REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 141

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Anna and Aaron just arrived in their school and it's already noisy. Every female student they pass by were all whispering when they saw the twins.

Aaron frowns in annoyance, "These flies are too noisy! It's obvious that they are talking about us." He said in a low voice that only Anna could hear. Even though Aaron couldn't hear what they are talking about, he could tell from the way they look at his and his sister's direction that those students are talking about him or his sister or might be both, either way, Aaron is not liking it.

"Just ignore them, they probably have nothing better to do." Either it's in her past life or now, Anna is used to this kind of routine. This might be one of Rebecca's way of bringing her down and if it is then Rebecca is wasting her time. Anna is not even the slightest affected by it.

Aaron complied to what his sister said. Anna is right these people have nothing better to do and it's quite sad to think that they all came from rich families yet all they do is gossips, shopping, and all sorts of stuff that is pointless and not having to contribute something positive in the society.

When the twins arrived at their perspective classroom, they both saw four familiar faces; it was as if they were waiting for the twins to arrive. "Good morning guys!" Anna excitedly walked near them and gave Nathalia and Lannie a hug.

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"Well, someone's in a good mood," Josh said in a teasing tone.

"Who wouldn't be in a good mood after having a date yesterday." Hearing that statement from Zen made Anna step back and stare at him.

Anna was staring at him as if he was crazy, "What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean what we're talking about? You know what we're talking about!" Nathalia said as she is having a romantic excitement and so is Lannie. They both can't contain their excitement to know all the details that happened between Kyle and Anna yesterday.

"I really don't know what you guys are talking about." Anna turns her head towards her brother and asked, "Do you know what they are talking about, brother?" As much Aaron wants to answer his sister's question, he just couldn't do so because he also has no idea what the others are talking about.

Lannie and the other's stared at Anna waiting for her response but the only response Anna is giving them is a confused look on her face. "What did you do yesterday?" Josh asked.

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"I went to the park with Lannie's brother and that's all I did yesterday," Anna said truthfully.

"That's it?" Zen asked as if he did not believe that is all Kyle and Anna did yesterday. "That's all you can tell us about yesterday? No other details?"

"Details?" Anna is now getting more and more confused by their question; she truly has no idea what they want her to say.

They asked what she did yesterday and she told them yet they are asking for something more? There is really nothing to say.

"Yes! The details about your date with my brother!" Lannie said very loudly that the people in Anna's classroom heard it. Some of those students heard her loud and clear that they started to listen to their conversation. The article from yesterday is spreading like wildfire and it's hard not to get curious and want to know more about it, after all, the article is about the two children from a very wealthy family and those two families are very popular around the globe.

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"What? It was not a date." Anna frowned at them; just because she was with Kyle yesterday and took a walk with him in the park that doesn't mean that they were having a date.

"If it's not a date then, how do you explain this?" Josh showed his phone to Anna and Anna take a look at it. As she read the content of the article she started to get panicked and it was very evident on her face.

"This is not true!" Anna defended. As Anna was about to explain herself, she noticed that her brother was also reading the article with a face that she cannot read. "Brother, this article is not true. It's true I was with Kyle but it was not a date." Anna was somewhat afraid that her brother might do something very ridiculous if he gets the wrong idea.

"If it's not a date then, how do you explain this him caressing your hair and you staring at him like that?" In truth, Aaron knows that Anna is panicking right now but it's kind of fun for him to tease his sister. He doesn't really care if Anna and Kyle had a date yesterday, as long as Anna is happy it's okay. But that doesn't mean that he accepted Kyle just yet. 'If he wants my sister then a trial shall be condoned!'

"T-that's..." Anna stammered and couldn't find the right word to say something back. That photo is what really happened at the park yesterday but Anna couldn't find the right words to tell them that it was really not a date. Anna is feeling so embarrassed and frustrated by that photo, 'Some reporters are really annoying! Why are they invading my privacy?'
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In a faraway country, there was a man with a face almost identical to Anna and Aaron but it is more like a grown-up version of the twins.

He is in a dark room alone pondering and having a glass of alcohol in his hand, the atmosphere in the room was very lonely and the people outside who are guarding the room could feel the loneliness of the person inside.

It was also silent but that silence was disrupted by his phone. The man looked at it and saw a message by a certain someone. The man took a look at it; 'Boss! Take a look at this! Looks like someone is taking your precious away! Haha!'

The man frowned at that message and was also confuse so he takes a look at the article that was sent to him. He was reading it and as he reads the article the more veins popping out on his head and his grip on the glass shattered. "How bold of you." He said referring to the man in the picture.

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