was so surprised by what he just thought. He can't believe that he just declared to himself that there should not be anyone else other than him to be Anna's husband.

For the past days since that incident with Pia, Kyle has been thinking a lot about Anna. Sometimes he even wants to pick up Anna from her school and bring her to someplace where just the two of them. He also sometimes wanted to ask his sister for Anna's number but he couldn't do so because he thinks that there is nothing he could possibly say to Anna. They even barely know each other.

Kyle is starting to think that there is something wrong in him for thinking about Anna a lot. He could also blame his sister for this. Whenever he is with his sister, his sister would always talk about Anna. But then again, it is also his fault; why did he even listen to his little sister blabbering about Anna? If he had not listened to his sister talking about Anna then he wouldn't think about Anna all the time, right?

Suddenly Kyle remembers the words that Erik left on him the other day, 'If you think about one person all the time then probably means you like that person?'

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Liking a person? Those words were so unfamiliar to Kyle. He thinks of Anna a lot, does that mean he likes her? Romantically? Or he just likes her as a person? Whether he likes Anna romantically or whatever it is, this thought made Kyle's ears red and his tightly gripped on the glass suddenly cracked the glass.

The cracking sound of the glass was heard by everyone that it made them looked at Kyle's direction. They saw him looking so red, his red face made them worried if Kyle is sick or what.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" Kyle's mother, Layla asked in a worried tone. Her son rarely gets sick and whenever he does get sick he is not this red. The redness in his face was so bright in his white skin.

Kyle looked at his mother and he stammered, "I-I'm okay, mom. I-I'm done eating."

After saying that Kyle immediately stood up and went to his room. Was his face was so obvious? He would not know what to do if they have known what he was thinking earlier that made his face bright red.
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"There is definitely something wrong your son, dear sister," Alfonso said to Layla. Saying that he is okay when his face is so red means that Kyle truly is not okay. He wondered what happened to Kyle. At this time as they were eating their dinner, Kyle was just fine; he was silently eating his dinner.

Alfonso only notices the change when he and his niece were talking about Anna's possible husband in the future. Alfonso gasped in realization, 'Is it possible...?' suddenly Alfonso laughed out loud and so did Stan. It looks like he and Stan have the same thought on the matter.

The mother and daughter pair were bewildered by the two people around them. What did they find so funny that it made them laughed like that?

"What is so funny?" Lannie asked. They are laughing instead of worrying about her brother. Her brother might be sick and in Lannie's opinion it's not the time for Kyle to get sick when Juan is still in the picture. She felt that time is running out.

"My dear daughter, you've been planning all this time and now that your hard work has to bear its fruit you didn't even notice the change in your brother." His daughter and son do have some similarity to each other; from time to time they turn blind from what is obvious.

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