REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 140

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"Tell us." Stan is so eager to know what did his son and Anna did for the whole day. He also wants to know how far did his son go with Anna, 'Did they kiss? Wait, no, it's too early for that.' There is a lot of scenarios happening in Stan's mind but the only way to know everything is for his son to tell him.

"Tell you what?" Kyle doesn't have the slightest idea what could his father wants him to say.

Stan and Lannie groaned loudly; they can't believe how dense Kyle is, the question was so obvious yet how can he not noticed it. "Tell us about your date with Anna! How did it go?" Lannie really wants to know and her brother is wasting too much time!

"Date? What are you talking about?" Kyle would answer whatever they want to ask him but asking about happened between him and Anna that is the only question he won't answer.

Besides the 'date' they are talking about is not really a 'date' in Anna's perspective and this really saddens Kyle a little bit. But in the future, he's gonna make sure that he and Anna will be on the same page.

"Come on! I saw you outside my school and took Anna somewhere! Don't even dare lie to me because I saw it with my own two eyes!" As Lannie said this she was pointing at her two eyes and at the same time she was glaring at her brother. 'Trying to lie eh? Nice try, brother!'

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"Your sister already testified to your deed! There's no need for you to lie to your own family." They say that Kyle and his father are alike but unknown to them, Stan mostly acts like a child whenever his family is around them and Kyle never acts like a child like his father. He and his father are totally not alike to each other it's only a facade that the public made.

"I was with Anna but it was not a date." He hates to admit it but that was the truth; they were not on a romantic date. It's more like an escape from an annoying guy.

"Oh really now? Then how can you explain this!" Lannie said as she shows her phone to her brother.

Kyle frowns at his sister's action but in the end, he took the phone on her hands and looked at it. His eyebrow arched, it was an article and from the looks of it, it's widely spread. It was an article about him and Anna in the park together.

'It's already out, that was fast.' Kyle was smirking inwardly, whoever the reporter who took a photo of them together in the park Kyle has some great words for him for doing such a great job. Even the angle of the photo is great, the faces of Anna and Kyle were clearly seen in the photo.

"You see what you see, I don't have to explain myself to you guys." After saying that Kyle went up to his room as fast as possible; he can't stay any longer with his father and sister. They would only torment him until he spills everything out of his mouth.

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"Hey wait-" Stan is utterly speechless by his own son's rudeness he can't believe that he walks out just like that. Stan turned to his wife and said, "See how rude your son is?! How can he walk out on us just like that?!"

"It's you and your daughter are the one who's at fault here, dear." What Layla said is all true, if they didn't become all so pushy for answers from Kyle maybe Kyle would have willingly answered their curiosity.

The father and daughter pair pouted at what Layla just said. What is so wrong about them asking Kyle's love life? They totally supported Kyle's love interest and for them, it's only natural to gossip about it.


The next day in the Coleman residence, all of them still has no idea what was going on in the news. They did not have the time to look into it since they were all occupied in the things they were interested in during the whole time the news was spreading.

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"Did the twins already left?" Marcus asked.

"Yes they did, they were in a hurry earlier. They did not even eat the breakfast I made for them." Mary said in a sad tone. For these past few days, the twins are always in a hurry in the morning as if they were avoiding to see someone joining them for breakfast.

"Is that so..." Marcus pondered why are the twins are in a hurry to go to their school. Usually, Anna and Aaron are always slow as a snail, it was as if they don't wanna go to school but now it is quite different.

"Good morning," Juan said; he just arrived in the dining room. Mary and Marcus replied back at him and they all together started to eat their breakfast.

They were all focusing on the food in front of them except for Mary who is checking on the media. She was sipping on her coffee and then she suddenly almost spit out the coffee inside her mouth when she saw a certain article.

She was coughing very hard that Marcus and Juan turn to look at her. "What is the matter, Mary?" Marcus asked.

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Since she is still coughing Mary only gave her phone to Marcus to answer his question. Marcus looked at her phone and was very surprised at the article. He looked on the date and it was published yesterday, "What is the meaning of this?!"

In the article, it's said that 'The heir of the Robertson family and the princess of the Coleman family is having a date in the park!' There was more to it but Marcus did not bother read all of it because everything is already explained from the first sentence itself.

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"Obviously father, your granddaughter had a date yesterday with a Robertson," Mary said in a sarcastic tone of voice. "Goodness! When did this daughter of mine and this boy start dating with each other?" Mary asked but she knows that nobody in the dining room will be able to answer her question.

In her head, it was full of question like: 'When did they start dating each other?' 'Does Aaron knows about this?' 'Why did my daughter didn't tell me about this?!'

The more question she has on her mind the more confuse Mary is. She felt that her daughter starting to hide secrets from her, she felt kind of disappointed in Anna.

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