REBORN: Revenge

Chapter 142

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"Hehe. He's definitely not gonna like that article." Leon said after he sends the article of Anna and Kyle in the park to that certain person.

Leon is already imagining the fuming face of that man and as he imagined the fuming face of that man, Leon was grinning widely. He felt that all the years of working for that man has finally paid off by making that man angry.

"Who's not gonna like that article?" Said from the person behind him. Leon turned around and saw Rebecca standing in front of him, she was putting on her 'innocent' face which really irritates Leon.

Leon was not startled that someone suddenly spoke from behind; he already knows that someone was eyeing on him for a while but he did not know who it is. To his annoyance, the person who was watching him was an annoying woman who he would like to kill with his own bare hands.

"Has anyone ever told you that eavesdropping on people is rude?" He said with a hint of annoyance. Rebecca could feel the irritation Leon has on her but she is in front of him now because she wants to use him against Anna; all she could do for now is to contain herself from getting on his nerves even more.

After the scene where Rebecca bad mouthed Anna in the classroom and the scene where he threatened Rebecca that he will make everyone in the school hear the recording of Rebecca bad mouthing Anna, Rebecca has been thinking that a guy like Leon could be very useful.

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If she could only get on his good side then her plans of making Anna miserable will be possible. Rebecca realized that it's hard to get on Leon's good side and she has been wondering why is Leon is only so hostile towards her and yet whenever he talks to Anna he is very friendly.

'It's annoying to think that Leon is so nice to Anna but I'm gonna make sure to change that.' Rebecca said in her mind.

"I-I just want to know who's not gonna like that article, is it bad to know?" Rebecca said as she was on the verge of crying. Leon knows what she is doing, her goal for doing is to make him feel guilty and unfortunately for Rebecca, whether she is crying for real or not he would never feel guilty towards her.

"Have you ever heard the words, 'mind your own business'?" Leon doesn't know why would Rebecca wants to know who would get angry after seeing the article. But he sure knows one thing, this could be one her plots trying to make Anna miserable. 'She is so pathetic.'

After saying those words Leon turns his back on her and walks away leaving Rebecca on her own pathetic acting.

As Rebecca watches Leon walks away from her, she was gritting her teeth and cursing Leon and Anna together. Earlier when she heard him say that someone is not gonna like the article it piques her interest. If she could find that person maybe she could use that person to put Anna in a tight spot.

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Rebecca doesn't want Anna to be happy, it really irritated her that Anna is able to get near to a man like Kyle. He is known to be hard to approach by any women; 'How in hell Anna was able to approach Kyle?!'


"Anna, what is the meaning of this?" Marcus said in an angry tone of voice.

Anna was already tired from Nathalia and the others' interrogation and now as soon as she steps inside the villa, her grandfather's scolding was the first thing she heard. 'Are you kidding me? Can't a girl like me take a break?'

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"You're dating a Robertson? This is unbelievable!" Anna frowned at that sentence from her grandfather. From the way Anna is understanding her grandfather is saying, it was as if she is not even worthy to date someone like Kyle.

"Grandpa, are you saying that my sister is not worthy for a Robertson? How can that be? She's a Coleman and a Coleman deserves someone like Kyle. After all, he did have many great achievements, I don't see any problems if Anna and Kyle are dating each other." Aaron said this as he bravely stared at his grandfather.

As Aaron releases his words, he emphasized the words, 'many great achievements' he is directly hitting Juan who is sitting next to his grandfather. He is hitting him with facts that Juan is not deserving to be with Anna and never will. Also saying that Kyle has many achievements that even Juan will never reach the level Kyle is in.

Juan knows that Aaron is saying those words to make him irritated and it is working. He was containing his anger inside and trying his best not to show it in front of them.

Marcus huffed in anger at what his own grandson just said to him. It's true that Anna is more qualified enough to be with Kyle but he just can't let any Robertson enter in his family. If it is just friend maybe he can tolerate it but joining a Robertson in the family is something he can't allow considering what happened in the past.

When Marcus invited Stan Robertson and Kyle Robertson to his birthday party months ago it was only for public image.

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On the outside, the Robertson and the Coleman are considered to be close friends but on the inside, there was a feud that resulted to something that Marcus Coleman cannot forget and forgive.

But of course, that feud was only known by Marcus and Kyle's grandfather. The parents of Kyle and Anna doesn't have any idea that there was a feud going and it's quite understandable if the children also have no idea of this.

Both grandfathers don't want to talk about such matter that happened in the past they want to forget about it but they can't.

"Father, Aaron is right, I don't see any problem if Anna and Kyle are in a relationship." After saying that Mary turns her attention to Anna and asked, "Are the two of you really dating?"

"No, why would you guys believe what the article says instead of asking the people who are involved directly?" Anna denied everything that is written in the article; she and Kyle are not in a relationship that's what she kept saying to the people who ask her about the article.

"Wel, it better stays that way," Marcus said in a firm tone and after that Marcus left and went somewhere with Juan.

Anna could feel that her grandfather has some issues with the Robertsons but she couldn't figure it out. She wants to ask about it but she's afraid that her grandfather will only get angry at her if she asked.

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