REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 136

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Irritated by the fact that some unknown guy is getting near Anna and Anna looks so uncomfortable being with him, Kyle decided to get out of his car.

As Kyle gets near Anna and the guy next to her, Kyle heard Anna saying, "You don't have to do that, besides I have someplace to go to. I can't go with you, sorry." After Anna said that, he saw Anna turning her back on that man and walks away. He also saw that the guy was trying to touch Anna that he decided to hold Anna before he does.

"Anna, let's go!" Anna turns her head to face Kyle and she was shocked that someone suddenly held her and told her to go with him. Kyle was also surprised by this; he wanted to stop the man from touching Anna but he did not expect himself to do something like this.

Before Anna could even reply back at Kyle's sudden declaration, Juan, on the other hand, interrupted her, "Who are you? Where are you gonna take Anna!"

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Kyle ignored Juan and just stared at Anna waiting for her to reply back to him. Anna was so confused by Kyle's sudden appearance in front of her and she couldn't figure out what he is hinting at.

Seeing that Anna is replying back at him, Kyle groaned inwardly. "Anna, what are you doing staring at me like that? If you want to have a staring contest with me, then we can do that later, we're gonna be late." Slowly, Kyle's words were sinking in Anna's mind. She then understood what he is doing.

"Sorry about that." Anna smiled awkwardly, Kyle had been holding her holding for a while now. It was not a bad feeling but it was the same feeling that she felt in her past life holding Juan's hands and she's afraid that if he continues to hold her hands the emotions that she's containing inside will be stirred. "Shall we go?" She asked.

Anna was trying to get her hand back but Kyle doesn't let her do so. "Then let's go." Kyle dragged Anna as they headed towards his car, he has no idea where to go but as long as he can take Anna away from that man then all will be fine.

"H-hey I asked you a question! Where are you taking Anna!" Juan shouted. He can't believe that someone just appeared out of nowhere and took Anna away from his grasp. Juan was raging in anger on the inside; how can he have Anna's heart when someone is getting in his way.

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Anna's brother is already a problem for Juan and he can't have another person to get in his way. If pests kept appearing and blocking him from getting Anna's attention then all the things he has been doing will be in vain.

Kyle heard Juan but Kyle only gave him a glare. Juan flinched from Kyle's glare, Kyle looked like a raging tiger eager to tear it's enemy apart, and its enemy is Juan.

"Where I'm taking her has nothing to do with you," Kyle said in a cold tone voice. After that Kyle let Anna get in his car and drove off somewhere far away from Juan and Juan was left speechless by how Kyle acted towards him.

Inside the car it was quiet and Anna felt more awkward that the only thing she could do is stare outside.

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The long silence was too much for Anna that she decided to speak first, "Thank you for earlier." If Kyle had not appeared earlier she might have break Juan's nose and her grandfather would certainly scold her for doing that since Juan is good at acting to be the victim.

"No problem." After that, silence surrounds them again. They both are in their own thoughts. Anna was thinking about how should she start a conversation with Kyle. While Kyle was figuring out what kind of place does that guy from earlier is in Anna's life.

Kyle then suddenly remembered the conversation his uncle and sister had last night. Anna's grandfather is deciding to marry Anna to someone he thinks who is very suitable for Anna and that guy is currently staying under the same roof as Anna. Kyle could guess that the guy earlier was the guy Anna's grandfather thinks who is very well suited for Anna.

The thought of having that guy living under the same roof as Anna is making Kyle furious. "The guy from earlier, was he your fiance?" Kyle asked he wanted to make sure that is the guy his uncle and sister are talking about.

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Anna looked at Kyle with a surprised looked on her face, "How did you know about that?" Anna and Kyle have never talked to each other since the incident with Elina, so how did Kyle know about that?

"I heard about it from my uncle and Lannie. But that doesn't answer my question." Since Kyle is driving, he couldn't see Anna's reaction when asked that question but he could tell that she was shocked by it. But her reply made him annoyed, 'Does that mean that she and that guy really are engaged?'

If Kyle heard it from Alfonso then it would a no surprise for Anna. How she wishes that her uncle Fonso and Lannie would not spread that nonsense to others. "That guy earlier is not my fiance and hopefully that would not happen. I really don't want to be with that guy."
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Anna sounded to disgusted as she denied the information Kyle heard and Kyle was pleased that Anna doesn't want to be linked with Juan. "I also heard that your grandfather picked him for you, how are you gonna avoid that."

To those who knew Marcus Coleman, they know how strict he is towards his grandchildren. When Marcus thinks that it's for the sake of his grandchildren he will make a decision and that will be the final of it. There is no way for anyone to talk Marcus out of it.

"My grandpa didn't publicize that news yet and hopefully before my grandpa publicized that news I already change his mind on picking that man for me." It clear to Kyle now that Anna would do anything just to erase Juan out of the picture and Kyle would be willing to help her. Also at the same time, he might as well try to get Anna to fall for him.

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