REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 135

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"What's wrong? Did you get enough sleep?" Eric notices the dark circles around Kyle's eyes. Despite those dark circles in his face, Kyle still looks so sexy as always. This even made the girls around them drool for him.

'Where's the justice here?! How can he still look so handsome with those on his face?!' For Eric, if he has those dark circles on his face he would look terrible. But then again those are only his thinking when the truth is that he would still look handsome but not as much as Kyle.

Kyle looked at Erik, his friend guessed it right. He did not get enough sleep because he was thinking too much about what he truly feels about Anna. During the whole night, the only person he could think of is Anna and only her.

He truly believes that he had gone mad for falling for Anna. What did he saw in Anna that made him think of her that much? The times they saw each other can be counted in fingers. In Kyle's opinion, he and Anna should have met each other countless times for him to fall for Anna; but it looks like that is not the case, he already falls for Anna in the short time they've seen each other.

"I've been thinking too much that's why I did not have the time to sleep," Kyle lazily replied to Erik's question.

Erik was somewhat surprised by what he just heard. Kyle was thinking too much that he did not get a wink of sleep? That is the first time Erik hear such thing from Kyle. The Kyle he knows wouldn't think too much and would just forget about it right away.

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Erik wonders what did Kyle has been thinking all night that made him wide awake for the whole night. It must have been an interesting topic that Erik truly wants to know. "What is it? Can't believe that it made you look like this today." Erik said snickering at Kyle.

Erik was expecting a glare from Kyle but Kyle totally ignored him until the end of all their classes. Erik has started to notice that there is something so different about Kyle today.

At this time Erik and Kyle reached the parking lot where their cars were parked. Eric stared at Kyle for a moment and said, "How about you leave your car here and let me send you home." At the state that Kyle is in right now, Erik thinks that Kyle will not be able to drive himself home properly.

As a good friend as he is Erik suggest that he should drive him home. 'Safety is at most importance.'

Kyle knows that Erik is worried about him but he is not planning to go just yet, he has someplace to go to and he does not want Erik to come along with him. Kyle looked at his watch and he sees that it is still early but he want to go there as fast as possible to make everything clear to him.

"No need. I can handle this, I'm not that reckless." After saying that, Kyle went inside his car and drove off. He did not even spare Erik to reply black at him.

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Erik stood there at the parking lot watching Kyle drove off. He can't believe that Kyle just left him just like that without even thinking about his suggestion. Kyle replied to him without any seconds thoughts, 'Hmph! How rude!'


Outside Crystal High, Kyle was watching students coming out of the school. He has been outside for an hour now, 'What am I doing here again?'

Kyle is very frustrated at himself for acting like this, all because of one person. He is having a hard time to admit to himself that he likes Anna but the longer he doesn't want to admit it the more frustrated he is.

'This is so not like me.' Kyle was about to drive off but in the corner of his eyes he saw a familiar figure, it was Anna. He stopped and looked at her, she looks so beautiful as ever. It was a beautiful scene but it that scene was ruin when he saw a guy next to Anna, that guy was talking to her.

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He could not hear what they are talking about but Kyle could clearly see that Anna is uncomfortable with that man next to her.


"Anna!" Anna heard her name being called out and she looks around to see who called her.

When she spotted who called her out, a forced smile appeared on her beautiful face. It was Juan who called her outside and Anna could tell that Juan has been waiting for her to come out.

Anna remembers this kind of event in her past life; she was so excited at that time that Juan came to pick her up but it was all just an act that Juan did to deceive her, to make her fall for him more deeply.

Experiencing all this again makes Anna wanna punch Juan's face, but she still has to stop herself from doing that, it is not the right time yet. She will have to let Juan see that she truly trust him and then when he thinks that she is under his control then that is the time Anna will do her next step.
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"Juan! What brings you here?" If Juan can act then Anna can do it too, after all, she learned how to act fake in front of others because of him and Rebecca. 'I'll give you my thanks for that you scumbags.'

"I was having an errand earlier and since it was close by here, I decided to pick you up." Whether he was really on an errand or whatever Anna couldn't care less. All she wanted is to deny Juan's request, she does not want to be in the same car as him.

Of all times that Anna needed her brother, he is not here to save her from this situation. Her brother doesn't have any practice today but he went off somewhere that even Anna doesn't have any idea where he is.

"You don't have to do that, besides I have someplace to go to. I can't go with you, sorry." Anna turned her head around and started to walk away from him.

Seeing that Anna is turning her back on him Juan sneered at her inwardly. Ever since their first meeting, Anna has not shown even the slightest of interest in him and the way she acted towards him is hurting Juan's pride as a man. He did his best just to make Anna be interested in him but it's not working, Anna is so stubborn than he originally thought.

Juan was about to hold Anna to stop her from walking away from him but someone got in his way. "Anna, let's go."

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