REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 138

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Earlier when the five of them were about to go home, they saw Lannie's brother walking towards somewhere.

At first, Lannie thought that her brother is here to pick her up but when she saw her brother walking towards Anna she was so delighted. So delighted that she wanted to scream out loud.

They also saw how Kyle took Anna away from Juan and drove off somewhere. 'My dad was right! My hard work has finally bear its fruit. Now all I need to do is to make Anna fall for my brother!' Lannie felt like she wanted to cry because of what her brother just did. The happiness that she is feeling right now is something Lannie can't describe verbally.

"Stop smiling like that, Lannie you look like an idiot," Josh said. He was just talking with Zen and Aaron about the upcoming basketball game but when his eyes landed at Lannie; he saw her smiling like an idiot and it is creeping him out.

"'Idiot'? Did you just call me an idiot?" Lannie felt offended hearing that from Josh. She may not be the number one smartest in the whole school but she is though one of the top ten smart students in the whole school. How can she be an idiot in Josh's eyes?! 'How insulting!'

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"You called me an 'idiot' first, idiot." Call him childish but when someone calls him 'idiot' he too will feel offended by it. In their school, he is the smartest one of them all and calling him an idiot is very disrespectful in his opinion.

"You two, stop being childish I don't the time to listen to you guys bickering who's the most idiot one." Aaron harshly said to them.

He was supposed to leave school early but the someone who is supposed to pick him didn't show up. 'Looks like I have no practice for today.'


"What are we doing here?" Anna asked Kyle. The car stopped in a park full of people. Anna wondered, for someone like Kyle who dislikes the crowd, why did he choose this place to stop over?

"Taking a walk, if you want to," Kyle suggested.

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Truthfully speaking, Kyle really doesn't know where they should be going but as he was driving the car passed by a park and then he thought that it may a good spot to be with Anna. Even though there are a lot of people in the park, this is the only thing he could think of to spend a longer time with Anna.

Anna looked at him for a moment and pondered on whether should she accept his suggestion or not. If she declines then Kyle might send her home and she doesn't want to be home right now since Juan is there; it could only ruin her mood.

"Okay." She said agreeing to have a walk with Kyle. Anna sees no problem walking in a park with Kyle. She might as well treasure this moment before Kyle became a super celebrity CEO that is known throughout many countries in the future. She might even brag about this in the future.

Kyle was happy with Anna's response and he hopes that he won't get irritated by the people around them because he wants to treasure the first moment they both have together; just him and Anna.

They were walking side by side; Anna and Kyle heard laughter and talks by the people they passed by. It was not a bad feeling as Kyle thought it would be. He initially thought that the noises the people in the park would make will make him irritated but with Anna by his side, it seems like those people were not there in the beginning; it's just him and Anna walking, feeling the fresh air in their skin, and savoring the moment they both are having right now.

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"Wow, there are so many people here, huh?" This is the first time Anna went to a park where there is so many people walking, talking, laughing, and all sorts of things.

In her past life, Juan would take Anna to a park to show his so-called love for Anna. But the park was closed down just for the two of them. Anna would always ask Juan why the park is closed and Juan's answer would be always, 'I want it to be just for the both of us. I don't want anybody to interfere on our date.' When Anna heard that response from him Anna would feel butterflies in her tummy. She was so happy.

Now in this timeline, Anna knows why Juan closes the park whenever they go; it's because so that nobody would know about the engagement they have. So that Rebecca won't be called as a shrewd woman when she and Juan would be together. For Anna, her past self is so naive to believe and love Juan.

Kyle looked at Anna and he saw her having such a troubled face on her. He wonders what she is thinking right now that made her make that kind of face.
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"What's troubling you?" He asked. If he wants to know Anna then he thinks that this is the first step on doing so.

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Anna was surprised that Kyle noticed the face she is making. There is nothing troubling her but remembering her past life made her feel sad for being so naive. The only person she can blame is, is herself.

"I was thinking of a way to get rid of Juan out of the picture." She truthfully said. There is no need for her to lie about what she truly feels about Juan now since Kyle already noticed it.

"You truly don't like him? Why? Your grandfather chose him for you—"

Anna did not let Kyle finished his sentence and said, "I don't care if grandpa chose him for me. If I was grandpa I would let myself chose the man I think is the right one for me. Besides! I don't have any feelings for that man." Anna hates the fact that all this is happening because her grandfather thinks that Juan is the one for her. Well, he thinks wrong! Juan will be the end of her if she and Juan ended up together.

If Anna can't manage to change her grandfather's mind then she would go to an extreme measure to cut ties with Juan permanently.

It's clear that Juan is manipulating her grandfather and her grandfather is being blind for not seeing Juan's true face. "Juan is a fake! I want my grandpa to see that." Anna added.

Kyle smiled in satisfaction and it is a good thing that Anna did not see that smile or else she's going to misinterpret it. "Maybe I can help you make your grandfather see that guy's true face."

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