REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 139

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"Maybe I can help you make your grandfather see that guy's true face."

Anna looked at him in surprise, 'Why would he help me?' As far as Anna knows, Kyle is not the type of person who would help someone he even barely knows.

If he is going to help her, there must be something he wants in return. Kyle is going to be a very successful businessman in the future; if he were to help someone then, it should also be beneficial for him.

"Why would you help me? Is there something you want in return?" Anna went straight to the point; she won't just accept any of Kyle's help without knowing what he wants from her.

Kyle frown at her; is she questioning him for helping her? Can he help her without anything in return? He doesn't want anything except for the fact that he wants Anna to give her heart to him. But he knows that he cannot force her to do such a thing.

"I'm helping you without anything in return." Kyle sincerely said to her and Anna can feel that he is saying the truth.

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Why is she even cautious in front of Kyle? It's not as if Kyle would do something to her. Anna is worried about nothing.

Anna sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not used to someone helping me." Anna said truthfully. Ever since she started to relive her life again she doesn't ask for help from her close ones. She is afraid that her loved ones will suffer because of those who hated her.

The sadness in her tone made Kyle's heart aches for her. He stopped walking and so did Anna; Anna looked at him in confusion. 'Why did he stop walking?'

Slowly, Kyle raises his hand and gently stroke Anna's hair. It was a very soothing feeling. Anna looked at Kyle and she saw his eyes gently looking at her. Anna's heart started to beat fast seeing that caring eyes Kyle has.

Since Kyle and Anna were very difficult to identify when they are outside the people who were passing by them only thinks of them as a couple who is having a date. Unknown to them, there was a certain reporter who definitely recognizes Anna and Kyle; that reporter saw this as a chance and immediately readied his camera and look at that scene. "This is going to be a big scoop." The reporter excitedly said.

Kyle notices the flash came from a camera and could already guess that there was a reporter who took a picture of them. Usually, he would take action make that reporter delete the photo he was in but it was a photo of him and Anna this could be his way to help Anna get rid of Juan. 'I'll let it slide for now.' Kyle smirked inwardly.

Anna, on the other hand, did not notice the flashed of the camera since she was so busy staring at Kyle and feeling his gentle touch on her hair. When the time she found out about that photo this would certainly stir the emotion inside her.

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"Do you wanna keep on walking or..." Kyle pauses for a moment and stares at Anna. " you want to keep staring at me." Whatever Anna chooses is fine for Kyle because either way, it's a win-win for him.

Anna snapped back to reality when she heard him say that and her face was red as a tomato. "I-I think I n-need to go home now." She stammered.

Anna really wants to slap herself now. She can't believe that she was staring at Kyle like that. 'He must have thought that I have another motive for him.' The last two times they met didn't really go so well.

The misunderstanding between them in the past is still fresh in Anna's memories and she doesn't want another reason for Kyle to misunderstood her.

Kyle was a bit sad that Anna wants to go back to the Coleman residence. He wants to stay with her much longer but he can't force her. If this is what Anna wants them he would comply.

He will take baby steps to get Anna to fall for him. Understanding the kind of person is Anna, he knows that it's going to be hard to enter her heart.

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Kyle is also planning on getting Aaron's approval on him and also Marcus'. As for Anna's mother, Kyle thinks that it is not going to be hard like Aaron's and Marcus but in the future, it is not like what he thinks it is.


Anna and Kyle are now in front of the Coleman residence. All their way here no one was talking, it was not awkward like before or any negative feelings but it was rather a pleasant silence that they both enjoy.

Before Anna gets off Kyle's car, she looked at him and said, "Thank you for the ride and as for earlier, I would be happy to accept your help." Anna gave him a sweet smile before getting off. Just like Aaron, Anna would also do anything to make those unwanted people in her life. If she has to use Kyle then so be it.

After Anna got off his car he didn't leave immediately; he watched her until she got inside the villa and then drove off.
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When Kyle entered his home there was a smile on his face and the people who were waiting for his arrival saw that.

"Mom, that smile on his face means something good happened, right?" Lannie excitedly whispered to her mother.

"Maybe," Layla replied.

When Lannie arrived home earlier the first thing she did is searching for her mother and father and when she found them, she immediately told them what happened earlier. Lannie was beaming with so much excitement that it even affected Stan.

"Son," Stan called out Kyle with a large smile on his face.

Kyle looked at his father, he suddenly felt crept out by his father. 'That smile again.' Kyle groaned inwardly; he's going to be tormented again by father's interrogation. "What is it, dad?" Even though he doesn't want to listen to his father right now he still has to because his father won't stop to annoy him until he gives in.

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